Safety in the CommunityPost-Test
Highlight the one best answer. There is only one answer for each question.
- Most violent crime is perpetrated by
- Complete strangers
- Someone the victim knows
- People with mental illness
- Clients
- You are in a client’s apartment and you don’t feel safe
- You should make an excuse and leave immediately
- Tell the client you don’t feel safe
- You must stay as it’s part of your job
- Call 911
- Regular mindful breathing exercises help you
- Yell for help if necessary
- Remain calm in a crisis situation
- Present confident body language
- All of the above
- Being distracted can make you an easier target for violence. An example of this is
- Driving in your car
- Texting while walking down the street
- Carrying a bag
- Holding your head up
- Perpetrators prefer to attack someone who presents with a “victim image”. Which of the following are associated with a victim image?
- Eyes forward
- Shoulders slumped
- Good eye contact
- Firm handshake
- Many perpetrators try to
- Get you to accept help from them
- Present as “nice” and polite
- Do not accept the word “no”
- All of the above
- When entering a person’s home
- Be the last one to leave and the first to enter
- Don’t enter
- Be the last one to enter and the first one to leave
- Don’t leave
- When in a person’s home
- Leave your cell phone in the car
- Keep your shoes on
- Sit down if the person is standing and getting agitated
- Relax and be friendly and you’ll be fine
- Where is the best place to stand in an elevator?
- By the control panel
- At the side
- At the back
- At the front
- What do you do if the client in your car pulls out a bottle of whiskey and starts drinking it
- Call 911
- Do nothing, talk to the client later about it
- Discontinue services to that client
- Pull over, have the client put the bottle back in his bag and put it in the trunk.
People Incorporated Training: Last updated 5/5/16