Sample Pitch Letter for TV PSAs
<FirstName> <LastName>
<City>, <ST> <ZipCode>
Dear <FirstName>,
We see news stories every day about children who are taken from an abusive home, or become “wards of the state” because of the tragic loss of a parent.
But what happens to those children?
They become “our” responsibility. They become part of a system of judges and foster homes and social workers that try desperately to find a safe living situation for each child.
But with 660,000 [OR LOCAL/STATE FIGURE] active cases every year, the system simply cannot provide what each individual child needs. In some urban courtrooms a judge can see 20 or 30 cases of child abuse and neglect before her Monday lunch break. There are too many stories of young children that are bounced around to eight or ten group homes over the course of just a couple years. Too many stories of a young girl separated from her brothers and sisters during the most vulnerable time her life. Too many stories of a boyleft to fend for himself at the age of 18, because he’s been “aged out” of the system.
But these stories can have a happy ending.
We are [INSERT PROGRAM NAME], a volunteer-powered nonprofit. A network of committed people from all walks of life who believe society has a fundamental obligation to these children. We are trained volunteers, appointed by judges to advocate for each child—to make sure their basic rights and essential needs don’t get overlooked or ignored by the system. A [CASA/GAL] volunteer can dramatically cut the amount of time a child spends in foster care, and help each child find a safe, loving permanent home.
These stories can have a happy ending, because of people like you.
Today almost 65% [OR LOCAL/STATE FIGURE] of the children in the foster care and juvenile court system don’t have the hope a [CASA/GAL] volunteer can bring.We simply don’t have enough volunteers or enough financial support to scale our programs. You can help us change that!
Please help by running the enclosed PSA as frequently as possible on <StationName>.
I realize this isn’t the only request you’ve had for this kind of support, but this is one of the few opportunities to make a real difference in the lives of children in our area. Please feel free to call if I can offer any more information.
YourFirstName> <YourLastName>
<Telephone> / <email>