Wages and Hours: Wages Under Review; 10 hour/week

Please email completed application and resume to with the subject line of what position you are applying for by

Friday, February 23rd 2018

Email any questions to or come into our office, located downstairs in the Larsen Student Union.

Job Description

  • Serve on Pulse leadership board, attending managerial meetings and contributing ideas and offering feedback and criticism to Pulse projects and direction
  • Create graphics for Pulse publications, brochures, advertising material or other projects in a timely manner (decided in advance), using Adobe InDesign, Illustrator, and Photoshop and demonstrating a good understanding of layout design and typography
  • Examine other yearbooks regularly for layout ideas and new ways of presenting various aspects of Messiah College
  • Gather each section's content (text, imagery, ads, graphics) and prepare it for insertion into the yearbook. This may include resizing images, changing color imagery to grayscale, etc.
  • Design and layout yearbook creating an excellent product as determined by Pulse Student Manager and Design Team
  • Attend and hold meetings with the yearbook publisher, as well as facilitate work given from publisher to other design assistants
  • Direct Design team and assign work among Manager and Assistants
  • Set up consistent feedback system for Pulse staff to evaluate work and offer suggestions
  • In conjunction with advisor and Business Manager, read contracts pertaining to Design team
  • Conduct end of the semester assessments of the Design team with advisor and student director and complete a transition binder detailing information for incoming Manager

Organization-wide Expectations

  • Attend Pulse orientation at the end of the summer
  • Recruit actively throughout the year both for volunteer and paid staff, working at promotional fairs and hanging posters for events when necessary
  • Keep work space organized
  • Collaborate and assist other Pulse platforms

Short Answer

  1. Describe your level of comfort managing your peers. What challenges do you anticipate and how do you plan to proactively work through them?
  1. Discuss your process for setting and reaching goals.
  1. Describe your style of and standards for organization.
  1. Are you familiar in working with multimedia/online tools?

Note: You must send in samples of your work on Illustrator, InDesign and Photoshop to be considered