St. Michael Mass Schedule and Intentions
Sunday, June 5, 2016 – Tenth Sunday in Ordinary Time
Saturday / June 4 / 5:30 PM / Hellen VillaSunday / June 5 / 8:00 AM / Debbie Stephan
11:00 AM / Rita Brown
Tuesday / June 7 / 8:00 AM / James Edrington, Sr
Wednesday / June 8 / 7:00 PM / Herbert Gettelfinger
Thursday / June 9 / 8:00 AM / Charles Fessel
Saturday / June 11 / 5:30 PM / Charles, Pearl, and Dale Keisler
Sunday / June 12 / 8:00 AM / Mary Jo Elder
11:00 AM / Parishioners of St. Michael
ST. BERNARD: Sat. 4:00 PM & Sun. 9:30 AM
*Please Note: Mass intentions are running about 3 months out – if you have a request for later in the year, get it in sooner than later.
Office Hours
Barb Rainbolt, will be in the office Mon-Thurs 8:30am – 2:30pm
Stephanie McCoy, Stanley Zollman, Sherry Fleck, Anna Kaelin & Family, Kenny Jacobi, Irma Barnard, Angela Runkel, Deanna Cardwell, Lenny Alderman, Rose Kiefer, Tony Fenwick, Megan Faith Barr, Martha Jane Wingler, Renee Pluginik, Jean Baker, Donna Ernst, Shirley Uhl, Shirley Jones, Peggy Hobbs
Prayer List Update – Do you have someone to add/remove from the prayer list or the military list? Please call the office at 812-364-6646 or e-mail us at:
Please remember in your prayers our Military Members and their Families.
CPO Johnathan Akers, Danny Baker, SRA Benjamin M. Fouts, Chris Ethridge, Bobby Ethridge, Tyler Hall, Major Scott Schroeder, Zachary Shinkle, Matt Train, Taylor Pendleton, William Gilmer, LCpl Mark Snapp
Weekend of June 11th &12th, 2016
Sat. 5:30 PM
EM: Joanne Kochert, Linda Smith, Nadine Kaelin, Jesse Waller, Janice Allen
L: Cherie Vickers
S: Kathy Skaggs
SVRS: Olivia Abner, Rebecca Gleitz
U: Syl Kaelin, Joe Jacobi, Melvin Jacobi, James McGuirk
M: Quartet: Tim, Kathy, Vickie, Geralyn
Sun. 8:00 AM
EM: Katy Casper, Marlene Neumann, Pam Waller, Mike & Rosanne Shireman
L: Pam Waller
SVRS: Cameron & Colin Higdon
U: Kenneth Beach, Gary Geswein, David Buechler, Wayne Jacobi
M: Children’s Choir
Sun. 11:00 AM
EM: Kim Renneker, Jerry Thompson, Pam Martin, Catherine & Dennis Ernst
L: Stephanie Jacobi
S: Frank & Jean Krider
SVRS: Reece Harkness, Jarrod Sparrow
U: Bob Book, Aaron Smith, Sally & Bernie Gettelfinger
M: All Musicians
Soup Kitchen
If you would like to help feed the poor, we need your help to go and fix lunch and serve it on Monday June 20th, 2016. If you can go/help, please call Joanne Kochert at 812-267-5291 or 812-364-6623. We will leave around 7:45am and return about 2:30pm. Excellent turn out this past week – Thank you!!
APRIL 2016
April 3, 2016 / $8,156.75 / $7,134.65 / $1,022.10
April 10, 2016 / $8,190.22 / $7,134.65 / $1,055.57
April 17, 2016 / $5,104.10 / $7,134.65 / ($2,030.55)
April 24, 2016 / $6,181.11 / $7,134.65 / ($953.54)
MONTHLY TOTAL / $27,632.18 / $28,538.60 / ($906.42)
YTD TOTAL / $332,247.31 / $309,166.70 / $23,080.61
SUN: : Senior Recognition Mass 11:00 a.m.
MON: Bible Study 9:30 a.m.
TUE: Quilting 9AM – 2PM
Next SUN: Men’s Group 7:00 p.m.
