B.A. Sociology (General)

Scheme of Courses and Syllabus

Under Choice Based Credit System (CBCS)

Sidho- Kanho- Birsha University


BA Sociology (General)

Core Course 01

(No. of Classes: 60)

Total Marks – 60 (50 + 10 Internal Assessment)

Introduction to Sociology

1. Nature and Scope of Sociology(No. of Classes: 30)

History of Sociology

Relationship of Sociology with other Social Sciences: Anthropology



2. Sociological Concepts(No. of Classes: 30)

Status and Role




Structure and Function

Social Control and Change


Sociology of India

(No. of Classes: 60)

Total Marks – 60 (50 + 10 Internal Assessment)

  1. India as a Plural Society(No. of Classes: 5)
  1. Social Institutions and Practices(No. of Classes: 25)





Family and Kinship

  1. Identities and Change(No. of Classes: 15)

Dalits’ Movement

Women’s Movement

  1. Challenges to State and Society(No. of Classes: 15)



Core Course 03

Sociological Theories

(No. of Classes: 60)

Total Marks – 60 (50 + 10 Internal Assessment)

  1. Karl Marx(No. of Classes: 20)


Materialist Conception of History

Class and Class Struggle

  1. Emile Durkheim(No. of Classes: 20)

Social Fact

Forms of Solidarity


  1. Max Weber(No. of Classes: 20)

Ideal Types and Social Action

Types of Authority


Methods of Sociological Enquiry

(No. of Classes: 60)

Total Marks – 60 (50 + 10 Internal Assessment)

1. The Logic of Social Research(No. of Classes: 20)

What is Sociological Research?

Objectivity in the Social Sciences

2. Methodological Perspectives(No. of Classes: 20)

The Comparative Method

The Ethnographic Method

3. Modes of Enquiry(No. of Classes: 20)

Theory and Research

Analyzing Data: Quantitative and Qualitative

Discipline Specific Elective 01

Religion and Society

(No. of Classes: 60)

Total Marks – 60 (50 + 10 Internal Assessment)

1. Understanding Religion(No. of Classes: 15)

Sociology of Religion: Meaning and Scope

Sacred and Profane

2. Religion in India(No. of Classes: 35)







Tribal Religion: Salient Features

3. Secularism & Communalism(No. of Classes: 10)

Discipline Specific Elective 02

Marriage, Family and Kinship

(No. of Classes: 60)

Total Marks – 60 (50 + 10 Internal Assessment)

1. Introduction: Kinship(No. of Classes: 15)

Biological and Social Kinship

Cultural Kinship

  1. Family and Household(No. of Classes: 20)

Structure and Change

Reimagining Families

  1. Contemporary Issues in Marriage, Family and Kinship(No. of Classes: 25)

Choice and Regulation in Marriage

Power and Discrimination in the Family

Marriage Migration

Generic Elective 01

Indian Society: Images and Realities

(No. of Classes: 60)

Total Marks – 60 (50 + 10 Internal Assessment)

1. Ideas of India: Civilization, Colony, Nation and Society (No. of Classes: 20)

2. Institutions and Processes (No. of Classes: 40)

Village, Town and Region

Caste, Religion and Ethnicity

Family and Gender

Political Economy

Generic Elective 02

Gender and Violence

(No. of Classes: 60)

Total Marks – 60 (50 + 10 Internal Assessment)

1. What is Gendered Violence? (No. of Classes: 15)

2. Structural and Situated Violence (No. of Classes: 30)

Caste, Gender and Violence

Domestic and Familial Violence

Gender and the Conflict Situation

Violence, Harassment and the Workplace

3. Sexual Violence (No. of Classes: 15)

Skill Enhancement Course 01

Applied & Action Sociology

Total Marks – 20

1. Sociology, Applied Sociology & Action Sociology (No. of Classes: 7)

2. Schedules and Questionnaires Framing (No. of Classes: 5)

3. Techniques of Report Writing (No. of Classes: 4)

4. Referencing (No. of Classes: 4)

Skill Enhancement Course 02

Visual Culture: Practicum

Total Marks – 20

1. Visual Culture and the Process of ‘Seeing’ (No. of Classes: 7)

2. Capturing Realities through the Use of Camera(No. of Classes: 5)

3. Interpretations of the Images and Caption Writing (No. of Classes: 8)