Last Updated – 9th Jan2017
Issue / Action TakenPavement Clearance / 20/5/16 – Clerk contacts CWaC to ask them to cut back grass and overgrown weeds which are now encroaching on pavement along Chester Lane.
18/7 – Resident reports that work has not been carried out to adequate standard or dealt with the issues reported.
19/7 – Clerk reports to Streetscene and also via the app.
5/8 – Clerk emails Graham Jones to report that the pavement weeds and litter have still not been cut back/removed. Graham Jones reports that he will investigate and ensure work carried out
26/10 – Clerk contacts Streetscene regarding resident complaint concerning more litter/overgrown weeds over A55 bridge. Also mention it in email to Graham Jones (regarding felled tree debris)
22/11 – Graham Jones confirms that work has been carried out on the pavements but possibly not to clear embedded roots. CWAC asked to review
30/12 – Clerk takes photographic evidence of gutters along pavement form Rake Roundabout to beyond Bungalows on Chester Lane. Emailed to Graham Jones and Kerrie Brice (Streetscene Officers)
Resident Enquiry regarding Huntington Bus Service / 24/10 - Resident enquires as to when Huntington Bus Service will resume and not be picking up in Love St or Foregate St, both are considerable distances to walk for elderly/disabled residents. Clerk contacts Rob Jones, Operations Manager for Stagecoach.
28/12 – Bus Stops set to revert back in February 2017.
United Utilities Solar Panel Installation / 19/1/16 – Following Parish Council Meeting, Clerk arranges to a telephone apton 22/1 with UU Project Manager of the Installation, Mr David Hopkins to gain further insight. Clerk writes to residents to inform.
21/1/16 – Parish Council inform residents that they will be asking UU to consider Landscape proposals and a meeting with residents.
22/1/16 – Clerk has meeting with UU manager. Informs Council that a Landscape Architect will be visiting site and landscape proposals will be drawn up. A consultation will then take place with residents and Parish Council representatives. Clerk writes letter to inform all residents who attended Parish Council meeting.
23/1/16 – Parish Council receives Copy of letter from Chester MP to inform them that he has also written to UU.
1/2/16 – Clerk receives 2 phone calls from residents, wishing to thank the Council for their hard work in this matter.
7/3/16 – Clerk phones United Utilities to enquire about the Landscaping proposals and when consultation with residents should be expected. UU to phone back with answer.
18/3 – Meeting arranged with UU. 2 Cllr’s (Shelton and Creswick) to attend
30/3 – Both Cllrs have visited residents homes to see view of Solar Parks
1/3/16 – 2 Cllrs plus Clerk attend UU meeting.
5/4/16 – Notes from meeting distributed by Clerk for approval by 2 Cllr’s.
9/4/16 – Final Draft of Notes to be approved by Cllrs
18/5/16 – Meeting Notes circulated to all Cllr’s and Public
18/5/16 – Parish Council receive UU letter, outlining response to meeting
5/5/16 – At Cllr’s request, Clerk contacts Mr Carroll asking for what stage the landscape proposals are at, a timetable of expected events and asking whether landscape architects would like to visit residents to witness the view. Clerk informs Residents.
9/5/16 – Cllr agrees to meet with Landscape Architect as resident now on holiday. Clerk phones Mr Carroll, who informs that a 2nd edition of Landscape plans have been submitted last week BUT UU still not happy with them as deemed unsuitable. Landscape architects have been asked to redraw a 3rd edition of plans which are due on 13/5/16. Mr Carroll stated that there is no need for Architects to visit Residents affected, despite both Parish Council and residents requesting them to do so.
10/6/16 – Clerk contacts Mr Carroll of UU. Mr Carroll states that meeting with Landscape Architects is happening today and feedback to the Council will be on Monday 13th.
20/6/16 – UU submits planning application to carry out EIA Assessment on new piece of land on Huntington Water Works. Residents informed. Mr Carroll contacted to remind UU that Parish Council would like to be consulted before any formal planning application submitted.
8/7/16 – UU Landscaping proposals given to Parish Council, who then passes onto residents.
July/August – UU admit that they have reverted back to first plans of landscape proposals and PC and resident suggestions, as outlined at the meeting, have not been
9/1 – Cllr Creswick asks for progress report. (Please Note: UU had not responded by time of this work prog being published but update expected for January PC meeting)
Grass Verges in need of tidying / Cllr JackyCreswick asks Clerk to enquire regarding mowing of grass verges, now that season is ending. Clerk contacts Graham Jones.
w/b 7/11 – Graham Jones informs Clerk that season is prolonged due to mild weather and grass verges will be cut again but asks for further information on which grass verges appear overgrown. Cllr responds that junction of Grose Way and Chester Rd particularly in need of attention.
9/11 – CWAC inform Clerk that all grass verges will be mowed and tided at least once more before season closes.
Overgrown Trees on Chester Road, creating hazard for pedestrians / 12/7 – Resident complains of overgrown trees which is making it extremely difficult for pedestrians to walk along the path between 10 – 28 Chester Road. Clerk reports.
13/7 – CWAC confirms that report has been assessed and work will be carried out to trim the trees back.
