General Medicine

Sylabus of Lectures

  1. Introduction to Immunology - history of immunology, immune system, immune mechanisms, immune response
  2. Cells of immune system

3. Lymphoid organs, mucosal immune system

4. Humoral nonspecific immune mechanism – complement system

5. Celullar nonspecific immune mechanism – phagocytosis

6. Main histocompatibility system, transplantation immunity

7. Antigens. Immunoglobulines – structure, genetics, classes

  1. Immunoglobulines – izotypes, alotypes, monoclonal antibodies
  2. Tolerance
  3. Cytokines, adhesive molecules
  4. Tumor immunity
  5. Autoimmunity, immunodeficiency
  6. Hypersensitivity reactions - I., II., III., IV. type

14. Immunomodulation – immunostimulation, immunorepression,


Prof. Leonard Siegfried, M.D.,PhD.

The Head of Institute of Medical Microbiology


General Medicine

Laboratory practice

1. Nonspecific humoral immunity – Complement system, lysozyme

- Methods for detection of lysozyme levels

- Complement assays – measurment of individual Complement

components ( C3, C4)

2. Nonspecific cellular immunity – phagocytosis, NK cells

- Evaluation of phagocytic index, phagocytic activity of

polymorphonuclear leucocytes (PMNL).

- Tests for intacellular killing

3. Specific humoral immunity – immunoglobulines

Detection of immunocomplexes

Detection of immuglobulines concentrations by radial immunodiffusion

4. Specific cellular immunity

- Separation of lymphocytes

5. Specific cellular immunity

- Flow cytometry – principle and evaluation of results

- Detection of T lymphocytes by E rosette-forming cells test

6. Autoimmunity, deficiences and transplantation

Detection of autoantibodies by immunofluorescence assay

Transplantation tests (detection of HLA antigenes)

7. Credit

Prof. Leonard Siegfried, M.D.,PhD.

The Head of Institute of Medical Microbiology


Dental Medicine

Sylabus of Lectures

  1. Introduction to Immunology - history of immunology, immune system, immune mechanisms, immune response
  2. Cells of immune system

3. Lymphoid organs, mucosal immune system

4. Humoral nonspecific immune mechanism – complement system

5. Celullar nonspecific immune mechanism – phagocytosis

6. Main histocompatibility system, transplantation immunity

7. Antigens. Immunoglobulines – structure, genetics, classes

  1. Immunoglobulines – izotypes, alotypes, monoclonal antibodies
  2. Tolerance
  3. Cytokines, adhesive molecules
  4. Tumor immunity
  5. Autoimmunity, immunodeficiency
  6. Hypersensitivity reactions - I., II., III., IV. type

14. Immunomodulation – immunostimulation, immunorepression,


Prof. Leonard Siegfried, M.D.,PhD.

The Head of Institute of Medical Microbiology


Dental Medicine

Laboratory practice

  1. Nonspecific humoral immunity – Complement system, lysozyme

- Methods for detection of lysozyme levels

- Complement assays – measurment of individual Complement

components ( C3, C4)

  1. Nonspecific cellular immunity – phagocytosis, NK cells

- Evaluation of phagocytic index, phagocytic activity of

polymorphonuclear leucocytes (PMNL).

- Tests for intacellular killing

  1. Specific humoral immunity – immunoglobulines

-Detection of immunocomplexes

-Detection of immuglobulines concentrations by radial immunodiffusion

  1. Specific cellular immunity

- Separation of lymphocytes

  1. Specific cellular immunity

- Flow cytometry – principle and evaluation of results

- Detection of T lymphocytes by E rosette-forming cells test

  1. Autoimmunity, deficiences and transplantation

-Detection of autoantibodies by immunofluorescence assay

-Transplantation tests (detection of HLA antigenes)

  1. Credit

Prof. Leonard Siegfried, M.D.,PhD.

The Head of Institute of Medical Microbiology