SchuylkillCounty IMT Type 5 -Candidate Application
Please complete the information below and then complete the additional steps below.
See Overview and Instructions portion for more details about the application process.
Name: ______
County of Residence: ______
Mailing Address: ______
Home Phone: Office Phone: ( ) ______
Mobile Phone: Pager: ( ) ______
E-Mail: ______
Company Affiliation ______
Current Employer: ______
Mailing Address: ______
Office Phone: ______
Supervisor’s Name / Title: ______
Please provide three references, other than your immediate supervisor, that we may contact to support your
Application for this position:
- ______Phone #______
- ______Phone #______
- ______Phone #______
Supervisor Approval: ______Date: ______
SchuylkillCounty IMT Committee Approval:
1. ______Date: ______
2. ______Date: ______
SchuylkillCounty Emergency Management Coordinator
Approval: ______Date: ______
What positions are you most qualified, or interested in being trained for? Please pick two, one Primary (P) and one Secondary (S).
IMT Chief / IMT Operations Section ChiefIMT Planning Sections Chief / IMT Logistics Section Chief
IMT Finance/Admin Section Chief / IMT Safety Officer
IMT Public Information Officer / IMT Liaison Officer
IMT Staging Manager / IMT Situation Status Unit Leader
IMT Service Branch Director / IMT Resource Status Unit Leader
IMT Support Branch Director / IMT Procurement Unit Leader
IMT Time Unit Leader / IMT Communications Officer
1. Provide documentation of qualifications, or a maximum one-page narrative demonstrating present / past Command experience and experience / training in the Areas you have chosen.
2. Provide certificates of proof of completion for Minimum required courses at the interview and any other Documentation that supports your eligibility for participation as a member of the IMT.
3. Please provide a letter of support from the head of your organization, explaining that they understand the program and will fully Support you in your best efforts to attend required meetings, trainings, exercises, and drills, and disaster deployments.
Please check all of the following courses that you have documentation for indicating that you completed the course.
IS-700 National Incident Management System; Introduction
IS-800 Introduction to the National Response Plan (NRP)
100 Level ICS course – Intro to ICS
200 Level ICS course – Basic ICS
300 Level ICS – Intermediate ICS
400 Level ICS – Advanced ICS
Incident Command System (NFA) or NIMS ICS for the Fire Service (NFA)
ICS for Law Enforcement
Incident Safety officer
Introduction to Unified Command for Multi-Casualty and Catastrophic Incidents
Unified Command (NFA)
Introduction to Command & General Staff Functions in ICS
Command and General Staff Functions in the ICS
All Hazard Incident Management Team – Type 3 (NFA)
ICS for EmergencyOperationsCenter
Position Specific Training
Incident Commander
Operations Section Chief
Planning Sections Chief
Logistics Sections Chief
Finance/Administration Sections Chief
Liaison Officer
Safety Officer
Public Information Officer
Resource Unit Leader
Situation Unit Leader
Service Branch Director
Support Branch Director
Time Unit Leader
Procurement Unit Leader