c. 33,000 – 8,000 B.C. First humans cross into Americas from Asia

c. 5000 B.C Corn is developed as a staple crop in highland Mexico

c. 4000 B.C. Frist civilized societies develop in the Middle East

c. 1200 B.C. Corn planting reaches present-day American Southwest

c. A.D. 1000 Norse voyages discover and briefly settle in northeastern North America

Corn cultivation reaches Midwest and southeastern Atlantic seaboard

c. A.D. 1100 Height of Mississippi settlement at Cahokia

c. A.D. 1100-1300 Christian crusades arouse European interest in the East

1295 Marco Polo returns to Europe

Late 1400s Spain becomes united

1488 Díaz rounds southern tip of Africa

1492 Columbus lands in the Bahamas

1494 Treaty of Tordesillas between Spain and Portugal

1498 Da Gama reaches India

Cabot explores northeastern coast of North America for England

1513 Balboa claims all lands touched by the Pacific Ocean for Spain

1513, 1521 Ponce de León explores Florida

1517 Martin Luther begins Protestant Reformation

1519- 1521 Cortés conquers Mexico for Spain

1522 Magellan’s vessel completes circumnavigation of the world

1524 Verrazano explores eastern seaboard of North America for France

1532 Pizarro crushes Incans

1534 Cartier journeys up the St. Lawrence River

1536 John Calvin of Geneva publishes Institutes of the Christian Religion

1539- 1542 De Soto explores the Southeast and discovers the Mississippi River

1540-1542 Coronado explores present-day Southwest

1542 Cabrillo explores California coast for Spain

1558 Elizabeth I becomes queen of England

1565 Spanish build fortress at St. Augustine

c. 1565-1590 English crush Irish uprising

1577 Drake circumnavigates the globe

1585 Raleigh founds “lost colony” at Roanoke

1588 England defeats Spanish Armada

Late 1500s Iroquois Confederacy founded, according to Iroquois legend

1598 Edict of Nantes

c. 1598- 1609 Spanish under Oñate conquer Pueblo peoples of Rio Grande valley

1603 James I becomes king of England

1604 Spain and England sign peace treaty

1607 Virginia colony founded at Jamestown

1608 Champlain colonizes Quebec for France

1609 Spanish found New Mexico

1612 Rolfe perfects tobacco culture in Virginia

1614 First Anglo-Powhatan War ends

1619 First Africans arrive in Jamestown

Virginia House of Burgesses established

1620 Pilgrims sail on Mayflower to Plymouth Bay

1624 Virginia becomes royal colony

Dutch found New Netherlands

1625 Population of English colonies in America about 2,000

1629 Charles I dismisses Parliament and persecutes Puritans

1630 Puritans found Massachusetts Bay Colony

1634 Maryland colony founded

1635- 1636 Roger Williams convicted of heresy and founds Rhode Island colony

1636 Harvard College founded

1635- 1638 Connecticut and New Haven colonies founded

1637 Pequot War

1638 Anne Hutchinson banished from Massachusetts colony

1639 Connecticut’s Fundamental Orders drafted

1640s Large scale slave-labor system established in English West Indies

1642- 1648 English Civil War

1643 New England Confederation formed

Louis XIV becomes king of France

1644 Second Anglo-Powhatan War

1649 Act of Toleration in Maryland

Charles I beheaded, Cromwell rules England

1650 William Bradford completes Of Plymouth Plantation

First Navigation Laws to control colonial commerce

1655 New Netherlands conquers New Sweden

1660 Charles II restored to English throne

1661 Barbados slave code adopted

1662 Half-Way Covenant for Congregational Church membership established

1664 England seizes New Netherlands from Dutch

East and West Jersey colonies founded

1670 Carolina colony created

Virginia assembly disfranchises landless freemen

1675- 1676 King Philips War

1676 Bacon’s Rebellion in Virginia

1680s French expedition down Mississippi River to Gulf of Mexico under La Salle (1682)

Mass expansion of slavery in colonies

1681 William Penn founds Pennsylvania colony

1686 Royal authority creates Dominion of New England

1688-1689 Glorious Revolution overthrows Stuarts and Dominion of New England

1689-1691 Leisler’s Rebellion in New York

1689-1697 King Williams War (War of the League of Augsburg)

1692 Salem witch trials in Massachusetts

1693 College of William and Mary founded

1696 Board of Trade assumes governance of colonies

1698 Royal African Company slave trade monopoly ended

1700s First Shaker communities formed

c. 1700-1800 New Indian peoples move onto Great Plains

1700 Population of English colonies in America about 250,000

1701 Yale College founded

1702-1713 Queen Anne’s War (War of Spanish Succession)

