1.1To present the results of the public consultation exercise on the Sandbanks Conservation Area Appraisal and Management Plan conducted from June 26 to August 6, 2008. The draft text for the Sandbanks Conservation Area Appraisal has been revised to take all relevant points from the public consultation into consideration.


2.1No action be taken to extend the Conservation Area or further revise the local listing.

2.2The Sandbanks Conservation Area Character Appraisal and Management Plan, as revised, be adopted by Cabinet. Final detailed and minor wording changes to be delegated to Head of PD&CS in collaboration with the Portfolio Holder.


3.1The Sandbanks Conservation Area was designated in October 2003 after a survey of the whole peninsula. There has been significant developer interest in replacing historic buildings and the Character Appraisal has an important role in defining the key elements of the Conservation Area when considering or advising on all development proposals.

3.2February 28, 2008 LEOG Committee agreed to a public consultation in April on the draft appraisal.

3.3The Townscape Proposals Map in the appraisal report (p.45) highlights areas where developments could have a major impact on the setting of the Conservation Area including Davis’s Boatyard and the Panorama Road plots bordering Old Coastguard Road. Preserving or enhancing the area is a material consideration in determining planning decisions that are outside the Conservation Area and would affect its setting or views into or out of the area. This principle underlies Planning Policy Guidance 15 (4.14).


4.1The consultation allowed for three types of responses to be made over the BoP website, in writing, in response to a questionnaire and letter posted on June 25, 2008. Thirty residents attended a public open house on July 4/5 at the Haven Hotel. A total of 80 property owners were surveyed by postal addresses in the existing area and outside, on the opposite side of Panorama Road. A total of 18 written representations (including E-mails) were received.


There was only one objection to the boundary of the Conservation Area from the owner and developer of No.102 Panorama Rd who would like the whole shoreline of the peninsula to be protected and managed. The Sandbanks Residents Association would like the boundary extended around two interwar houses at 62 and 64 Panorama Road at the entrance to the back lane from the RMYC car park. Many of the residents didn’t understand why the boundary was drawn so tightly around the north shore, are critical of what they perceive as overdevelopment and want the whole peninsula planned and managed more effectively. When boundaries were drawn up in 2003 the area was considered the least changed part of Sandbanks because of the well treed and informal layout of the plots together with many historical associations with the lifeboat and WWII and yachting history. The existing boundary is being retained. Although some of the buildings have been altered their landscapes and harbour fronts retain some continuity with the past and create a unique impression, especially when viewed from the harbour.


4.3.188-90 Panorama Road

The owner of No. 88-90 Panorama Road has objected to proposals to locally list No. 88 Panorama Road. The owner of 88-90 Panorama Road has applied to demolish both the principal house and the guest house. Savills have written on behalf of the owner of 88-90 repeating the same points used in the appeal case in June of 2007 saying that the listing is not justified because the building has been altered (though no evidence or dates have been found for the main alterations). The owner of No.102 does not support the local listing of No.78, 84 and 88 when, in his view, No. 106 Panorama Road has not been proposed for local listing. No.106 has been identified as a positive building contributing to the character of the area in the appraisal.

4.3.278 and 84 Panorama Road

A meeting was held with officers and the owners of 84, 78 and 80 Panorama Road who did not object to the local listing of their property and are now planning to renovate and extend No.84. They are taking advice from officers on how to manage and plan for their buildings and heavily treed grounds, which have been in the family since 1949.

4.3.3Other Comments on Local Listings

The Sandbanks Residents Association would like No.106 Panorama Road, the remains of a WWII bomb shelter on 100 Panorama Road and the RMYC boathouse locally listed because of its association with WWII. The Environment and Design team is currently reviewing the policy and procedures for adding new buildings to the Local List within the Local Development Framework policies. Any revisions to the policy will be progressed with Strategic Planning.

5.0Other Issues Identified by Residents Questionnaire

Sandbanks is now in Flood Risk zones 2 (medium risk) and 3 (high risk) in areas where, from May 2008, new developments affecting shorelines, sea walls and intensifying residential use may not be approved . Existing buildings may need flood-proofing. /
BoP Strategic Flood Fisk Assessment for Poole;
BoP Core Strategy Policy on mitigation;
Environment Agency
Loss of unifying character of the shoreline buildings with poorly designed alterations and plots overdeveloped (houses too large for plots). / BoP Plan Policies BE16 and 17 and Poole Design Code
Inappropriate designs for replacement buildings such as 16 and 16A Old Coastguard Rd have had a negative impact on the character of the road. / BoP Policies BE16 and 17
Preserve Purbeck stone boundary walls, footpaths and informal drives without security gates. / BoP Policies BE16 and 17
Preserve harbour views between and over buildings. / Poole Design Code and Shoreline Character Areas and Policies BE16 and BE17
More tree retention on development sites and re-planting and management advice needed. / PD&CS (Tree Team)
More enforcement needed on Tree Preservation Orders / PD&CS (Tree/Enforcement Teams)
Street clutter (especially estate and developer’s signage). /
PD&CS (Enforcement Team)
Retention of habitats for biodiversity. / Natural England
Sandy ledges are eroding from dredging, and more intensive ferry and, in particular, large boat use of channel. / Poole Harbour Commission; DEFRA;
Environment Agency
Poor quality road surfaces especially on Old Coastguard Road. / Transport Services

Peter M. Watson

Head of Planning Design & Control Services

Tel:(01202) 633 310