Safety in the CommunityPost-Test




Highlight the one best answer. There is only one answer for each question.

  1. Most violent crime is perpetrated by
  2. Complete strangers
  3. Someone the victim knows
  4. People with mental illness
  5. Clients
  1. You are in a client’s apartment and you don’t feel safe
  2. You should make an excuse and leave immediately
  3. Tell the client you don’t feel safe
  4. You must stay as it’s part of your job
  5. Call 911
  1. Regular mindful breathing exercises help you
  1. Yell for help if necessary
  2. Remain calm in a crisis situation
  3. Present confident body language
  4. All of the above
  1. Being distracted can make you an easier target for violence. An example of this is
  2. Driving in your car
  3. Texting while walking down the street
  4. Carrying a bag
  5. Holding your head up
  1. Perpetrators prefer to attack someone who presents with a “victim image”. Which of the following are associated with a victim image?
  1. Eyes forward
  2. Shoulders slumped
  3. Good eye contact
  4. Firm handshake
  1. Many perpetrators try to
  2. Get you to accept help from them
  3. Present as “nice” and polite
  4. Do not accept the word “no”
  5. All of the above
  6. When entering a person’s home
  7. Be the last one to leave and the first to enter
  8. Don’t enter
  9. Be the last one to enter and the first one to leave
  10. Don’t leave
  1. When in a person’s home
  2. Leave your cell phone in the car
  3. Keep your shoes on
  4. Sit down if the person is standing and getting agitated
  5. Relax and be friendly and you’ll be fine
  1. Where is the best place to stand in an elevator?
  2. By the control panel
  3. At the side
  4. At the back
  5. At the front
  1. What do you do if the client in your car pulls out a bottle of whiskey and starts drinking it
  2. Call 911
  3. Do nothing, talk to the client later about it
  4. Discontinue services to that client
  5. Pull over, have the client put the bottle back in his bag and put it in the trunk.

People Incorporated Training: Last updated 5/5/16