Scabiesis caused by tiny mites which cause intenseitching. The itching is actually not from them biting the infected person, but instead simply results from skin reacting allergically to the presence of the mite. They’re so small that youcan’tsee themwiththe naked eye.It’s spread by either having close contactwithan infected person, or by indirectcontactsuch as sharing clothingor towels.Mostpeople don’t realize theyhave scabies untila fewweeks afterthey’vebeen infected.Asa general rule,those living in thesame household ofan infectedperson should be treatedtoavoid ‘back and forth’ spread amonghousehold members.Scabiesgenerally does notgo away withouttreatmentwithone of the followingmedications:
Ivermectinis apill used totreatscabies.Thetotaldosage required will vary depending on body weight.Ivermectinis generally prescribed intwo‘rounds’.Forexample,a prescriptionmay consistofa totalof12 pills withsix pills tobe takenatthesame timeon day one (‘firstround’) and theothersix to be takenatthesame timeone week later(‘second round’).
Permethrinis aprescriptioncream used totreatscabies.Becausethemitedoes notaffectthe faceand scalp,itjustneeds tobe applied fromtheneck down once atbedtime.Itis thenwashed offthe nextmorning.SimilartoIvermectin,patientsare usually asked toundergo two‘rounds’ oftreatment.It should be applied as directedon thefirstevening (‘firstround’) andwashed offthenextmorning.This treatmentshould thenbe repeatedonce again 7 dayslater(‘second round’).When using Permethrin, it’simportanttoapply ittoall areas fromtheneck down– including beneaththefingernails, within the skin folds,and within/aroundthebelly button.
It’simportanttoknow thatthescabies mitescan only live offofthebody fora maximum of23 days. Therefore,youonlyneedtoavoiddirectexposuretoclothingandlinensthatyou’veboth directlycontactedinthepastfewdaysandwillagain directlycontactwithinthenextfewdays. Formostpatients,thistypicallyconsistsofbedsheetsand towelswhich should be cleansed withhotwaterin thewashing machine.Thereafter,theyshould be dried foratleast20 minutesin thehotcycle ofa dryer.Thebesttimetowash clothingand linens is themorning aftera given round oftreatment.
Otherwise,excessive use ofbleach or otherharsh chemicals tosanitizeyour clothingis unnecessary.
Italso isn’tnecessary to‘steamclean’ furnitureand carpet.Fortheseitems,simply avoid directcontactwithpotentiallyinfecteditemsforatleast23 days afteryou’ve been treated.Forexample, a clean blanketcan be laid over a chair or sofaand allowed toremain in place for3 days.
Remember thatyour skin may continuetoitchfor23 weeks even afterthescabies mitesare gone.If needed,medication can be prescribedspecificallytohelp theitching.Finally,you can returntowork or school as soon as themorning afterthefirstround oftreatment.
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