REVISED: 09.29.16
Applies to all LEM® leadersApplies to LEM® Leaders who supervise LEM® Leaders
Steps 1-4: Entering Monthly Performance Data
Applies to: All leaders
Training steps begin after successful login to LEM®
1)Click on ‘Annual Evaluation’. Enter scores for current month/quarter for goals that are NOT entered by a data feed:
Remember to select ‘Save’ after your entry!
IMPORTANT NOTE: If you have a goal with a results box that you cannot edit, it indicates that the results for this goal are to be entered by someone else (data load from IT or designee). For FY17, this is most often seen with Finance goals where results reporting is taken care of for you!
2)Click on ’90 Day Plan’. Enter updates for the month/quarter:
i.Add new or adjust 90 Day Plan as needed
ii.Add new or adjust ‘Action steps’ as needed
iii.Enter comments in ‘Results’ section
iv.Change status marker (red, yellow, green)
v.If it is a new quarter, create your 90 day plan for the new quarter. The ‘copy’ feature can be used to create a draft
Remember to select ‘Save’ after your entry!
3)Enter your data in Validation Matrix:
- Locate ‘Validation’ Tab on the main menu bar. Click on ‘Validation Matrix’
This will open your list of tactics that have been assigned to you (you do not build/select these yourself)
- For each tactic, you will see a description of what is being measured, a verification method, expected frequency (monthly, quarterly, bi-annually), and how the year-end score for the tactic will be measured (i.e. average, last, sum, etc.). See an example below for Thank You Notes:
- Enter your data for each tactic. Data will be requested in one of four ways:
1)Actual vs Goal
Example: I sent 7 of expected 5 Thank You notes
*Data for BOTH actual and goal must be entered for each period
2)Whole Number
Example: Rolemodel the “must have” ownership behaviors and recognize at least one team member each month
Example: Monthly Department Staff Meeting
Example: No current Validation Matrix content assigned, but used when reporting by date on a specific behavior is desired
Update “Notes” on each Validation Behavior if indicated in the Description! (When notes are entered an asterisk ‘*’ appears in the ‘Notes’ box)
DOUBLE CHECK: Have you finished entering all your monthly updates?1.Scores in your Annual Evaluation?
2.Updates to 90 Day plan?
3.Data on tactics in Validation Matrix?
If you answered no to any of these questions – repeat any of the necessary steps 1-3 before proceeding;
If you answered yes to all of these questions, click ‘save’ and proceed to step 4.
4)Before closing Validation Matrix, signal to your leader that your monthly data is complete by clicking ‘Meeting Prep Complete’.
- This action sends a message to your leader that you are ready for your monthly meeting. CLICK ONLY AFTER YOU HAVE COMPLETED ALL YOUR PREP WORK; this action cannot be undone for a given month.
- At this time you should ensure your meeting with your one-up is scheduled and begin drafting your agenda.
Steps 5-7: Reviewing monthly data for your direct reports
Applies to: Leaders who supervise leaders
5. Click on ‘Meeting Dashboard’ to see a status for each of your direct reports:
- Under the ‘Status’ column, you will see an icon which indicates where each of your direct reports is in the monthly reporting process, and select the team member you wish to review:
- RED icon – your direct report has not yet finished monthly updates and is NOT READY for monthly meetings as yet.
- If icon remains red for longer than 30 days, a reminder to your direct report may be required to complete their monthly reporting.
- ORANGE icon – your direct report has finished their monthly updates and IS ready for their monthly meeting
- It is time to review your direct report’s monthly updates in LEM®
- There are three tabs on the main menu with data for you to review:
- Annual Evaluation:
- Are the goal weights complete, equitable and an accurate reflection of the work being done?
- Review recent goal scores and trends.
- Are there any scores missing from certain goals?
- Celebrate/recognize scores of 3, 4, 5 and ask what help or planning may be needed for scores of 1 or 2.
- How is the leader engaging their team with the achievement of these goals?
- Which of these goals are posted as team measures/improvement initiatives on their communication boards? Visit communication board, participate in huddle and celebrate wins.
- 90 Day Plan:
- Review action steps, status and results for each goal
- Are the action steps aligned well to the goal?
- Are they sufficient and achievable in this 90 day period?
- What help or resources could you provide to help the leader be successful with their 90 day plan?
- How is the leader communicating/engaging their team with their 90 day plan?
- At the beginning of each new quarter, once the 90 day plan is entered and approved by you, click the ‘Mark Approved’ button
- Validation:
- Has 90% been achieved on all tactics?
- Celebrate wins and for any gaps, what help is needed to achieve 90%?
- What is the plan for how gaps will be closed?
- Any trends?
- For additional insight, review rounding logs, stoplight report and/or visit unit/work area to see tactics in action
6.Schedule & Complete the Monthly Meeting
i.Once you have reviewed your direct report’s data, schedule and hold the monthly meeting with your direct report
ii.Open LEM® for duration of meeting to guide discussion. Navigating between ‘Annual Evaluation’, ’90 day plan’ and ‘Validation Matrix’, use questions above to review data and performance
7.Click ‘Meeting Complete'
i.When the meeting is over, click ‘Meeting Complete’ button located on the top right of the direct report’s Validation Matrix.
ii.After clicking ‘Meeting Complete’, the green icon (as below) will appear on the dashboard next to the direct report’s name on your Meeting Dashboard. This indicates the monthly meeting has taken place and the monthly reporting cycle is complete.
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
Q: Is the Validation Matrix transparent like the rest of LEM®?
Q: What if my monthly meeting with my leader is out of sync with my data completion in LEM®?
A:If possible, we recommend you work with your leader to adjust the timing of your monthly meeting so it falls AFTER you have completed your monthly data entry in LEM.
Q: What if I click the Meeting Prep Complete button too soon? Can I undo this action?
A:No – the ‘Meeting Prep Complete’ button can only be clicked one time per month, at which time your leader is signaled you are ready to meet and your matrix is prepped for the next month.