Pennbrook Middle School

Wednesday, May 31, 2017

“F” Day, Cycle 29

School Day 174, Remaining Days 6

Penn Time: Advisory

Final Exam Schedule

6/5: English 8:10 - 9:50

Math 10:00 - 11:40

6/6: Science 8:10 - 9:50

Social Studies 10:00 - 11:40

6/7: Reading & World Language 8:10 - 9:50

Yearbooks are here!

9th graders will receive theirs Tuesday when they return from Camp America and all other grades will be able to pick up in the bus lobby during lunches on Wednesday. If a student still wants to order the books are $48.23 and checks should be payable to NPSD. Cash is accepted.


Volunteers needed Thursday, June1 at the Ambler YMCA. Volunteers will be Marshals directing and cheering runners for a 5K run as well as helping with children's games and activities. If in need of hours or just want to volunteer, please see Mrs. Beard.

End of Year Bus Information and Dismissal Times

Please scroll down to the Bus Information Section of the Bulletin for end of year bus times!

Marching Knights

Attention 8th and 9th graders the North Penn Marching Knights want you! Anyone that plays an instrument or is interested in color guard; even if you have no experience check out the first new member rehearsal Saturday, June 3rd from 9am – 12noon. Don’t want to come by yourself? Bring a friend. There is no audition to become a Marching Knight, simply show up Saturday June 3rd from 9am – 12noon to the NPHS Band room and find out what makes this group so special. Mr.Ted Heller

Lost and Found

Lunch boxes, gym bags, clothing items are now on the windowsills in the cafeteria from the Lost and Found cabinet.

Students are encouraged to check out the cafeteria windowsills.

Unclaimed items will be donated to charity.


Please support the NPHS girls' lacrosse teams LAX for Leukemia Event, raising money for The Leukemia and Lymphoma Society and the Alyssa M. Oxenford Memorial Athletic Scholarship, by eating at (or taking out from) Chick Fil-A (794 Bethlehem Pike, North Wales, PA) anytime from Monday, May 29 through Friday, June 2. Inform them you are to support the NPHS LAX for Leukemia Event and they will donate 10% of your bill

For the most up-to-date and complete Pennbrook sports information, please visit Pennbrook’s Athletic Welcome Page.This can be found under the “Our School” tab: “Pennbrook Athletics.” Sports schedules are posted on the Athletic Welcome Page.

For sports information/questions, please call 215-853-1603 or email Mrs. Kohler

High School Sports

Boys Soccer

There will be a meeting on Wednesday, May 31st, at 6:00 pm on the NPHS turf field for all 8th and 9th grade boys interested in playing high school soccer next year. Boys and their parents should attend the meeting and warm up.

North Penn High School Boys Cross Country

There will be an informational meeting for any 8th or 9th grade boys who is interested in joining the 2017-18 North Penn High School Boys Cross Country Team on Thursday June 1, 3:30 -4:30 PM at North Penn High School. Please take the activities bus after school on June 1st to the High School and a team representative will guide you to the meeting location. Contact Coach Werner with any questions.

Online Registration For North Penn High School Athletes

Includes incoming 9th graders who will try-out for a sport at North Penn High School

Do not register online if playing a 9th, 8th or 7th grade sport at Pennbrook

The Middle Schools are still using paper registration forms.

If you do not have computer access, please contact the NPHS Athletic Dept. - 215-853-1319

Directions to Register Online can be found on the Pennbrook Athletic Welcome Page

Writing Center:Need help writing a paper? Need help editing a paper? Need help revising a paper you already wrote? Come see Miss Senderling in the Writing Center. The Writing Center is open at Penn Time in Room 90 on Mondays, Tuesdays and Wednesdays. Please get a purple pass from your teacher. Students do not need a pass from their subject teacher, they can get it from their Penn Time teacher.

Math Supportis available all studentsevery morning at 7:40AMin theIMC-7. Please bring your books and handouts! TheMath Centeris also open duringPenn Timeinroom 89. All students are welcome. Please get a purple pass from your Penn Time teacher.

After School Pickup

Pennbrook parents: Please be aware that we encourage those parents picking students up in the front of the building at dismissal to please move as far up to the front of the building as possible when parking and waiting for your child. This will help to alleviate the back up of traffic onto North Wales Road. Thank you for your assistance with this.

Jr. ROTC: Please be aware that you can obtain information regarding theJr. ROTCProgram from the High School by clicking on the JROTC/teacher site


*Last Day for Work Study Bus: Friday, May 26

*Last Day for Middle School Late Bus: Thursday, June 1

Last Day for Middle School Tech Students: Friday, June 2

Early Dismissal Times for last week of school:

Monday June 5th dismiss at 11:40am

Tuesday, June 6th dismiss at 11:40am

Wednesday, June 7th dismiss at 10:00am

Thursday, June 8th dismiss at 11:50am

Sports Shuttle: There is a 3:00 pm Sports shuttle from Pennbrook to the High School.*

Late Bus:North Penn School District runs a late bus every Tuesday and Thursday. Students are picked up from Pennbrook at 5:15PM.*

High School Late Bus:Late Buses from North Penn High School run Mondays, Wednesdays & Thursdays.

IMPORTANT INFORMATION:To schedule an appointment with Mr. Galante, please call 215-853-1600 or email Mrs. McConaghy

Lunch Accounts:Remember to put money into your child’s lunch account. It is very easy with the new program: follow the on-screen instructions to create an account. There is a convenience charge each time a deposit is made through schoolcafe. Payments by cash or check can also be sent into school with your student.


All absences should be made by a phone call, note, email or fax. If you have reported the absence to attendance by anyone of these means, you DO NOT have to notify the school in any other way. If your student arrives late, they must present an excuse for tardiness at the attendance office. If a phone call, email, note or fax is not received by the attendance office, the absence will be unexcused.


(please note that you must have the underscore _ before the PBAttendance when emailing)

Fax: 215-699-0151 Attn: Attendance Office

Call: Attendance at 215-853-1602 or the main office at 215-699-9287

Days Absent:When a student is absent for three or more days a request can be made for missed assignments through Mrs. Behrens or by ou can also check your student’s teacher’s web page on Pennbrook’s website. Most teachers post their assignments on a regular basis.

Vacation:If going on vacation during the school year please make sure to send a note at least one week in advance to the Attendance Office. If your absence will exceed ten school days, you will need to contact Ms. Janeen Marzewski, Registrar, at 215-368-0400 to make an appointment to re-register before returning to school.

Student Pickup:For questions or information on picking up your child during the school day, please call 215-853-1601 or email Mrs. Behrens

Student Illness/Nurse:Students should not be using cell phones to call home when they are ill. Students need to visit the Nurse and the Nurse should contact the parents to come and pick up their student. Please remind your children regarding this rule.

Visitors:All visitors to Pennbrook are required to show their NPSD staff ID or a driver’s license at our reception desk. If you are coming to an IEP, Team or Teacher meeting or to volunteer, you must show your license and register with our new security system.

Id Cardsare available from Mrs. Lancia in the Guidance Office for $3.00.

Information Changes:If the home address, home/cell phone number, email address or guardianship of your child changes, please contact the Guidance Secretary, Mrs. Lancia r call 215-853-1610

Parents Please Note:If you are withdrawing your student from Pennbrook due to a family move or changing to another school within the District or out of state – please email Mrs. Lancia, Guidance Secretary,,so records can be copied and sent. Mrs. Lancia will email you the forms necessary so she can withdraw your student.