Readings for the Week Ahead
Sunday: - 1 Kings 17:17-24; Galatians 1:11-19; Luke 7:11-17
Monday: 1 Kings 17:1-6; Matthew 5:1-12
Tuesday: 1 Kings 17:7-16; Matthew 5:13-16
Wednesday: 1 Kings 18:20-39; Matthew 5:17-19
Thursday: 1 Kings 18:41-46; Matthew 5:20-26
Friday: 1 Kings 19:9a, 11-16; Matthew 5:27-32
Saturday: Acts 11:21b-26; 13:1-3; Matt 10:7-13
Next Sunday: Samuel 12:7-10, 13; Galatians 2:16, 19-21; Luke 7:36 - 8:3
Little Angels Pre-School Registration is Open
“We Believe Every Child is Special and Every Child is Unique”
Come join the learning fun in the Catholic Faith here at St. Michael Little Angels Preschool! The preschool offers a 2 and 3 day class preparing children for kindergarten.
Mrs. Beth teaches activities that are designed to:
*Build Self Confidence
*Develop Vocabulary
*Encourage recognition of differences in sound, size shape and color.
*Increase interest in books, numbers, and people.
*Improve Coordination
*Introduce new ideas
*and much much more!
Grab a flyer in the Narthex and/or call Beth Gettelfinger at 812-364-6173 or 812-620-2807
Event Planning Committee
Will be meeting Wednesday, June 8th at 7:30pm in the Church basement. This is an open committee: All with ideas and interest are welcome!
Deanery News
Financial Peace University is coming to St. Mary Catholic Church, Lanesville this summer! This nine-week course, led by parishioners Matt and Janna Schickel, will be offered on Sunday evenings (5:00-7:00pm) beginning June 5. Free childcare is available by request and a significant discount is being offered on class materials for those who register by May 27. Whether you are struggling to make ends meet or you’re a millionaire, Financial Peace has something for you! Please contact the Parish Office at (812) 952-2853 or for more information.
Please support our Sponsors
Faith Formation Office Hours are: St. Michael Church - Monday - Thursday 9:30 a.m. – 5:00 p.m., Fridays 1:00 – 5:00 p.m. and St. Bernard Church – Fridays 10:00 a.m. – 12:00 p.m.
Faith Formation News:
Confirmation Certificates – We have a Confirmation certificate for everyone who celebrated the Sacrament this year. If you have not received yours please pick it up in the Faith Formation Office. Thanks!
Congratulations! St. Michael Church would like to wish congratulations to all of our high seniors who graduated from high school. Please keep them in your prayers:
Duncan Bishop Logan Bishop
Abby Book Blair Book
Megan Evans Victoria Fleck
Alex Flock Clayton Fonda
Breah Gettelfinger Carissa Gettelfinger
Jason Gleitz David Harbeson
Lucas Harshfield Sam Harshfield
Logan Hoehn Isaac McMillin
Alyssa Robbeloth Clayton Stumler
Congratulations! St. Michael Church would like to wish congratulations to Megan Evans for being chosen to receive the Rev. Bernard Koopman Memorial Scholarship and to Logan Bishop for being chosen to receive the Joel Van Bree Memorial Scholarship. We are blessed here at St. Michael to be able to support our youth in this fashion through the generosity of the family and friends of Fr. Bernie and Joel and our parishioners. Congratulations to you both and God’s blessings on your futures.
Congratulations! St. Michael Church would like to wish congratulations to the following youth for being awarded the Leadership and Faithful Involvement Award by the Catholic Youth Ministries of the New Albany Deanery: Duncan Bishop, Logan Bishop, Megan Evans, and David Harbeson. Also, we wish congratulations to Megan Evans for being awarded the Outstanding Service Award.
St. Michael Softball Team – St. Michael’s Softball team will soon begin playing in the Harrison County Church League. Parishioners 14 and up are invited to play on our team. Contact Robert Kaelin at 812-472-9091 for more information.
Monday Morning Bible Study – Our Monday Morning Bible Study will meet this Monday, June 6th, at 9:30 a.m. when we will continue our study of the “Tragic and Triumphant Cross. All adults are welcome to join us anytime!
Men’s Group – All men of the parish are invited to join us for men’s group on Sunday, June 12th at 7:00 p.m. in the Faith Formation Center when we continue our study of the Gospel of John.
