Annual Progress Report on

“Enhancing Employment of People with Disabilities through

Small Enterprise” Project

(to be completed by the Grantee)

To be completed by SWD
Total Grant / : / $
(capital: $
Operating: $ )

(The following parts to be completed by the Grantee)

Name of Business:
Business Commencement Date:
Period of current report covered:
(e.g. 1 April 2015 – 31 March 2016)
Name of Grantee / :
Name of project coordinator / :
Signature / :
Date / :
Official chop of Grantee / :
  1. Staffing:

1.1No. of able-bodied and disabled employees as at the last day of the reporting period.

Name of staff / Name of post / No. of headcount / monthly salary including MPF
bodied / disabled / able-
bodied / disabled
Total :


(please add rows, if necessary)

Remarks (if any):

1.2Total headcounts Note

Particular / able-bodied / disabled / Total No.
No. / % / No. / %
i / Projected at Approved Business Proposal
ii / Actual no. of employment at end ofthe reporting period
iii / Variance between actual and projected Note
[= (ii) – (i)]
Note: / Please provide explanation at the “Remarks” if the actual performance falls behind the pledges.
Remarks (if any):

1.3Total payrolls Note

Particular / able-bodied / disabled / Total payroll
$ / % / $ / %
i / Pledged at the Approved Business Proposal
ii / Actual payroll
iii / Variance between actual and pledge Note
[= (ii) – (i)]
Note: / Please provide explanation at the “Remarks” if the actual performance falls behind the pledges.
Remarks (if any):

1.4Other benefits pledged for the disabled employees [e.g. training, mobility to open employment outside the funded business, etc]

1.5Other human resources issues [e.g. staff turnover, recruitment, change of job nature, etc.]

  1. Financial performance review

2.1Financial summary

2.1.1Income and expenditure for the reporting period (from to )

(The detailed breakdown of “Income and Expenditure Accounts” is provided at the Annex)

Particular / Budget ($) / Actual ($) / Variance between actual and budget
(in %) Note
(I) / (II) / =[(II)-(I)]/(I) x100%
Sales / revenue (a)
Cost of sales (b)
Gross profit/(loss) (c)=(a)-(b)
Other revenue excluding the Grant (d)
Operating expenses (e)
Net profit/(loss)
(f)= (c) + (d) – (e)
Note: / Please provide explanation at the “Remarks” if the actual performance falls behind the pledges. Separated sheets may be used to provide details, if necessary.
Remarks (if any):

2.1.2Cash flow of the reporting period (from to )

(A)Projected receipts and payments

Projected cash balance at the beginning of the year: / $xxx,xxx
(a) / Grant from the Project
- capital grant
- operating grant
(b) / Financial support from Grantee or Guarantor for tide-over arrangement (if any)
(c) / Receipts from operating the Business
(d) / Payments
(e) / Net cash flow for the year (e)=(a)+(b)+(c)-(d)]
Projected cash flow balance carried forward to next year / $xxx,xxx

(B)Actual receipts and payments

Actual cash flow balance at the beginning of the year: / $xxx,xxx
(a) / Grant from the Project
- capital grant
- operating grant
(b) / Financial support from Grantee or Guarantor for tide-over arrangement (if any)
(c) / Receipts from operating Business
(d) / Payments
(e) / Net cash flow for the year (e)=(a)+(b)+(c)-(d)
Actual cash flow balance carried forward to next year / $xxx,xxx
  1. Performance overview

Please circle a rating amongst the rating scale below from 6 (very satisfied) to 1 (very dissatisfied) .

6 / 5 / 4 / 3 / 2 / 1

Please elaborate on reasons of dissatisfaction if it is rated 1 to 3, especially on sales revenue, cost of sales, operating cost, marketing activities, etc. and on proposed remedial actions: (please add rows or use separated sheets of paper, if necessary)

  1. Overall Comments(please add rows or use separated sheets of paper, if necessary)


Name of Business / :
Name of Grantee / :

(A)Detailed income and expenditure account for the reporting period*

(from to )

Income: / $*
Cost of sales
Gross profit/(loss)
Other income:
(please specify any other income excluding the Grant)
Total income
Operating expenses
Salary, MPF & other staff cost
Rent & Rates
Utilities charges
(i.e. telephone, electricity, water, etc. Please provide breakdown for each item.)
License (if any)
Auditor’s fee (if any)
Marketing expense
(if any, please provide detailed breakdown on each item such as printing, advertising, etc)
Administrative expenses
(e.g. repairing, maintenance, sundry, etc.)
Total operating expense
Net profit/ (loss)

*Please also provide monthly breakdown for the year in separate sheet(s).