Art “Ism” Scavenger Hunt

Research: Conduct research to gather background information and/or attempt to answer a question, utilizing/synthesizing multiple sources—listing and documenting when necessary.

Why, Mrs. Connelly, is there a coffee mug with a urinal on it? Fine art is everywhere. It’s used in advertising, certainly, and incorporated into fashion and interior design, used on greeting cards and calendars, and reproduced by the millions for everyday people’s living rooms. When it’s good or the world takes notice, it doesn’t stay in a gallery; it becomes part of our collective conscious.

For research grade, seek and find products that have been infused with the imagery of the “ism”s.

You are tasked with finding one “thing” per ism:

Art “Ism” Scavenger Hunt





German Expressionism






Art “Ism” Scavenger Hunt

You may also use a reproduction of art as seen in advertising, or referenced in film and/or TV (if you do this, I want to see the original juxtaposed or placed next to the reinterpretation—Portrait of Van Gogh, next to Homer Simpson as Van Gogh). No two “things” may be the same. Double dipping will lose you points.I don’t want a gallery of coffee mugs, or Stewie as seen in all the isms. I don’t want to see the same image that comes up first on a Google image search 100 times. Make it interesting and unexpected. Creativity of imagery will gain you bonus points. It can’t be just a print of a painting unless you are able to get your photo take next to it.

All “things” must be labeled with the ism, the artist’s name and the original work’s title.

Here’s how I would begin: do a Wikipedia search or a general search of the ism to get a list of names of famous artists from the movement. Once you have your list of artist names or famous painting or sculpture titles, search image parodies or products. Museum gift shops are useful.

Artists and title notes
German Expressionism

Have I got a ______(reference or product)? I can only have one of each:

Art “Ism” Scavenger Hunt

Family guy?


Comic book reference?

Coffee cup?








Greeting card?

Tote bag/purse?
