Species Checklist of Microbes

Compiled by-

Prof.Md. Nural Anwar Ph.D.

Dept. of Microbiology


Name of Species Group References

Bacilluspulvifaciens /


/ M.R. Khan and M.N. Anwar*, Studies on two microbial strains and their antibiotics. Bangladesh J. Bot. 8(1&2): 51-57, 1999.
Pseudomonas sp. /


/ Y.S.A. Khan, A. Hakim, H. Zaman and M.N. Anwar*. Bacterial black spot disease of shrimp in Bangladesh. Mahasagar, 17(2): 125-127, 1984.
Bacillus subtitles
B. circulars
B. coagulans
B. pumilus
B. megatorium
B. cereus
B. firmus
B. licheniformis
B. pulvifaciens /


/ Jaripa Begum, M.N. Anwar*, S.K. Majumder, H.S. shetty. Isolation of microbes from three groundnut seed pests. Indian J. Microbial. 27:68-72, 1987.
Bacillus spp.
Micrococus spp.
Staphylococus spp.
Achromobacter spp.
Flavobacterium spp.
Pseudomonas spp. /


/ M.N. Anwar*, S.B. Shaha and M.A. Hakim Effect of freezing and frozen storage on the quantity and types of bacteria in shrimp. Bangladesh J. Bot. 17(1): 85-88, 1988.
Escherichia coli
Faecal streptococi /


/ M.N. Anwar*, S.B. Shaha and Y.S.A. Khan. Effect of freezing and frozen storage on the faecal indicator organisms in shrimp. Bangladesh J. Bot. 17(1): 95-97, 1988.
Pseudomonas /


/ S.B. Shaha, Y.S.A. Khan, M.A. Hakim and M.N. Anwar*. A note on bacterial flora of freshly caught prawn from Bangladesh. Mahasagar, 21(4): 253-256, 1988.
Alternasia sp.
Aspergillus nigervan Tiegh
A. flavus Link
A. fumigatus Fries
A. candidus Cr.
Chaetomium sp.
Colletotrichum corchori
Ikata & Yoshida
Curvularia sp.
Fusarium sp.
Macrophomina phascolina

(Tasi) Goid

Penicillium sp. /


/ M.R. Haider, Jaripa Begum and M.N. Anwar*, Mycoflora associated with jute seeds collected from five districts of Bangladesh, Chittagong University Studies Part II Science, 16(1): 61-69, 1992.
Cellulomonas sp. / Bacteria / S.K. Naha, M.S. Rahman and M.N. Anwar* Cellulolytic microorganisms of soil under deciduous and evergreen forest at Chittagong University Campus, Bangladesh J. Forest Sci. 27(1): 42-48, 1998.
Cellulomones sp.
Pseudomonas sp. / Bacteria / M.N. Anwar* and M.Z. Azman. Isolation of cellulolytie microorganisms and screening for cellulose activity. Bangladesh J. Microbial, 11(1): 49-54, 1994.
Cellulomonas fimi
C. uda
C. biazotia
C. cellusea
Mycobacterium -
lavaneformes / Bacteria / S.M.Z. Hosain and M.N. Anwar*. Isolation of cellulohytic microorganisms from forest and garbage soil and sereening for cellulase activity I. The cellulohytic bacteria. Bangladesh J. Bot. 25 (1): 19-24, 1996.
Cellulomones fimi
C. cellusea
C. biazotea
Streptomyces spp.(5) / Bacteria / M/A. Manchur and M.N. Anwar* Isolation of thermophilic microbes and screening for their cellulase activity, scarification, protein and biomass production. Bangladesh J. Bot. 27 (1): 25-30, 1998.
Rhizopus oryzae
/ Bacteria / M.A. Mortuza, M.S. Rahman, and M.N. Anwar*. Cellulohytic microorganisms of soil in Albizia procesea forest plantation. Bangladesh J. Microbial 18(2): 15-20, 2001.
Cellulomones flavigella
/ Bacteria / M.A. Mortuza, M.S. Rahman and M.N. Anwar* Cellulohytic microorganisms of soil in Albizia procesea forest plantation. Bangladesh J. Microbial. 18 (1): 15-20, 2001.
Aspergillus sp.
Colletotrichum corchori
Macrophomina phaseolina
Panicillium spp.
Phizopus spp. /


/ A.U. Mridha and M.N. Anwar*. Observation of some Mycoflora associated with jute seeds, ChittagongUniversity studies part-II 3:101-103, 1979.
Aspergillus niger.
Aspergillus flavus
Fusarium sp.
Curvularia sp. /


/ A.U. Mridha and M.N. Anwar*. Effects of cultures filtrates of fur common seed fungi on the germination and seedling growth of rice. Bangladesh J. Agriculture, 5(3):135-138, 1980.
Penicillium digitatum
Saccordo /


/ M.N. Anwar* M. Rahman, Tashim Uddin Chowdhury and Jaripa Begum. Studies on antibiotic producing microbial strains and their antibiotics, Bangladesh J.Sci. Ind. Res. 29 (3): 71-81, 1994.
Cunningamela bertholletiae


Hormodendrum olivaceum


Rhizopus oryzae
West & Gerlings /


/ M.T. Hossain, S. Akter, M.S. Rahman, M.A. Manchur and M.N. Anwar*. Isolation of protease producing fungi and their protease activity. The ChittagongUniversity. J. Sci. 23(2): 101-106, 1994.
Aspesgillus fumigatus