5/8 – Clerk emails Graham Jones to report that trees have still not been cut back despite fears from resident for safety. Graham Jones reports that he will investigate and ensure work carried out
15/8 – Resident informs Clerk that tress have been cut back opposite 10 - 28 but on the wrong side of the road. Clerk write again to Graham Jones and also via SMYLE app.
20/9 – Clerk writes to Graham Jones again to remind that trees have not been cut back on the correct side of the road. Mr Jones replies to say that he will create another action report.
10/12 – Report received to confirm that trees have now been cut back. Clerk to investigate.
Bright Street Lights causing Disturbance / 19/7 –Cllr Wilcox reports that residents have complained regarding a bright street light which is causing residents bedrooms to become too bright during night time. Clerk reports to CWAC.
Oak Tree Concerns on Crown Park (Saighton Camp) / Due to drainage problems on Crown Park estate, as acknowledged by Bovis Homes, concerns were raised that the Oak Trees, some extremely established and hundreds of years old, may be suffering. Cllr Jacky Creswick and Clerk walk around the estate to locate Oak Trees and Clerk asked to investigate.
17/8 – Bovis (Andrew Willerton) provides photographic evidence to show that Oak Trees are sat in stagnant water for prolonged periods, on Redrow land. Clerk contacts Redrow to ask what measures are in place to ensure that the Oak Trees are protected. No response.
2/9 – Clerk again writes to Redrow asking for response.
27/11 – Clerk contacts Redrow management to enquire what measures are being taken to protect very established Oak Trees
1/12 – Redrow responds to say that the Technical Dept are reviewing Drainage and will contact shortly.
28/12 – Clerk sends follow-up email asking for conclusions to this investigation.
28/12 – Clerk also contacts Andrew Willerton and Albert Hassell of Bovis to enquire about dead trees in the memorial.
3/1 – Andrew Willerton responds to say Landscape Contractors will investigate and more trees planted before March 2017
3/1- Clerk contacts Technical Dept directly to ask for reassurance that drainage is now rectified so Oak Trees are safe. Clerk also contacts Paul Sinclair (senior management of Redrow)
Signage on Crown Park, specifically Brigadier Close / 12/9 – Clerk receives email from resident expressing concern over lack of signs to his row of houses (situated behind a block of apartments) so deliveries, and more importantly, emergency vehicles, cannot find the houses. Clerk writes to Bovis (Albert Hassall and CWAC)
13/9 – Bovis replies to say they will investigate
28/9 – Clerk receives phone call from CWAC Highways Dept. Having investigated, they have found that there are many signs missing, including the ones mentioned by residents, from Crown Park estate which could potentially lead to confusion. Signs will be made by CWAC and installed as soon as possible.
14/12 – Resident informs Clerk that signs still not erected. Clerk asks CWaC to investigate. CWaC contacts Clerk to say it is on record as being processed so Officer will report back to me once returning from hols on 9th Jan.
Lack of Lighting leading to Caldy Nature Park / 3/10 – Resident complains to Cllr Creswick regarding lack of lighting from Caldy NP to Huntington, specifically from wooden bridge to Celandine Close and Celandine Close to below Sorrel Close. Cllr asks to investigate. Clerk contacts Chief Officer for Lighting, Laurence Scott, to enquire. Clerk receives reply that he is currently out of office until further notice. Clerk to follow up if no further response.
26/10 – Clerk attempts to contact Laurence Scott again. Email successfully sent.
29/11 – Ian Jones (CWaC Lighting Officer) responds to say that lighting would needed to be self-funded by PC to install. CWaC willing to maintain if criteria met. Cllr Creswick asks for this to be considered when ear-marking finds for NHB.
Illegal Parking on Chester Lane / Cllr’s raise issue of illegal parking on Double Yellow Lines on Chester Lane, specifically outside Rowland Homes and Elan Marketing Suites.
24/10 – Clerk contacts Elan Homes, Rowland Homes, Local Police and CWAC Highways Dept.
26/10 – PCSO Tom Norton informs me that this is a Traffic Warden issue and that CWAC parking enforcement should be informed. Police will monitor. Clerk informs Parking enforcement. Ref no: 101004506750
27/10 – Rowland Homes informs Clerk that they have 2 designated car parks for both visitors and contractors and there is no need to park on road. They will be monitoring the situation
7/11 – Cllr reports poor attitude of Sales Team at Elan Homes when vehicles reported on double yellow lines. Clerk phones Elan and leaves Answer phone message
10/11 – Ms Shean phones Clerk and informs her that an investigation will take place and staff will be vigilant in regards to parking on Double Yellow lines. Contact details left.
3/1 – Traffic Wardens contacted again to ask for Chester Lane to be inspected, in a bid to issue fines for illegal parking.
9/1 – Clerk given direct contact details of Traffic Warden. Clerk contacts Joseph Shanks and asks if sit visits ca take place. Also forwarded to PC Malone who supports Clerk and asks for investigation to take place.
