SPEED Meeting

Tuesday 4th September 2012, 7.30pm at the George and Dragon

Present: Andrea Armitage; Jeanette Mcmurdo; Vicki Cooper; Peter Cooper (chair);Steve Rhodes; Sue Wane; Louisa Wilson; Chris Fish; Sue Finch; Pat Gould; Louise Ewbank

Apologies: Denise Warman; Alyson Darkins;Amanda Woodall; Allison and Chris Winterbottom

  1. Welcome

The chair welcomed attendees to the meeting

  1. Minutes of the last meeting

Minutes of the meeting held on 24th July 2012 agreed

  1. Sub group action plans
  2. Bridleways.
  3. Site Meeting took place with Steve Alcock, Alan and Pat Gould

also attended.

Monks Road Crossing Alan can complete work once council give approval to work on grass verges, that is land owned by the Council.

Village Green Crossing. Protective parking suggested by Steve Alcock., akin to

Hadfield Main Road.

Hargate Hill Crossing

New opening requires planning permission if maintaining current openings

then only have to set gates back for better vision.

Work continues with private land owners

  • Gates are required for Monks Rd ‘strip’. Louisa to get costings. Pat to see if

Leighs will donate the gates. Meeting agreed to support funding for the gates

  • Recommended that there are benefits to becoming a Bridleways Association;

Funding and Insurance opportunities as well as a better contact with other Bridleway Associations.

Agreed. Application forms to be completed asap to facilitate sponsored ride on the 30th September 2012.

  • Kinder Loop discussed. 4 day ride. Business benefits to Charlesworth and Chisworth villages identified.

Sue Mayer, Secretary of Peak Horse Power will present details at later meeting.

  • Rights of Way, DerbyshireCounty Council and British Horse society consultations identified where responses are required.
  • A626 group
  • Strategy has been drafted stating what we are trying to do and possible solutions.

Now circulated for comment.

Only feedback to date refers to lack of reference to Chisworth.

Agreed that SPEED should be called Charlesworth and Chisworth but ask Chisworth to identify representation.

  • Christopher Winterbottom and Mandy Woodall suggested more information, possible bulletin style, in prominent places in the village – Alyson to ask at post office, news agents, Peter to ask Parish Council about notice board
  • 20s plenty petition not completed due to Carnival being cancelled, but can be used at the fundraising evening in September. Next steps will then be to follow up at home visits. Imran Kassim to follow up with Hannah Thompson
  • Steve Rhodes has developed a summary of the traffic survey results. The data has been extrapolated from the report sent by DCC.Steve still waiting for Neil Bennett to confirm.
  • Speedwatch
  • Speedwatch members have met with Sergeant Jo Brett who has committed to supporting sessions every 10 days. Awaiting confirmation of dates and future training date
  • National policy being developed which will not allow Speedwatch sessions to be conducted without police presence
  • Police will be setting up some ‘CREST’ sessions which will check vehicles for overall road worthiness
  • Also awaiting police view of the use of a freestanding speed monitor. Steve will waiting for reply from the Police
  • Petition
  • A suggestion was made to keep all articles/press releases for SPEED activities. Please send to Alyson Darkins, SPEED secretary.
  1. Finance – Treasurers report
  • Funds currently £855
  • Potential to obtain additional funds from the Coop Community Fund. Sue Wane still awaiting feedback
  1. Matters arising (not covered in prior reports)
  • Peter Cooper to follow up patrons via Gary Robinson, who has links with Tommy Docherty and Andy Crane
  1. Fundraising
  2. Planned for Saturday 22ndh September at the Cricket Club all help welcome
  3. Jeanette Mcmurdo leading on arrangements
  4. Discussed food and ticket price. Agreed £8 including supper.
  5. Chris Fish will kindly donate 2 pans of chilli to the evening and other donations were made of jacket potatoes.
  6. Tickets and posters to be printed by Chris Fish

Sponsored Ride arranged for 30th September from the Moorfield, Rowarth.

Louise Ewbank leading on arrangements, posters already well circulated.

  1. Any other business
  • Louisa has technical specifications for crossings
  1. Date of next meeting

16th October 2012, 7.30pm at the George and Dragon (Robert Hill, Derbyshire Road Safety Partnership will be attending to support us with ideas and advice about our progress to date).