Application Form for Research Publication Scholarship, Graduate Studies, Fiscal Year Of


Application Form for Research Publication Scholarship, Graduate Studies, Fiscal year of 2018, Application Round …….

1. Student profile

Name-Surname ...... Student ID...... Faculty ......

Program in ...... Mobile phone no......

2. Publication information

2.1 Research title…………......


2.2 Level [ ] National [ ] International

2.3 Type of presentation [ ] Poster [ ] Oral Duration......

Title of Conference ...... Place ......

Organizer...... City/Country ......

2.4 In case publish in Proceeding [ ] Full paper [ ] Abstract

3. Required documents (copy) 4. Estimated Budget

3.1 Conference Document mentioned type of presentation (Oral/Poster)
[ ] Application for the conference [ ] Letter of Acceptance
[ ] 3.2 A copy of GS 23 (Thesis/IS Proposal Approval)
[ ] 3.3 A copy of manuscript
[ ] 3.4 Application form from GSMIS
[ ] 3.5 Conference announcement
[ ] 3.6 Proceedings / 4.1 Registration fee ………………………… Baht
4.2 Accommodation ………….Baht/…. Night(s) = ...... Baht
4.3 Transportation ………………………… Baht
4.4 Others (specify) ………………………… Baht
Total ………………………………… Baht

* Student should advance for payment, and can be refunded according to original receipt.

5. Student acknowledgement

[ ] I am a current student of Khon Kaen University

[ ] This research is a part of thesis/IS and approved in accordance with KKU regulations

[ ] I am proposing for others funding sources (name) ...... amount ...... Baht

[ ] I have never received research publication scholarship from Graduate School, KKU

[ ] This is the [ ] 1st [ ] 2nd application of Research Publication Scholarship Signature……………………….…………………. Student (……………………………………..…………)

Date …………………..……………

6. Advisor’s recommendation

[ ] I recommend that all information is true

[ ] Other comments ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..………

Signature …………………………………………. Advisor


Date …………………..……………

Committee’s Consideration

Approved …..………………… Baht

Not approved because …………………………………………………………………..…………………………………………………………………………………….

Signature ………………….…………….……….……


Date …………………..……………

Note (The submission without Letter of Acceptance is acceptable.)

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