PE Premium Funding


Actions / Resources / Cost / Impact
To enable children to take part in competitive activities including:
Swimming galas, Tag Rugby tournament and Gymnastics competition. / Buses to transport us to events
Staff costs to ensure adequate supervision and support / £199 / Children have been able to take part in a range of competitive activities against other schools. The have experienced competitive sport and have been able to use their skills in real contexts.
To improve children’s performance and progress in gymnastics and ensure that they challenge themselves safely. / Purchase of super light PE mats and moveable trolley / 416.40 / Children are able to set their gymnastics areas as they wish. They have challenged themselves and, as a result of improved teaching, learning and resources in gymnastics they have been able to demonstrate a high level of skill e.g. in assemblies for parents. The new gym mats and trolleys have improved safety.
To ensure all children have active and safe playtimes that encourage physical activity. / Purchase of playground equipment
Purchase of accessible storage for playground equipment (including base and installation)
Friendship stop / 1442 / Children’s independent play is more active and there is more team play apparent.
Playground monitors are able to independently allocate equipment without supervision.
All children are able to find friends to play with.
As a result, the playground is safer and more active.
To extend opportunities for children to take part in after school sporting activities, including those run by pupils themselves. / Purchase of Quicksticks hockey pack
Purchase of basketball coaching pack / 471.50 / More children have been able to take part in after school sporting activities. Children have been able to organise and run their own after school clubs.
To ensure all children are able to swim by the end of KS2. / Cost of bus to transport children to swimming
Cost of swimming instructors (in addition to staff trained to ASA level 1/2) / 600 / All children leaving at the end of KS2 were able to swim at least 25m unaided.
All children developed water confidence.
To develop staff expertise in teaching games.
To enable children to understand and develop skills in a range of different activities. / Cost of bus to squash courts and staff to supervise tournament
Cost of rugby development programme for staff and pupils in Y2-6 / 360 / Teaching staff have a greater understanding and confidence in teaching rugby and net and wall games.
Children have developed skills required for rugby type activities and net and wall games.
Children have experienced taking part in competitive events relating to their new skills.
To enable a safer environment and greater accessibility to PE equipment. / Purchase of outdoor PE equipment store, path and footing / 1681.50 / Children are able to access PE equipment needed leading to greater creativity, independence and autonomy.
Space has been created in the hall resulting in a safer environment and more room for children to engage in challenging dance and gymnastics opportunities.
To develop children’s understanding of healthy, active and responsible living. / Simon Carson’s Sports School Game of Actual Life Programme / 398 / Children have a greater understanding of how to be responsible and live healthy active lives linked to our school’s and British values.
To ensure strong subject leadership in PE in order to develop the skills and expertise of all staff. / Partial salary cost of PE subject leader / 3750 / Staff teaching PE have been supported to ensure challenging and effective planning, teaching, learning and assessment takes place in PE.