Fizzy’s Heart Beaters

Science and PE Objectives

●  Understand the function of the heart and how it changes with exercise [Sci]

●  Plan and carry out a scientific investigation then review the evidence [Sci]

●  Suggest ways to improve performance [PE]

The Big Questions

●  How does my body change with exercise?

●  How do different activities affect my heart rate and why?

●  How fast do I recover after exercise? How can I improve this?

Lesson / Summary
1 A change of heart / Investigate how and why their bodies change with exercise.
Develop a greater awareness of their hearts and how they work.
Collect evidence by making observations and measurements.
2 Your heart’s content / Investigate and analyse how the body recovers after exercise.
Collect evidence by making observations and measurements.
3 Learn by heart / Analyse and interpret data about heart rate.
Use their understanding of the effect of exercise and rest on pulse rate to solve problems.
Box and website resources / For this unit you will need to:
Look in the box for:
Stupendous Stethoscopes
Tip Top Timers
Pace Perfect Pedometers
Stethoscope Germ Busters / Look on the website for:
The PowerPoints
The Pulse Interactive Game
Colour editable print-outs of all the Pupil
Sheets, Home Cards and Reward Cards

Science Background

The heart is the pump that ensures that every cell in every tissue receives enough oxygen and fuel for respiration – the release of energy that takes place in each cell. Blood circulation then removes the waste products of respiration, including carbon dioxide and heat energy.

Sports people improve the working of their heart muscles through exercise, and so maintain a low resting heart rate. Their healthy hearts also have a fast recovery rate after exercise. One definition of a person’s ‘recovery rate’ is the difference between their heart rate when they have just stopped a strenuous activity (one where they are out of breath) and their heart rate 1 minute later. The healthier the heart, the more it will slow down in the first minute after exercise.

Passing the Baton – Sports Heroes

Challenge the children to set up three different zones in the playground for the whole school to use, each with a different activity for raising heart rates. They could also set up a ‘recovery zone’ to allow heart rates to return to normal.

Fizzy’s Heart Beaters
