Safety Steering Committee Meeting


Members Present:

Dave Jackson, Kris Smith, Dave Keeley, Bethany Kaplan, Kerry Campbell, Janiece Ford, Meagan Moeller, Dan Johnson-O’mara, Joe Brinson and Debra Houseal from Occupational Health

Wellness/Warm Up At Work:

Held quarterly wellness feature with Area 1. New Blood Pressure cuffs were purchased and a refresher on taking blood pressure reading was completed. Review indicates equipment is being used 3.5 times per day on average.

Met with BLS Leadership Team and Facilities Coordinators. Reviewed benefits of the wellness program. Was asked about the percentage of FM staff participating in the Health Risk Assessment. Currently 35% of FM has completed their Health Risk Assessment compared to 45% University wide.

Meagan is working to find out what units would like to have presented in a quarterly review so she can design the presentations based on individual needs.

Dashboard and Safety Work Requests Report:

Current measures of performance and yearend projections are showing no significant changes from 2008.

Unit Reports:

Blue Team






Landscape Services


Building Services

The first meeting of the month of the BLS Leadership Team includes all the supervisors and has a safety emphasis. In June Megan presented us with Wellness information at that meeting and at the afternoon meeting of the Facility Service Coordinators. She encouraged all staff to complete their Personal Health Assessment and said she would be willing to meet with small groups at any campus ITC to answer questions or help with the process. She also emphasized she would be very willing to meet on a quarterly with any shop/group to address agreed upon wellness topics.

At both meetings I presented for their review the current safety dashboard and the April & May reported injuries. It is my intention to do that each month to help keep the focus on our current status and encourage timeliness of incident investigations.

The Electrical Safety Arc Flash committee met on June 16. It was reported that all areas have either purchased or ordered the selected PPE, clothing and insulated tools for their hvac staff.All BLS buildings will have the arc flash hazard warning labels installed by June 30, 2009 except at the Oakdale campus. They are presently short staffed & will work toward their completion as soon as possible.

The BLS managers overall are doing a little better in submitting their monthly safety shop meeting topics/sign in sheets.

PS I was impressed with what Bethany shared last month at our Steering Committee meeting & thought it would be helpful for the BLS Leadership team meeting. I am requesting that she be able to present at our July meeting.

Power Plant

See Attached


Dave Keeley met with Don Guckert for about 30 minutes to discuss how things are going with the Safety Program, Steering Committee and overall injuries. Dave responded that generally things are going well but some of the measurement indicators could still be lower. Dave and Don also discussed having all staff exposed to Shop Talks, and having the safety web page be a little more prominent.

Don requested that Dave Keeley and possibly one other person attend a meeting to talk with the 1FM group.

Next Meeting 7/16/2009

Power Plant Safety Committee Meeting

Minutes of

June 16, 2009

The Following Items Went Up For Discussion:

1)The possibility of Boiler #10 going positive while pulling bottom ash with both the slide gate and outer door open still exists. Rather than establishing an interlock, either with software or hard-wiring, it was agreed a face shield in conjunction with standard PPE would suffice. It was pointed out that spudding presents the same problem. Dealing with ash clinkers is inherent in boiler operation. Care and alertness must be exercised.

2)We have had 11 days without an OSHA Recordable incident.

3)Boiler #11 stack catwalk work has been let and a P.O. cut.

4)Black Plant Equipment ID markings are nearly complete.

5)Installing a Bailey monitor in the Ash Alley for operations to use in the event of evacuation to the basement is a WIP.

6)Boiler 5&6 area is shaping up pretty well. Ash troughs in the basement floor will be filled in and smoothed out.

7)Boiler #9 Demo is virtually complete. No known injuries on that job.

8)The rooftop railings are in. The inventory is complete. Now a crane needs to be scheduled to lift all that hardware up to the rooftop.

9)The Indoor Oil Storage area is progressing slowly but surely.

10)The Tunnels do not allow cell phone communication. In the North Tunnel, it looks deceptively safe, well-lit and our instruments and anyone working on them are completely visible from the Tunnel Entrance. However, it is still possible for anything to happen. For those quick jobs like checking a transmitter, we are looking at establishing a safety-comparable procedure for the North Tunnel other than Gary Creed’s signup sheet and the steam tunnel pagers. One thought is two people (the Buddy System) check the instruments or impulse lines while one person remains at the Entrance with the phone. Longer jobs would probably be best accomplished using Mr. Creed’s Tunnel Entrance program. Discussion with Mr. Creed will help us one way or another with our thinking.

11)Boiler 10 soot blowing trap line was moved to a safer location.

12)TB1 & 2 air curves were readjusted for Summer Air. No more black smoke. TB1’s pilot gas flame is better now that the igniter rod position is at spec AND the pilot gas pressure is set at spec. Uh, duh. Evidently too much pilot gas pressure makes the flame look weak but is actually blowing the flame out. The pilot gas pressure should be 12-13”wc, not 15-20”wc.

13)Who is checking the AED? Where is the key? And why does the location look like we’re trying to hide it? This is one of those little used things that gets forgotten. Vigilance never takes a vacation.

14)The Ash Unloader Truck driver access ladder is still being improved. With our type of system, it’s just plain difficult.

15)The Safety Dashboard was handed out along with the current injury and lost time totals so far noted in the OSHA 300 Log. Most people had not seen the Log before or knew of its location on the FM Website. Education only…no posting.

16)The Safety Suggestion Box was empty.

Daniel Johnson-O’Mara, PPSC Recorder