1711- 1713 Tuscarora War in North Carolina

1712 North Carolina formally separates from South Carolina

New York City slave revolt

1715- 1716 Yamasee War in South Carolina

1718 French found New Orleans

1721 Smallpox inoculation introduced

1732 First edition of Franklin’s Poor Richard’s Almanack

1733 Georgia colony founded

1734 Jonathan Edwards begins Great Awakening

1734-1735 Zenger free-press trial in New York

1738 George Whitefield spreads Great Awakening

1739 South Carolina slave revolt

War of Jenkins’s Ear

1744-1748 King George’s War (War of Austrian Succession)

1746 Princeton College founded

c. 1750 Industrial Revolution begins in Britain

1754 Washington battles French on frontier

Albany Plan

1754-1763 Seven Years’ War (French and Indian War)

1755 Braddock’s defeat

1757 Pitt emerges as leader of British government

1759 Battle of Quebec

1760 Britain vetoes South Carolina anti-slave trade measures

1763 Seven Years’ War (French and Indian War) Ends

Peace of Paris

Pontiac’s uprising

Proclamation of 1763

1764 Paxton Boys march on Philadelphia

Brown College founded

Sugar Act

1765 Quartering Act

Stamp Act

Stamp Act Congress

1766 Rutgers College founded

Declaratory Act

1767 Townshend Acts

New York legislature suspended by Parliament

1768 British troops occupy Boston

1769-1771 Regulator protests

1769 Serra founds first California mission, at San Diego

Dartmouth College founded

1770 Boston Massacre

All Townshend Acts except tea tax repealed

1772 Committees of correspondence formed

1773 British East India Company granted tea monopoly

Governor Hutchinson’s actions provoke Boston Tea Party

1774 “Intolerable Acts”

Quebec Act

First Continental Congress meets (calls for abolition of slave trade)

The Association boycotts British goods

1775 Battles of Lexington and Concord

Second Continental Congress

Americans capture British garrisons at Ticonderoga and Crown Point

Battle of Bunker Hill

King George III formally proclaims colonies in rebellion

Failed invasion of Canada

Philadelphia Quakers found world’s first antislavery society

1776 Paine’s Common Sense

Declaration of Independence

Battle of Trenton

New Jersey constitution temporarily gives women the vote

1777 Battle of Brandywine

Battle of Germantown

Battle of Saratoga

Articles of Confederation adopted by Second Continental Congress

1778 Formation of French-American alliance

Battle of Monmouth

1778-1779 Clark’s victories in the West

1780 Massachusetts adopts first constitution drafted in convention and ratified by popular vote

1781 Battle of King’s Mountain

Battle of Cowpens

Greene leads Carolina campaign

French and Americans force Cornwallis to surrender at Yorktown

Articles of Confederation put into effect

1782 North’s ministry collapses in Britain

1783 Treaty of Paris

Military officers from Society of the Cincinnati

1784 Treaty of Fort Stanwix

1785 Land Ordinance of 1785

1786 Virginia Statute for Religious Freedom

Shay’s Rebellion

Meeting of five states to discuss revisions of the Articles of Confederation

1787 Northwest Land Ordinance of 1787

Constitutional Convention in Philadelphia

1788 Ratification by nine states guarantees a new government under the Constitution

1789 Constitution formally put into effect

Judiciary Act of 1789

Washington elected president

French Revolution begins

1790 First official census

1791 Bill of Rights adopted

Vermont becomes fourteenth state

Bank of the United Sates created Excise tax passed

Samuel Slater builds first U.S. textile factory

1792 Washington reelected president

1792-1793 Federalist and Democratic-Republican parties formed

1793 Louis XVI beheaded; radical phase of French Revolution

France declares war on Britain and Spain

Washington’s Neutrality Proclamation

Citizen Genêt affair

Eli Whitney invents cotton gin (Transforms southern economy)

1794 Whiskey Rebellion

Battle of Fallen Timbers

Jay’s Treaty with Britain

Thomas Paine publishes The Age of Reason

1795 Treaty of Greenville: Indian cede Ohio

Pinckney’s Treaty with Spain

University of North Carolina founded

1796 Washington’s Farewell Address

1797 Adams becomes president

XYZ Affairs

1798 Whitney develops interchangeable parts for muskets

1798-1799 Virginia and Kentucky resolutions

1798-1800 Undeclared war with France

1800 Convention of 1800: peace with France

Jefferson defeats Adams for presidency (“Revolution” of 1800)