A. sydowi Thom & church
A. flavipes Bainier &Sartory
Rhizopus oryzae
Went & Gerlings /


/ S. Akter, M.T. Hossain, M.S. Rahman, M.A. Manchur and M.N. Anwar*. Isolation of analyze producing fungi and their amylase activity. The ChittagongUniversity. J. Sci. 23(2): 107-113, 1999.
Trichoderma glauvum
T. album
T. koningi
T. lignorum
Aspergillus niger
A. flavus
A. ochracious
Penicillium sp.
Rhizopus sp.
Cephalosporium sp.
Gymnoascus sp.
Oospora sp.
Micrococcus liteus



/ M.A. Mortuza, M.S. Rahman, and M.N. Anwar*. Cellulohytic microorganisms of soil in Albizia procera forest plantation. Bangladesh J. Microbial 18(2): 15-20, 2001.
M.A. Mortuza, M.S. Rahman, and M.N. Anwar*. Cellulohytic microorganisms of soil in Albizia procera forest plantation. Bangladesh J. Microbial 18(2): 15-20, 2001.
Aspergillus flavus Link /


/ Jaripa Begum, M.N. Anwar* and S.K. Majumder. An investigation on Aspergillus flavus Link as a potential biocontrol agent for groundnut seed pert. Bangladesh J. PL. Pathol. 2(1):27-321986.
Aspergillus flavus
A. niger
A. ruber
A. versicolor
A. sydowl
A. glaucum
A. terreus
Penicillum rogulosum
P. decumbens
P. decumbens
P. islandicum
Cladosporium sp. /


/ Jaripa Begum, M.N. Anwar*, S.K. Majumder, H.S. Shetty. Isolation of microbes from three groundnut seed pests. Indian J. Microbial. 27:68-72, 1987.
Aspesgillus niges
A. flavus
A. Ochraceous
Trichoderma lignorum
Cephalosponium sp.
Penicillium sp.
Rhizopus sp. /


/ S.K. Naha, M.S. Rahman and M.N. Anwar* Cellulolytic microorganisms of soil under deciduous and evergreen forest at Chittagong University Campus, Bangladesh J. Forest Sci. 27(1): 42-48, 1998.
Aspergillus niger
A. flavus
Fusarium moniliformae
F. semiteclum
Curvularia Lunata /


/ M.N. Anwar*, and A.U. “Mridha. Effect of culture filtrate of some fungi on seed germination of some important crops. Seeds and Farms. 13(1): 31-34, 1987
Aspergillus niger
A. flavus
A. ochraceous / Fungi / S.M.Z. Hosain and M.N. Anwar*. Isolation of cellulolytic microorganisms from forest and garbage soil and screening for cellulose activity II. The cellulolytic fungi. ChittagongUniversity studies, Part II, Science, 20 (1): 83-88, 1996.
Aspergillus humicola
chaudhuri Litt.
A.funiculosus G. smith
A. flavus Link
A. fumigatus Fregenius
Mortierella subtilissima
Mucor pusillus Lindt.
Perconia cookei
Masson & M.B. Ellis / Fungi / M.R. Rahman and M.N. Anwar*. Isolation of thermophillic fungi and screening for their cellulose activity, saccharification protein and biomass production. Bangladesh J. Microbiol, 13 (1&2): 57-62, 1996.
Rhizopus sp.
Sclerotium rolfsii Sacc.
Trichoderma sp.
Verticillium sp.
Flavobacterium spp.
Pseudomonas spp. /


/ M.R. Haider, Jaripa Begum and M.N. Anwar*, Mycoflora associated with jute seeds collected from five districts of Bangladesh, Chittagong University Studies Part II Science, 16(1): 61-69, 1992.
Aspergillus niger
A. flaves
A. nidulans
A. ochraceaus /


/ M.N. Anwar* and M.Z. Azman. Isolation of cellulolytie microorganisms and screening for cellulose activity. Bangladesh J. Microbial, 11(1): 49-54, 1994.
Streptomyces spp.
(five strain) /


/ M.N. Anwar*, M. Rahman, Jashim Uddin Chowdhury and Jaripa Begum. Isolation and characterization of five antagonistic micro-organisms. ChittagongUniversity studies, Part II, Science, 17(1): 103-108, 1993.
Pevicillium sp. (five) / Actinomycetes / M.N. Anwar* and M.Z. Azman. Isolation of cellulolytie microorganisms and screening for cellulose activity. Bangladesh J. Microbial, 11(1): 49-54, 1994.
Cellulomones fimi
C. cellusea
C. biazotea
Streptomyces spp.(5) / Actinomycetes / M/A. Manchur and M.N. Anwar*. Isolation of thermophilic microbes and screening for their cellulase activity, scarification, protein and biomass production. Bangladesh J. Bot. 27 (1): 25-30, 1998.
Strcptomyces spp. (3) / Actinomycetes / S.M.Z. Hossain and M.N. Anwar*. Cellulohytic actinomycetes from soil and Garbage. Bangladesh J. life Sci. 10 (1&2): 109-15, 1998.
Steptomyces sp. / Actinomycetes / M.N. Anwar* M. Rahman, Tashim Uddin Chowdhury and Jaripa Begum. Studies on antibiotic producing microbial straing and their antibioties, Bangladesh J.Sci. Ind. Res. 29 (3): 71-81, 1994.
Steptomyces sp. / Actinomycetes / S.K. Naha, M.S. Rahman and M.N. Anwar* Cellulohytic microorganisms of soil under deciduous and evergreen forest at Chittagong University Campus, Bangladesh J. Forest Sci. 27(1): 42-48, 1998.
Streptomyces sp. /


/ M.R. Khan and M.N. Anwar*, Studies on two microbial strains and their antibiotics. Bangladesh J. Bot. 8(1d2): 51-57, 1999.
Streptomyces spp.(2) / Actinomycetes / M.A. Mortuza, M.S. Rahman and M.N. Anwar*. Cellulohytic microorganisms of soil in Albizia procesea forest plantation. Bangladesh J. Microbial. 18 (1): 15-20, 2001.