Family Belle of Louisville Cruise – This event is for everyone! Join your fellow parishes in the New Albany Deanery on Monday, June 13th for a cruise down the Ohio River! Adults, teens, and children are all welcome for this cruise. There will be a DJ for dancing, games, and great conversation. The cost is $20.00 per person. The Belle begins boarding at 5:30 p.m. and will return by 9:00 p.m. Call the Faith Formation Office to purchase tickets. The deadline to purchase tickets is June 8th.
Bishop Bruté Days Camp is a retreat that takes place June 14-17 for young men, ages 13 – 17 who are seeking to grow closer to Christ, and who may be open to the possibility of a vocation to the priesthood. The retreat gives young men the opportunity to spend three days with the Bishop Bruté college seminarians learning about prayer, service, scripture, and the awesome gift of our Catholic faith. The camp is held at Bishop Simon Bruté College Seminary in Indianapolis. The cost is $75 per registrant. Brochures are available in the Faith Formation Office.
Senior Gathering – We will have our next senior gathering on Wednesday, June 29th. We will gather at Noon for Mass and then everyone is invited to bring something to share for lunch. Our featured dish for June will be Smoked Pork Bar-B-Que.
Vacation Bible School – Mark Your Calendars! VBS will be July 11-15 this year 9:00 a.m. – Noon for children who will be in grades Pre-School (age 4 by July 11th) – Grade 6 this fall. Our theme “Cave Quest” will help us follow Jesus as the Light of the World. We will discover that Jesus gives us hope, Jesus gives us courage, Jesus gives us direction, Jesus gives us love, and Jesus gives us His power. Registration forms are available in the narthex of the church and the faith formation center. We would like to receive registrations by July 3rd.
Youth Ministry News: for prayer and rest. Pilgrims will arrive at the Archabbey Church at Saint Meinrad for Vespers at 5:00 (CDT), followed by a cookout with members of both men’s and women’s monastic communities.
Sr. High Kings Island Trip – All youth who will be in grades 9-12 this fall and those seniors who will graduate this spring are invited to join us for a day at Kings Island on Thursday, June 30th. The cos t is $39.00, which covers transportation, all the rides at Kings Island and Soak City Waterpark, and all the shows. You should plan on bringing additional money for good and a locker if you need one. All permission forms and money should be turned in by June 20th.
Jr. High Holiday World Trip – All Jr. High Youth who will be in grades 6-8 this fall are invited to join us for a trip to Holiday World and Splashin” Safari on Wednesday, July 6th. The cost of the day is $40.00, which includes transportation, all the rides at Holiday World, Splashin’ Safari Waterpark, free softdrinks, and shows. You should plan on bringing additional money for food and perhaps lockers if you need one. Money and permission forms should be turned in by June 19th. Tickets can also be purchased by parishioners for $36.00 each and can be used anytime this year.
Pilgrimage to the Shrine of Christ’s Passion – All youth who will be in grades 9-12 and those who will graduate this spring are invited to join us for our pilgrimage to the Shrine of Christ’s Passion. We will make our way to the shrine and view life size statues of our Savior’s passion. We will spend a great deal of time in the van so we will play some great van games! We will meet at St. Michael at 8:00 a.m. and will return by 8:30 p.m. There is no cost for this trip but you want to bring money for two meals and whatever you might want to spend at the gift shop. The deadline to sign up for this pilgrimage is July 17th.
5 K Race and 2Mile Walk – On Saturday, July 30th St. Michael will host its fifth annual 5K Race and 2 Mile Walk. All are invited to join us this day for a fun competitive race or a relaxing walk – a great chance to be fit and healthy! The entry fee is $18.00 by July 20th and $25.00 after that date. Trophies will be awarded to the winners of the race and walk. Please check out the registration brochure on our parish website or pick up one in the narthex of the church. All proceeds will benefit Youth Ministry at St. Michael and St. Bernard Chruches.
Young Adult News
Young Adults age 22-39 are invited to join Catholic Youth Ministries June 9th for Twilight Thursday at Churchill Downs... First Race is at 5:00. Cost is $5/person for boxed seats. RSVP with CYM by May 28th at 812-923-8355 or
Young Adult Bible Sharing(22-39 year olds) - Our deanery summer scripture sharing series will beon Mondaynights,7:00pm - 8:15pmstartingJune 20thand ending August 15th. We will gather at the CYM offices at Mt St Francis. Contact Jesse Eichhorn at573-837-5299or CYM at812-923-8355for more info!