IBOS Association - Projection of SCT and SDD in MT940

Follow-up to Workshop on Mapping SEPA Messages held on 15th/16th November 2006


Projecting SEPA Scheme Transactions on MT940

Follow-up to Workshop on Mapping SEPA Messages held on 15th/16th November 2006

Date: 20th April 2007

From: R J Lyddon


·  It was agreed at the SEPA XML Workshop at KBC in Brussels on 15/16 November and confirmed at the GSL WG in Madrid that it would desirable to reach a common position on how to record the SCT and SDD transactions in MT940

·  Likewise this should be done for MT942

·  We should agree the guidelines for MT940 first, and then apply them to MT942

·  This is a second draft for MT940 of:

Ø  Crediting individual SCT

Ø  Debiting individual SCT

Ø  Debiting bulk SCT

Ø  Crediting individual SDD

Ø  Crediting bulk SDD

Ø  Debiting individual SDD


·  Circulate the SEPA XML Workshop attendees for comment first - done

·  Amend - done

·  Discuss with EPC ROC representative or member of the SEPA Testing Taskforce (see covering e-mail) - done

·  Circulate to GSL WG members – done, and now it is being re-circulated

·  A core decision was in the placing of the End-to-End Identification if it exceeds 16 characters: only in Field 61 Subfield 9 if it is exactly 18 characters – the RosettaNet reference; otherwise in 86 with Name and Remittance Information, and preceded by ROC

·  To simplify matters further, GSL WG may decide to only treat the End-to-End Identification in Field 61 at all if it is exactly 16 characters, and not to envisage handling an 18 character reference in Field 61; that decision would mean that all instances of AT-41 that were not exactly 16 characters would go into Field 86


·  Focus is entirely on Fields 61 and 86

·  Reference documents are:

Ø  SWIFT Standards for MT940 as available in the on-line User Handbook for Cat 9 messages on 28/11/06

Ø  EPC115_06 SEPA Credit Transfer Scheme Implementation Guidelines v2.2 of 13.12.06

Ø  EPC114_06 SEPA Direct Debit Transfer Scheme Implementation Guidelines v2.2 of 13.12.06

Ø  Spreadsheet comparison of ISO20022 C2B Credit Transfer, pain SCT and MT101 – but did not have an equivalent for SDD

Ø  UNIFI (ISO20022) Message Definition Reports as approved by the UNIFI Payments SEG on 6 June 2006 with the subtitle “Edition July 2006”:

v  Payment Standards – Initiation

v  Payment Standards – Clearing & Settlement

Crediting individual SCT

Field 61

Sub-Field / Description / ISO pacs ref / MT940 population
1 / Value Date / -- / YYMMDD
2 / Entry Date / -- / MMDD
3 / Debit/Credit Mark / -- / C
4 / Funds Code / -- / R
5 / Amount / 2.12 / Between 4 and 12 characters, meaning from 0.01 to 999999999.99
6 / Transaction Type Identification Code / 2.2 / NTRF
7 / Reference to Account Owner / 2.1
AT-41 End-to-End Identification / Ø NONREF – if nothing is contained in 2.1 in the related pacs message
Ø If there are contents in 2.1, remove the tags
Ø If the contents exceed 16 characters, leave this field blank
Ø If the contents are up to or including 16 characters, populate them here
8 / Account Servicing Institution’s Reference / -- / Beneficiary bank’s own reference up to 16 characters [//16x]
9 / Supplementary Details / 2.1 / Ø Blank if (a) Sub-field 7 contained NONREF or up to or including 16 characters or (b) if 2.1 contained more than 18 characters
Ø Populate this field with the contents of 2.1 if there are 17 or 18 characters in 2.1 (because 18 characters is the RosettaNet reference length)

Field 86 (6*65x) = 390 characters

Description / ISO pacs ref / MT940 population
Debtor Name / 2.37 / AT-02 Name of the Originator
Up to 70 characters, then / so 71
Reference – Organisation Identification / 2.37 / AT-10 Originator Identification Code
If used instead of presence of Address in pacs message, then ROC then / then up to 35 characters = 39 characters in all
Reference – End-to-End Identification / 2.1 / AT-41 Originator’s Reference to the Credit Transfer
ROC then / then up to 35 characters = 39 characters in all
Remittance Information / 2.72 or 2.73 / Up to 140 characters of Unstructured Information or Structured Information, transcribed precisely from the related pacs message
Dividers / -- / Up to another 4 instances of / such that overall maximum of characters is 289

