6/2015/0302Mr ElliottRaise existing ridge height to form first floor living accommodation with side dormer window. Demolish existing garage and erect a new two storey granny annexe. 2 Slough Lane, Upton.

  1. Out of keeping with the character of the area.
  2. Overlooking the neighbouring property from the north side.
  3. Recommend refusal.

6/2015/0311Mr FisherUse of land for siting of mobile home – Certificate of Lawful use – Proposed. 45 Dorchester Road, Upton.

  1. The committee reluctantly accepts the legal argument put forward by the applicant, but is deeply concerned that the certification undermines the already enfeebled control over the quality and impact of development.
  2. We note that items 2.3 and 2.6 appear to be mutually contradictory –
  3. There would be no physical separation between the main house and the mobile home.

2.6 It would be sited approximately 25 metres from the closest elevation of the main building.

3.We also note that the developed argument turns on the concept of ancillary accommodation for the applicant’s family. We hope that any future use of the structure for any commercial purpose or for occupation other than by the applicant’s family would invalidate that argument and would lead to withdrawal of the certificate.

6/2015/0339Mr ThompsonRaise existing roof pitch and ridge height; erect two storey side extension and install dormer windows and rooflights to front and rear elevations. Erect replacement double garage. Sunridge, Maylyn Road, Beacon Hill.

1, No objection.

6/2015/0347Mr & Mrs PritchardRemove existing conservatory and erect single storey rear extension. Reeds End, Beach Road, Upton.

  1. No objection.

6/2015/0351Mr & Mrs DavisRoof alterations to raise ridge height and form first floor accommodation, including balcony at rear and erect rear extension. (Revised scheme to PP 6/2014/0651), 80 Sandy Lane, Upton.

  1. No objection.

6/2015/0353Mr & Mrs LangdaleErect rear single storey extension. 88 Dorchester Road, Upton.

  1. No objection.

6/20015/0366Upton Poole LtdDemolition of car repair workshop to rear and conversion and extension of car showroom to form Class A1 convenience store with two bedroomed flat above and new access and car park. The Upton Garage, 6 Poole Road, Upton.

  1. We are concerned about the number of vehicles exiting from the car park at the rear of the development across the existing cycleway/pavement onto Poole Road, very close to a pedestrian crossing.
  2. We are concerned about the impact of additional vehicles parking on the road outside the new store – as of now motorists use the cycleway/pavement as part parking provision.
  3. The absence of a raised kerb and on-pavement markings apparently creates real issues.
  4. Where will delivery vehicles park? At present they park in the recessed area to the west of the existing store, which will be further away from the new store.
  5. We would suggest an on-site meeting with Planning Officers to discuss the parking/exit issues.
  6. We feel that the property line shown on the plan is incorrect as the area at the front is owned by Dorset County Council.
  7. The proposed cycle stands shown on the plan are on DCC land.
  8. Paragraph 3 under 2.0 Site Analysis is a gross misrepresentation of the truth. Cars are no longer repaired on the site.
  9. There is concern that the surface water running into The Crossways will be exacerbated by this development.
  10. Recommend refusal.

6/2015/0390Mr Mark FergussonErect single storey garage. 89 Sandy Lane, Upton. Retrospective.

  1. No objection.

Application for Telecommunications Prior Notification – Other Development

TEL/2015/0022Harlequin GroupOpenreach broadband cabinet – PCP-023. 146 Dorchester Road, Upton.

TEL/2015/0024CTIL & VodafoneUpdrade to existing telecommunications apparatus. Telecommunication Mast Site, Dorchester Road, Upton.