Second Great Awakening begins

Gabriel slave rebellion in Virginia

1801 Judiciary Act of 1801

1801-1805 Naval war with Tripoli

1802 Revised naturalization law

Judiciary Act of 1801 repealed

1803 Marbury v. Madison

Louisiana Purchase

1804 Jefferson reelected president

Impeachment of Justice Chase

1804-1806 Lewis and Clark expedition

1805 Peace treaty with Tripoli

1805-1807 Pike’s explorations

1806 Burr treason trial

1807 Chesapeake affair

Embargo Act

Robert Fulton’s first steamboat

Embargo spurs American manufacturing

1808 Madison elected president

Congress outlaws slave trade

1809 Non-Intercourse Act replaces Embargo Act

1810 Macon’s Bill No. 2

Napoleon announces (falsely) repeal of blockade decrees

Madison reestablishes nonimportation against Britain

Fletcher v. Peck ruling asserts right of the Supreme Court to invalidate state laws deemed unconstitutional

1811 Battle of Tippecanoe

Cumberland Road construction begins

1812 United States declares war on Britain

Madison reelected president

1812-1813 American invasion of Canada fails

1813 Battle of the Thames

Battle of Lake Erie

1814 Battle of Plattsburg

British burn Washington

Battle of Horseshoe Bend

Treaty of Ghent signed ending War of 1812

1814-1815 Hartford Convention

1815 Battle of New Orleans

1816 Second Bank of the United Sates founded

Protectionist Tariff of 1816

Monroe elected president

1817 Madison vetoes Calhoun’s Bonus Bill

Rush-Bagot agreement limits naval armament on Great Lakes

Eire Canal construction begins

American Colonization Society formed

1818 Treaty of 1818 with Britain

Jackson invades Florida

1819 Panic of 1819

Spain cedes Florida to United States

McCulloch v. Maryland

Dartmouth College v. Woodward

Jefferson founds University of Virginia

1820 Missouri Compromise

Missouri and Maine admitted to Union

Land Act of 1820

Monroe reelected

New England missionaries arrive in Hawaii

1821 Cohens v. Virginia

James Fennimore Cooper publishes The Spy, his first successful novel

Emma Willard establishes Troy (New York) Female Seminary

1822 Vesey slave conspiracy in Charleston, South Carolina

Republic of Liberia established in Africa

1823 Secretary Adams proposes Monroe Doctrine

Mexico opens Texas to American settlers

1824 Russo-American Treaty of 1824

Gibbons v. Ogden

Lack of electoral majority for presidency throws election into the House of Representatives

1825 Erie Canal completed

House elects John Quincy Adams president

New Harmony commune established

1826 American Temperance Society founded

1828 Tariff of 1828 (“Tariff of Abomination”)

Jackson elected President

The South Carolina Exposition published

First railroad in the United Sates

Noah Webster publishes dictionary

American Peace Society founded

1829 David Walker publishes Appeal to the Colored Citizen of the World

1830s Cyrus McCormick invents mechanical mower-reaper

1830 Indian Removal Act

Joseph Smith founds Mormon Church

Godey’s Lady’s Book first published

1830-1831 Charles Grandison Finney conducts revivals in eastern cities

1831 Nat Turner slave rebellion in Virginia

Garrison begins publishing The Liberator

1831-1832 Virginia legislature debates slavery and emancipation

1832 “Bank War” – Jackson vetoes bill to recharter Bank of the United States

Tariff of 1832

Black Hawk War

Jackson defeats Clay for Presidency

1832-1833 South Carolina nullification crisis

1833 Compromise Tariff of 1833

Jackson removes federal deposits from Bank of the United States

British abolish slavery in the West Indies

American Anti-Slavery Society founded

1834 Anti-Catholic riot in Boston

Abolitionist students expelled from Lane Theological Seminary

1835 Lyceum movement flourishes

U.S. Post Office orders destruction of abolitionist mail

“Broadcloth Mob” attacks Garrison

1836 Bank of the United States expires

Specie Circular issued

Bureau of Indian Affairs established

Battle of the Alamo

Battle of San Jacinto

Texas wins independence from Mexico

Van Buren elected president

House of Representatives passes “Gag Resolution”

1837 Seminole Indians defeated and eventually removed from Florida

United States recognizes Texas republic but refuses annexation

Panic of 1837

John Deere develops steel plow

Oberlin College admits female students

Mary Lyon establishes Mount Holyoke Seminary

Ralph Waldo Emerson delivers “The American Scholar” address

Mob kills abolitionist Lovejoy in Alton, Illinois

Canadian rebellion and Caroline incident

1838-1839 Cherokee Indians removed on “Trail of Tears”