Debiting individual SCT

Field 61

Sub-Field / Description / ISO pain ref / MT940 population
1 / Value Date / -- / YYMMDD
2 / Entry Date / 2.13 / MMDD
3 / Debit/Credit Mark / -- / D
4 / Funds Code / -- / R
5 / Amount / 2.38 / Between 4 and 12 characters, meaning from 0.01 to 999999999.99
6 / Transaction Type Identification Code / 2.2 / NTRF
7 / Reference to Account Owner / 2.25
Instruction Identification when given (optional field)
End-to-End Identification
being AT-41 / Ø Contents of 2.25 or 2.26 in the related pain message, or other electronic message received (e.g. 21R in MT101, although this is an optional field in MT101)
Ø NONREF if none supplied (as also in IBOS MT101 GSL spec)
Ø If there are contents in 2.25 or 2.26 or whatever was received, remove any tags and check the number of characters
Ø If the contents exceed 16 characters, leave this field blank
Ø If the contents are up to or including 16 characters, populate them here
8 / Account Servicing Institution’s Reference / -- / Remitting bank’s own reference up to 16 characters [//16x]
9 / Supplementary Details / 2.25 or 2.26 / Ø Blank (a) if Sub-field 7 contained NONREF or up to or including 16 characs, or (b) if 2.25/2.26 contained more than 18 characs
Ø Populate this field with the contents of 2.25/2.26 if there are 17 or 18 characters (because 18 characs is the RosettaNet reference length)

Field 86 (6*65x) = 390 characters

Description / ISO pain ref / MT940 population
Creditor Name / 2.57 / AT-22 Name of the Beneficiary
Up to 70 characters, then /
Reference – Organisation/Private Identification / 2.57 / AT-24 Beneficiary Identification Code
If used instead of presence of Address in pain message, then RFB then / then up to 35 characters = 39 characters in all
Reference – Instruction Identification or End-to-End Identification / 2.25 if present
2.26 / Contents of 2.25 or AT-41 Originator’s Reference to the Credit Transfer
Either way - ROC then / then up to 35 characters= 39 characters in all
Remittance Information / 2.85 or 2.86 / Nothing

Debiting bulk SCT

Bulk debit is foreseen in the Group Header 3.1.3 because there is a field “Batch Booking”, but it is optional, and within the header there is no equivalent to “Total Interbank Settlement Amount” (from the Bank-to-Bank dataset).

Also the concept of the amount of the batch being between 4 and 12 characters, meaning from 0.01 to 999999999.99, cannot be correct since the underlying transactions in 3.1.4 Payment Information could all be for EUR999999999.99.

Field 61

Sub-Field / Description / ISO pain ref / MT940 population
1 / Value Date / -- / YYMMDD
2 / Entry Date / 2.13 / MMDD
3 / Debit/Credit Mark / -- / D
4 / Funds Code / -- / R
5 / Amount / ?? / Total of what is in 2.38 in each of the underlying transactions
6 / Transaction Type Identification Code / 2.2 / NTRF
7 / Reference to Account Owner / 2.1 Payment Information Identification when given (optional field)
1.1 Message Identification / Ø 2.1 in pain is optional; 1.1 in pain is mandatory
Ø Use 2,.1 if it is present; otherwise use 1.1
Ø Either can be up to 35 characters
Ø If the contents exceed 16 characters, leave this field blank
Ø If the contents are up to or including 16 characters, populate them here
Ø Same approach for input methods that are not taking a file in pain
8 / Account Servicing Institution’s Reference / -- / Remitting bank’s own reference up to 16 characters [//16x]
9 / Supplementary Details / 2.1 or 1.1 / Ø Blank (a) if Sub-field 7 contained up to or including 16 characs or (b) if 2.1/2.2 contained more than 18 characters
Ø Populate this field with the contents of 2.1 or 1.1 if there are 17 or 18 characters

Field 86 (6*65x) = 390 characters

Description / ISO pain ref / MT940 population
Payment Information Identification / 2.1 / up to 35 characters, if present, OR
Message Identification / 1.1 / up to 35 characters

Crediting individual SDD

Field 61

Sub-Field / Description / ISO pain ref / MT940 population
1 / Value Date / -- / YYMMDD
2 / Entry Date / -- / MMDD
3 / Debit/Credit Mark / -- / C
4 / Funds Code / -- / R
5 / Amount / 2.38 / Between 4 and 12 characters, meaning from 0.01 to 999999999.99
6 / Transaction Type Identification Code / -- / NDDT
7 / Reference to Account Owner / 2.26 / Ø Not NONREF
Ø Creditor must include the reference against which they will reconcile
Ø AT-10 Creditor’s Reference of the direct debit collection
Ø remove any tags and check the number of characters
Ø If the contents exceed 16 characters, leave this field blank
Ø If the contents are up to or including 16 characters, populate them here
8 / Account Servicing Institution’s Reference / -- / Remitting bank’s own reference up to 16 characters [//16x]
9 / Supplementary Details / 2.26 / Ø Blank (a) if Sub-field 7 contained up to or including 16 characs, or (b) if 2.26 contained more than 18 characs
Ø Populate this field with the contents of 2.26 if there are 17 or 18 characters (because 18 characs is the RosettaNet reference length)

