Attending:Sandra Attwood (Chairman), Barbara Hogg (Secretary),

Graham Wood (Treasurer), Michael Parsons, Anne Strudwicke,

Dr Simon Twigg, Dr Neil Menon

1. Apologies Kathryn Baines ( Practice Manager) , Michelle Aveyard, Jean Templeman,

Moya Smith, Wendy and CameronBaker, Brian Lawrence, Andrew Bailey,

Wendy Wilson, Sarah Farrell

2. Matters arising from previous minutes:

Saturday Opening: Three Doctors consult on the first Saturday of the month at

Guilsborough Surgery. These surgeries are mostly pre-booked appointments for the

convenience of patientswho cannot attend on a weekday. A few ‘on the day’

appointments are available.

3. Practice News

Michael reported that legal part of providing the new surgery was now in place. The

next step was to carry out an archaeological survey. The builders hope to start building

this year with completion planned for Aug/Sept 2017.

Dr Twigg reported that Guilsborough Surgery had recently been redecorated and cracks

in the building repaired. The CQC had picked up on the cracks in the previous

inspection. Another CQC Inspection is expected this year, with two weeksnotice.

The Practice tried a ‘mop up’ week in January to offer extra surgeries on the day, to meet

the demand with those needing urgent appointments. It proved to be of mixed value

and success, with some sessions not being fully used..

Plans are being discussed by NHS England to solve the high demand for ‘on the day’

appointments. Proposals include practices being grouped in localities and the 111

service adapted to offer appointments across a number of practices. This idea was met

with dismay by those present.

Sandra asked about usage of the 111 service by patients of this Practice. Dr Twigg said

that Daventry area was on of the two lowest users of the service. This Practice also was

historically, a low user of Emergency Admissions through A&E.

From April 1st the Practice will be offering more access for patient to their records.

4. Patient Survey 2016

Kathryn has said that the Survey can be carried out after Easter. Themes for the

questions were discussed. Sandra to explore various options and finalise questions with

Kathryn. Volunteers will be needed to carry out the survey in both surgeries.

5. Ideas for Future Projects

a) Child Health and Wellbeing Talk - Sandra to contact Dr Railson about doing more of

the talks.

b) Carers Coffee Morning – Barbara to contact the Carers Association to invite them to

come along and offer advice to Carers at a Coffee Morning in Carers Week 6th -12 June

atGuilsborough Surgery.

c) Dr Twigg to speak to Dr Northover to ask if she would give a talk, possibly on sport

related injuries

6.Daventry North Locality Involvement Group

We continue to receive the minutes of these meetings. After holding them at different

venues including Guilsborough Surgery last year, it has been decided that they will hold all

future meetings at DanetreHospital. The next meeting will be on 24th May. Patients in the

Locality are invited to attend.


7. Treasurer’s Report

Graham reported that there have been no incomings or outgoings since the last meeting and the groups balance still stands at £478.90

8. AOB

a) A lady from East Haddon had been in touch, offering lifts to appointments at either

surgery. The topic of the Group co-ordinating a car service to appointments, has been

looked into previously. Issues had been raised about insurance and fuel costs.

It was felt that the group did not have sufficient volunteers or resources to fund a scheme.

The lady concerned might want to work with organisations in her own village, to offer a

service or volunteer as a driver for DACT.

b) Dr Julia Railson is arranging to have staff picture boards at both surgeries. She has

asked whether we could find local photographers who could supply her with photos

representing a recognisable scenic view of each village, to put on the boards.

Michael and Anne both said they knew people who might be interested and offered to get

in touch with them.

9. Date and time of the AGM and next Meeting:

Tuesday 26th April 2016. At Guilsborough, 18:00 –19.30pm