1839 Theodore Dwight Weld publishes American Slavery as It Is

1840 Independent treasury established

Harrison defeats Van Buren for Presidency

President Van Buren establishes ten-hour day for federal employees

Antislavery Liberty party organized

1841 Brook Farm commune established

Harrison dies after four weeks in office

Tyler assumes presidency

1842 Massachusetts declares labor unions legal in Commonwealth v. Hunt

Aroostook War over Maine boundary

Webster-Ashburn treaty

1844 Polk defeats Clay in “Manifest Destiny” election

1843 Dorthea Dix petitions Massachusetts legislature on behalf of the insane

1843-1868 Era of Clipper ships

1844 Samuel Morse invents telegraph

Anti-Catholic riot in Philadelphia

Caleb Cushing signs Treaty of Wanghia with China

1845-1849 Potato famine in Ireland

1845 Fredrick Douglass publishes Narrative of the Life of Fredrick Douglass

United States annexes Texas

1846 Elias Howe invents sewing machine

Walker Tariff

Independent treasury restored

United States settles Oregon dispute with Britain

United States and Mexico clash over Texas border

Kearney takes Santa Fe

Frémont conquers California

Wilmot Proviso passes House of Representatives

1846-1847 Mormon migration to Utah

1847 Battle of Buena Vista

Scott takes Mexico City

1846-1848 Mexican-American War

1848 First general incorporation laws in New York

Democratic revolutions collapse in Germany

Seneca Falls Women’s Rights Convention held

Oneida Community established

Free Soil party organized

Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo (ends Mexican-American War)

Taylor defeats Cass and Van Buren for presidency

1849 Americans, or Know-Nothing, Party formed

California Gold Rush

1850 Nathanial Hawthorne publishes The Scarlet Letter

Fillmore assumes presidency after Taylor’s death

Compromise of 1850, including Fugitive Slave Law

Clayton-Bulwer Treaty with Britain

1851 Herman Melville publishes Moby Dick

Maine passes first law prohibiting liquor

1852 Cumberland Road completed

Pierce defeats Scoot for Presidency

Harriet Beecher Stowe publishes Uncle Tom’s Cabin

1853 Gadsden Purchase from Mexico

1854 Commodore Perry opens Japan

Ostend Manifesto proposes seizure of Cuba

Kansas-Nebraska Act

Republican Party organized

Kansas-Nebraska Act

1855 Walt Whitman publishes Leaves of Grass

1856 William Walker becomes president of Nicaragua and legalizes slavery

Buchanan defeats Frémont and Fillmore for presidency

Sumner beaten by Brooks in Senate chamber

Brown’s Pottawatomie Massacre

1856-1860 Civil war in “bleeding Kansas”

1857 Dred Scott decision

Lecompton Constitution rejected

Panic of 1857

Tariff of 1857

Hinton R. Helper Publishes The Impending Crisis of the South

1858 Cyrus field lays first transatlantic cable

Lincoln-Douglass debates

Pikes Peak gold rush

1859 Brown raids Harpers Ferry

Charles Darwin publishes On the Origin of Species

Nevada Comstock Lode discovered

1860 Pony Express established

Lincoln wins four-way race for presidency

South Carolina secedes from the Union

Crittenden Compromise fails

1861 First transcontinental telegraph

Seven seceding states from Confederate States of America

Confederate government formed

Lincoln takes office (March 4)

Fort Sumter fired upon (April 12)

Four upper South states secede (April – June)

Morrill Tariff Act passed

Trent affair

Lincoln suspends writ of habeas corpus

First Battle of Bull Run

1862 Confederacy enacts conscription Homestead Act

Grant takes Fort Henry and Fort Donelson

Battle of Shiloh

McClellan’s Peninsula Campaign

Seven Days’ Battles

Second Battle of Bull Run

Naval battle of the Merrimack (the Virginia) and the Monitor

Battle of Antietam

Preliminary Emancipation Proclamation

Battle of Fredericksburg

Northern army seizes New Orleans

Congress authorizes transcontinental railroad

Morrill Act provides public land for higher education

Homestead Act

1862-1864 Alabama raids Northern shipping

1863 Union enacts conscription

New York City draft riots

National Banking System established

Final Emancipation Proclamation

Battle of Chancellorsville

Battle of Gettysburg

Fall of Vicksburg

Fall of Port Hudson

Lincoln announces “10 percent” Reconstruction plan

1863-1864 Napoleon III installs Archduke Maximilian as emperor of Mexico

1864 Alabama sunk by Union warship

Sherman’s march through Georgia

Grant’s Wilderness Campaign

Battle of Cold Harbor

Lincoln defeats McClellan for presidency

Lincoln vetoes Wade-Davis Bill

Sand Creek massacre

Nevada admitted to Union

1865 Hampton Roads Conference

Lee surrenders to Grant at Appomattox

Lincoln assassinated

Thirtieth Amendment ratified

Johnson issues Reconstruction proclamation

Congress refuses to seat Southern congressmen

Freedman’s Bureau establishes

Southern states pass Black Codes

1866 Permanent transatlantic cable established

Congress passes Civil Rights Bill over Johnson’s veto

Congress passes Fourteenth Amendment

Johnson-backed candidates lose congressional election

Ex parte Milligan case

Ku Klux Klan founded

National Labor Union organized

American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (ASPCA) created