Field 86 (6*65x) = 390 characters

Description / ISO pain ref / MT940 population
AT-10 Creditor’s Reference of the direct debit collection / 2.26 / up to 35 characters

Crediting bulk SDD

Bulk credit is foreseen in the Group Header 3.1.3 because there is a field “Batch Booking”, but it is optional, and within the header there is no equivalent to “2.13 Interbank Settlement Amount” (from the Bank-to-Bank dataset).

Also the concept of the amount of the batch being between 4 and 12 characters, meaning from 0.01 to 999999999.99, cannot be correct since the underlying transactions in 3.1.4 Payment Information could all be for EUR999999999.99.

Field 61

Sub-Field / Description / ISO pain ref / MT940 population
1 / Value Date / -- / YYMMDD
2 / Entry Date / -- / MMDD
3 / Debit/Credit Mark / -- / C
4 / Funds Code / -- / R
5 / Amount / ?? / Total of what is in 2.38 in each of the underlying transactions
6 / Transaction Type Identification Code / -- / NDDT
7 / Reference to Account Owner / 1.1 / Ø 1.1 in pain is mandatory and is taken here as the equivalent of AT-10 on individual transactions
Ø (NB The customer may or may not reconcile on the basis of a bulk reference, as against reconciling on the individual transactions contained)
Ø If the contents of 1.1 exceed 16 characters, leave this field blank
Ø If the contents are up to or including 16 characters, populate them here
Ø Same approach for input methods that are not taking a file in pain
8 / Account Servicing Institution’s Reference / -- / Remitting bank’s own reference up to 16 characters [//16x]
9 / Supplementary Details / 1.1 / Ø Blank (a) if Sub-field 7 contained up to or including 16 characs, or (b) if 1.1 contained more than 18 characs
Ø Populate this field with the contents of 1.1 if there are 17 or 18 characters (because 18 characs is the RosettaNet reference length)

Field 86 (6*65x) = 390 characters

Description / ISO pain ref / MT940 population
Message Identification / 1.1 / up to 35 characters

Debiting individual SDD

Field 61

Sub-Field / Description / ISO pacs ref / MT940 population
1 / Value Date / -- / YYMMDD
2 / Entry Date / -- / MMDD
3 / Debit/Credit Mark / -- / D
4 / Funds Code / -- / R
5 / Amount / 2.13 / Between 4 and 12 characters, meaning from 0.01 to 999999999.99
6 / Transaction Type Identification Code / 2.2 / NDDT
7 / Reference to Account Owner / 2.1 / Ø 2.1 End To End Identification which is AT-10 Creditor’s reference of the Direct Debit transaction and can be up to 35 characters
Ø If the contents of 2.1 exceed 16 characters, leave this field blank
Ø If the contents are up to or including 16 characters, populate them here
8 / Account Servicing Institution’s Reference / -- / Remitting bank’s own reference up to 16 characters [//16x]. Could be 2.1 Creditor’s bank’s reference but again the issue of field size emerges
9 / Supplementary Details / 2.1 / Ø Blank (a) if Sub-field 7 contained up to or including 16 characs, or (b) if 2.1 contained more than 18 characs
Ø Populate this field with the contents of 2.1 if there are 17 or 18 characters (because 18 characs is the RosettaNet reference length)

Field 86 (6*65x) = 390 characters

Description / ISO pacs ref / MT940 population
Creditor Name / 2.43 / AT-03 Name of Creditor
up to 70 characters, then /
Reference – End-to-End Identification / 2.1 / AT-41 Originator’s Reference to the Credit Transfer
ROC then / then up to 35 characters= 39 characters in all
Original Mandate Identification / 2.26 / AT-19 Unique Mandate reference as given by the Creditor who issued the mandate
RFB then / then up to 35 characters = 39 characters in all
Remittance Information / 2.82 or 2.83 / Up to 140 characters of Unstructured Information or Structured Information, transcribed precisely from the related pacs message
Dividers / -- / Up to another 4 instances of / such that overall maximum of characters is 289


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