Inconsiderate Parking on Saighton Camp / Please NOTE: This is an on-going issue – please see previous Works Programmes for background
7/11 – Residents on FB report a vast number of incidents of inconsiderate and dangerous parking on Saighton Camp. Clerk responds to highlight work of Parish Council so far (including meet with Cllr T and Bovis management) and that work is continuing to be carried out. Clerk also reports to Albert Hassell (site manager) and Jo Morrison, Northern Director of Bovis Homes
9/11 – Response received from Ms Morrison that investigation is being carried out. Clerk makes another request for written statement to PC, outlining what improvements have been made and strategies put I place to deal with future incidents.
11/11 – Cllr T makes further email to Bovis management outlining further incidents. Residents inform PC that HSE and police have been informed.
13/11 – Clerk discusses situation with PC Malone who outlines her numerous visits to the site. Both residents and Contractors have been found to be inconsiderately parked. Police can discuss with site manager but cannot enforce any penalties due to it being ‘private land’.
Please see HSE REPORT issue
2/1 – Cllr Tassell and another resident reports more incidents of inconsiderate parking, causing obstructions in road and frustrating for residents. Reported to CWaC and police
5/1 – Huntington PC request stakeholder meeting with Police, CWaC, Traffic Wardens and Bovis to discuss how we can all work together to try and solve frustrations. Police, Traffic Wardens respond positively. No response from Bovis yet.
9/1 – Clerk contacts Northern Director of Bovis to request meeting.
Oak Trees Felled on Chester Lane / Cllr Creswick enquires as to why healthy trees have been felled on Chester Lane. Clerk contacts Peter Murray, CWAC Tree Officer.
After investigation, it is believed that developers are believed to have felled tree BUT that the tree felled did contain fungi which would have meant it needed to be removed anyway. Developers’ plans outline more planting to compensate loss of Oak Tree.
Trees damaged along Chester Rd / Cllr Walker reports trees damaged along Chester Rd by vandalism.
Cllr Dodd identifies two trees in need of attention. One outside number 39 (badly damaged by vandalism) and one outside 91 (also vandalised in the past). Cllr has been informed that tree at 39 might be able to be saved. Clerk to ask Contractor to investigate and report back to PC.
Contractor reports that vandalised tree outside can possibly be saved. Contractor trims.
Quotes obtained for replacement of 3 further dead trees along Chester Rd. Council agree to price. Trees to be planted early in new year.
State of Chester Lane Road Surface / 14/11 - Clerk contacts Highways, Planning Enforcement and four Housing Developers in regards to state of Chester Lane, Mud and Debris on road causing safety hazard and Cllr W reports two residents slipping as result.
Please see HSE REPORT issue
Safety Concerns on Saighton Camp reported to Health and Safety Executive / 5/12 – Parish Council report all 4 developers to Govt Health and Safety Exec following extensive steps to try and work with developers has failed. Residents and CWaC also informed.
3/12 – Official response from HSE to say that an investigation has been carried out. The state of debris on Highlanders Rd and Chester Lane was found to be unacceptable and all four developers are at fault. Wheel wash and alternate cleaning of Highlanders Rd/Chester Lane to be carried out. Elan/Rowland also been issued with instruction on how to carry heavy loads of soil. Unfortunately HSE are unable to act on inconsiderate parking.
Over-flowing Dog Bins / Cllr Walker, Whitehead and Creswick reports overflowing Dog Bin on Chester Lane (by new estate). Clerk reports to Streetscene.
Kerrie Brice responds within 24 hours to say Dog Bin has emptied. Investigation has shown that builders erected a fence around the bin du to nearby works. Residents were then throwing their dog bags over the barriers. Streetscene has spoken to builders to inform them that must not erect fences around dog bins without prior permission form CWaC. Cllr Creswick asks if other dog bins in area have been missed. Kerrie Brice responds to say the round has been completed as normal.
Dog Fouling Bags / Walkers Nurseries reports low stock of Dog Foul bags. Clerk asks Dog Warden for more.
23/12 – No response so Clerk contacts again. Dog Warden Supervisor apologises and asks colleague to deliver dog bags ASAP.
Rake Roundabout Safety Concerns / Cllr Tassell raises safety concerns about Rake Roundabout layout and asks for item on Agenda for Jan PC meeting.
Clerk Contacts CWaC Highways to ask what measures that the PC can take to ask for an investigation into introducing safety improvements
9/1 – Clerk is contacted by Highways to say that an investigation is taking place to get further details and will be reported.
Lack of Lighting on Saighton Camp / Resident asks Clerk to investigate whether more lighting can be erected on Saighton Camp as safety concern.
Clerk contacts CWaC and Bovis. No response from Bovis.
CwaC confirm that they are unable to provide lighting as it is classes as private land.
Ownership of Land on Saighton Camp / Following rumours of certain parts of the former Saighton Camp estate now being owned by CWaC. Clerk contacts Helena Crawford for clarification. It is confirmed that NO PART of the new estates (regardless of developer or time completed) is owned by CWaC. Once CWaC are asked to transfer ownership, they will be adopting Highlanders Rd as ‘Phase 1’ BUT there is currently no foreseeable date as to when this will occur. No transfer plans have been submitted.