Programme Director

Chairperson of the Portfolio Committee on Agriculture and Rural Development

Honourable Members of the Provincial Legislature


Distinguished guests

Members of the media

Ladies and gentlemen

Molweni, sanibonani, dumelang, goeiemore, good morning, ladies and gentlemen.

Welcome to all and especially previous MTK Awards winners and this year’s nominees. Firstly I would like to pay my respects and condolences to this extra ordinary lady MmaTshepoKhumbani. I would like to recognise the Rand Water Foundation as a sponsor for one of the categories this year, and a strategic partner for many of my Department’s programmes. I would also like to recognise the Afristar Foundation, in particular Nicholas Heinamann for sponsoring the Organic Gardening Posters that will be distributed to our winners as well as attendants of these awards.

The Department of Agriculture and Rural Development is responsible for instituting community based natural resource management projects. These projects are designed to facilitate best practices in the sustainable management of the land, as well as natural resources including our precious water and wetlands. These approaches all help us to adapt to climate change and form a part of the puzzle that will also contribute to the mitigation of climate change and the development of a green economy in Gauteng in the long term. Particularly now as South Africa will be hosting COP 17 in Durban at the end of November.

The Department commends the effort of the people of Gauteng, who on their own, take the initiative to start projects that contribute to poverty alleviation, job creation and building sustainable livelihoods. Often these people, many of you present today, start these projects with very limited, if any financial resources. The passion that these people display in making something for themselves, by using natural resources in a responsible and productive manner haven’t gone unnoticed.

To this end, the Department has introduced the MmaTshepoKhumbane (MTK) Awards in natural resource management in 2007. The MTK Awards aims to recognize the excellence and innovation of individuals, community groups, school groups and civil society organizations, as well as other stakeholders, in the sustainable management of natural resources in Gauteng. This year marks the third session of these biennial awards and I am proud to announce that the awards, since their inception in 2007 have grown bigger and more exciting. The competitive and collaborative spirit displayed by all the entrants is remarkable. In 2009, the Department had very exciting and interesting entries and all the winners deserved to win. Other projects that did not win were given support through training, exchange visits, technical advice, and the provision of tools and other materials in 2010 and 2011 to improve their projects. Some of these supported projects have been nominated for this year’s awards.

These awards are named for Mma Tshepo Khumbane who is a grassroots activist from the rural areas of Gauteng, and the founder of the “Water for Food Movement”. This Movement has supported many people in engaging in productive small-scale agriculture on their homesteads, through empowering them to improve their own self-esteem and self-confidence.

The Water for Food Movement focuses on values - “we walk the long road with the poorest of women” - raising people’s social consciousness on the value of community development, socializing youth, and celebrating together. This unique approach enables women to develop the meager water and land resources on their small homesteads through simple rainwater harvesting techniques and intensive cultivation of a wide variety of crops. Focus is given to those resources which are freely available, such as labour from empowered and enthusiastic community members; rain and ground-water; organic waste from the kitchen and garden; and knowledge and expertise in the community. The methods of the Water for Food Movement emphasise sustainable resource management for livelihoods and safe and secure communities.

Mma Tshepo Khumbane is one of the unsung heroines of the country – and her extraordinary work has touched the lives of others and in turn improved the state of our environment for the benefit of all. Ms Khumbane has been a natural resource management activist for over three decades and has contributed abundantly towards natural resource management across the country. She has imparted her knowledge and understanding to various institutions, government departments, community groups and schools.

We believe that the MTK awards will make the Gauteng community aware that irrespective of age, gender and the conditions we live under, we need to make sustainable natural resource management an integral part of our lives.

I would like to take this opportunity to thank the Gauteng community for the wonderful response to these Awards and for nominating so many wonderful, exciting and innovative projects.

The overall winner of the MTK Awards will be recommended for the National LandCare Awards – so let me take this opportunity to wish all the nominees the best of luck.

Working together we can do more!

I thank you.