The 7th International Conference of SuDBE2015, Reading, UK; 27-29 July, 2015

Topic: T2.4 Renewable Energy and Applications Reference number:123456

Paper title

First Author1, Corresponding Author2, [*], Andrew Wang2

1. School of Urban Construction and Environment Engineering, Chongqing University, Chongqing 400045, China

2. The University of Reading, Reading 00000, UK

Abstract: Prepare an informative abstract of 200-300 words based on the completed paper. The abstract should provide information on the purpose of the study, methods or procedures, results, discussion and concluding remarks or interpretation of the results. If feasible, it should also indicate the meaning or importance of the work. It should be a self-contained statement giving the reader a clear indication of the purpose and content of the paper.

Key words: thermal adaptation, thermal comfort, skin temperature, hot-humid region (no more than five keywords)

1 Introduction

The introduction should present the practical and scientific background for the study or presentation, the hypothesis(es) and a clear statement of the objective(s) of the study/presentation.

The length of full papers is 6-8 pages including references, figures and tables. Please use the format described on these pages. The accepted file format is Word file. The recommended type face is Arial. All text should be left-justified 10pt bold face (style: Normal). Use 12 ptUppercase of first letter bold font for main headings and 10 pt normal lowercase font for 2nd level headings. Do not use page numbers.

2 Method or Experimental

This section should describe the study design, materials, measuring methods and procedures and statistical methods. Measuring and statistical methods should be mentioned, but for routine methods a reference rather than a description of the method is recommended.

The full papers must provide new information on scientific validation, comparative testing, research or development.

3 Results and discussion

3.1 Tables and illustrations

In general, figures and other illustrations should be used when they are shorter, clearer, or more effective than explanations in words. All tables must have suitable captions above the table. Use single line border as presented in Table 1. Tables and figures should be inserted in the text near to the place they are mentioned the first time.

Table1 Environmental parameters in summer

Physical Parameters / Max / Min / Mean
Indoor Temp(oC) / 28 / 20 / 25
Outdoor Temp(oC) / 39 / 29 / 32

Fig.1 Building energy consumption of some building of Beijing from June 1-July 31

3.2 Equations

Equations should be centred and numbered as in the example below:


where T is the mean value of the temperature and T is the standard deviation of the temperature. It is the standard deviation of the rate of change of the temperature, and n is the number of level crossings. Use italic symbols for quantities and variables. Punctuate equations with commas or periods when they are part of a sentence.

4 Conclusions

A conclusion should be presented here to illustrate the whole paper briefly.


This work was supported by XXX (Grant No. YYY).


[1]XXX, YYY, ZZZ. Application of three S technology in the investigation and analysis of urban thermal environment [J]. Environmental science and technology. 1997,2:35-38.

[2]XXX, YYY, ZZZ. Introduction to the geographical information system [M]. Beijing: Science Press, 2003.

[3]XXX. On-board real-time state and fault identification for rovers[C]//IEEE Intel Conference on Robotics & Automation. San Francisco:IEEE Press, 2000:1175−1181.

[4]XXX, YYY. Advance on standard database of system engineering of Chinese academic journals[EB/OL].[1998-10-04].http://

