Sample Demonstration Speech Outline

Introduction – A good opener is imperative to the flow of your speech. Plan this carefully and include the following…

Attention Material: (History of item, product, or process. Interesting, relevant background information.)

Tie to the audience: (Make a connection to your audience; make your topic relevant them.)

Credibility material: (Explain how you are connected with topic; personal anecdotes or vignettes.)

Preview: (Tell your audience what to expect… “I will explain three basic things” … and then provide an appropriate

[Transition to Body: “So, let’s start…” This is where you introduce all of the materials, and tools you will be using.]

Body – The body of a demonstration speech outline can be divided into sections. If you are demonstrating how to make a craft project, for example, you might have a section on materials, then one containing all the steps, and a final section on how to care for or display the finished product. The sections become the main points of your speech.

·  Materials – discuss significant details

·  Steps – this requires skill; remember to keep it conversational, rather than just a rambling list

·  Tips/ Fun facts – connections, historical information, trivia attached to item/process (these can be intermixed within the steps or done separately)

[Transition to Conclusion: “Now that you have seen how to…You can now feel prepared to…”

Conclusion – Ideally, you want your audience to be prepared to repeat the steps of your speech, so you will need to review with them all that you have discussed.

Review: (“So today I demonstrated the three steps required in...”) Review your steps

Wrap It All Up: (Make the connection to your audience – why it’s important to your audience)

Final Thoughts: (A quote, a humorous anecdote, a word of encouragement)