TOMATO (Lycopersicon esculentum L.)
Determinate and Indeterminate Type
I. Climatic and Soil Requirement
Tomato is relatively warm season crop. Plants grow well at temperature range of 19°C to 30°C. It also requires plenty of sunshine but low humidity. It is suitable to grow in higher land, well irrigated, fertile sandy loam soil with pH of 6-6.7. The site should be free from nematodes and other soil borne diseases. Continuous rain
will increase disease problem such as bacterial wilt, bright, root rot, and fruiting cracking.
II. Recommended Known You Varieties
Determinate Type
from Weight Shoulder
Varieties sowing Plant type Fruit shape (gram) color _Feature_
1. New prolific and
Kingkong 105 determinate round 110-150 green bacterial wilt
2. Duchess 90 determinate round 160 red firm fruit, disease resistant
3.Farmers 209 90 determinate blocky shape 90 red good cover, sunscald tolerant
4. Fortune 100 determinate oblong 75 red good cover Indeterminate Type
A. Big Tomato
1. Grace 100 indeterminate round 250- 300 pink fruit resistant to cracking and large
2. Pinky 93 indeterminate round 190 green pink fruit and good quality
B. Fresh Market
1. Farmers 301 109 indeterminate globe 180 deep green uniform and good taste
heat tolerant, bacterial wilt
2. Kingkong # 2 100 indeterminate globe 150 uniform resistant
3. Precious 106 tall short/oblong 90 uniform good shipper
C. Mini Tomato
1. Golden Gem 75 indeterminate round 16 orange/yellow good fruit setting
2. Juliet 80 indeterminate oblong 25 bright red god shipper
3. Season red 65 indeterminate oblong 50 red heat tolerant
4. Sherry 75 indeterminate deep/globe 35 red early, does not crack easily
IIIII. Seedling Care and Transplanting/Spacing
A. Prepare seedling tray # 104 and Growell medium before seed sowing. Insert only one seed per hole.
B. Seeds will start to germinate about 4 days after sowing. Transplant seedling to the field after 21 – 25 days or when the 4th true leaves appear. C .Prepare the soil, make a plot measuring 1m width and a height of 4-6 “.
Make canal 0.5 width.
D. Put plastic mulch in a plot to prevent growth of weeds and retain soil
E. The distance between rows is 70cm and 60cm between plants.
F. Do not transplant too late because old seedlings may cause dropping of thefirst flower and lead to poor fruit setting or small sized fruit.
G. During nursery stage, diseases and insect prevention should be takencare. Also the application of pesticides should be reduced by half, in order to prevent pesticide injury.
lV.Land Preparation
Plow and clean the planting area and make a raised bed in sandy loam or clay soils. Use 1 m bed, 0.5 m canal. The bed should be 15-20 cm high above the fertilized level. Use Agri + Plas silver-black plastic mulch to cover prepared plots.
V. Fertilization (basal fertilization)
2 bags chicken manure 150g Borax
4 kilos complete fertilizer 14-14-14 150g Magnesium
1 kg Calcium Nitrate 150 g Furadan
Drenching Schedule
Weeks after transplanting / Calcium Nitrate / Complete1 / 75g / -
2 / 150g / -
3 / 225g / -
4 / 75g / -
5 / - / 75g
6 / - / 150g
7 / - / 225g
8 / - / 300g
Fertilizer recommendation is dissolved in 16 Liters of water per week. Apply 150 ml per plant.
Vl. Trellis Preparation (for indeterminate type)
Use bamboo poles as trellis for tomato. One pole per plant should be needed with at least 6-7 feet long and 1-2 inches diameter.
VII. Irrigation
Tomato plants need adequate moisture during the growing season. Therefore furrow irrigation should be applied frequently to maintain a steady growth. Do not apply excessive irrigation. Do not keep the soil soaked.
Vlll. Pruning (for indeterminate type)
A. Single- stem pruning. Keep only the main stem and prune all the lateral branches
B. Double - stem pruning. Keep the main stem and save only one lateral branch which is right under the first cluster.
IX. Disease and Insect Control
Pest and DiseasesControl
Bacterial wilt Crop rotation
Powdery MildewBenlate, ridomil Mz 58
Tomato Mosaic virusPlant resistant variety
late BlightDithane M-45 Daconil
Tomato Leaf MinerAscend
Tomato fruit wormLannate, Sevin
Army wormLannate, Decis 2.5 EC
White flyPowdery soap, Decis 2.5 EC
Tomato leaf curl VirusPetroleum Oil Decis 2.5 EC
Fruit FlyFruit Fly attractant
X. Harvesting
A. Processing tomato is usually harvested when the fruit becomes red in color.This stage it is most suitable for juice or paste processing.
B. Table tomato is harvested if it is half –ripe stage to ensure long shelf life.
If the fruits are to be used for fresh market,the harvest time will depend on the eating habit of the local consumer.
HARBESTYour partner in profitable short-term, high-value commercial crops production
For provincial inquiries, please contact or call:
HARBEST Technology Dev’t. and PromotionCenter, Pangasinan 0917-8173034
HARBEST Cebu Branch Office, CebuCity (032)2557109 0917-3272378
HARBEST BacolodCity (034) 4410667 0919-6867574
HARBEST Davao Branch Office, DavaoCity(082) 2240688 0917-4347922
HARBEST Leyte, TaclobanCity 0906-4850972 0915-4031091
Bulacan Area0928-7416429 0915-8792424
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OFFICE OF THE PRESIDENT(02) 6712239 0917-5203260
CUSTOMER SERVICES DEPT.0917-8474861 0917-8438560
Harbest communications
King Kong No.2 F1 Hybrid Tomato from Known You Seed Co. of Taiwan
No. 5 Rosemarie Lane, Brgy. Kapitolyo, PasigCity
Tel. No. 6717411 to 14 Fax No. (02) 6712232
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