Sunday 23rd October 2011
10.30am Morning Worship led by Revd Eric Fisher
Scripture:Lev. 19.1-2,15-18pg. 596
Matthew 22.34-46pg. 33
Theme:Loving our neighbours
4.00pm Pastoral Group, 2 Queens Row
8.00pm Badminton, Ansell Centre
10-11.30am Come in for Coffee, Community Room
10.15am Prayer Service, Church
12 noon Lunch Study Group, 2 Queens Row
7.30pm Guild - John Cunningham on ‘Building Walls’, Community Room
8.00pm Prayer & Praise, Monks Eleigh URC
8.00pm What Do You Think?, The George
2.00pm Bible Study, Whatfield Salvation Army
10-12noon Church Gardening
7.30pm Digital Cinema, Ansell Centre
2-4pm Scrabble Group, Community Room
Next Sunday
10 for 10.30am Cafe Church in the Ansell Centre
Items for your prayers
·We will be having a Cafe Service on 30th October at which Eliza Bennett will make her own profession of faith. Pray for Eliza as she prepares for this important occasion. Ask God to show you who you should invite to the service.
·We shall be hosting the Royal British Legion Remembrance Service on the afternoon of Sunday 13th November. Pray for all the preparations and that the service will be a witness of God’s love for young and old.
Notices for the Week
·Ronnie & Ann are celebrating their ruby wedding anniversary TODAY. They invite everyone to join them for coffee/tea and cakes after the service in the Ansell Centre.
·Looking Ahead - 2nd 7.30pm Film Discussion Group looks at ‘The Social Network’; 3rd 7.30pm in the Community Room, the ACC AGM; 4th 8.00pm AC, Folk & Acoustic night.
·What Do You Think? Meets this Wednesday, 8pm in The George to discuss ‘Retirement’. All men welcome. Jim.
·Digital Cinema is showing ‘Another Year’ (12A) this Friday at 7.30pm in the Ansell Centre.
·Walk Thru the Old Testament is an exciting way of learning about this ancient part of our Bible. It is happening on Saturday 19th November in the Ansell Centre, costs £10 and is organised by churches in Hadleigh. See the flyers and booking forms in the Vestibule.
·Remembrance Sunday is 13th Nov. We will be gathering in the shoeboxes at our morning service. In the afternoon we will be hosting the British Legion Remembrance Service. Please see Sylvia (829166) if you can help with the cleaning of the gallery on the morning of Saturday 12th. Jim.
·The URC Prayer Handbook for 2012 can be ordered. Please see Jim before the end of the month.