SAE Meeting Agenda

Tues, Sept. 16, 2014

  1. SAE-Supervised Agricultural Experience
  2. Requirements to raise livestock under AMCFFA
  3. Quality Counts online – due November 1st
  4. Must have a verification #
  5. Points System
  6. Actively Serve on 2 committee (See POA)
  7. Activity participate at 2 community service events (see POA)
  8. Sell 15 items during our fundraiser
  9. Attend 5 chapter FFA Mtgs between Sept and January 2015
  10. Must sign in on computer for records
  11. MAJORS – Attend Major Show Entry Night Nov 11th 6:00 pm
  12. SAE Agreement Form
  13. Update your AETs for classes and your SAE Projects
  14. UIL-Passing All Classes (if the student is ineligible the project is ineligible)
  15. Olden Farm
  16. Rules and Procedure Form
  17. Work Day – Wednesday, October 16th 4:30 pm
  18. Sign up to raise at Olden Farm
  19. Livestock to Raise
  20. Steers – sign up at the end of this year to show next year (Ms. Toman)
  21. Heifers – scramble opportunities (Mrs. Latham)
  22. Market Barrows – Tag Orders due Thursday September 24, 2014 (Ms. Toman)
  23. Market Lambs – tag available (Ms. Toman)
  24. Market Goats – tags available (Ms. Toman)
  25. Turkeys – Orders due TBA (Ms. Toman)
  26. Chickens/Broilers – Orders due TBA (Ms. Toman)
  27. Rabbits – buy meat pens or buy breeders and raise your meat pen (Ms. Toman)
  28. Breeding Gilts, Lambs, and Goats at majors only
  29. Non-Livestock Projects
  30. FCS at BCYLA
  31. Horticulture (Mrs. Latham)
  32. Woodworking (Mr. Templeton)
  33. Metal Working (small scale) (Mr. Templeton)
  34. Art, Photo, Jewelry, Clothing, and more
  35. Baked Goods, Canned Goods, and more
  36. Ag Mechanics (Mr. Templeton)
  37. San Angelo and County Show
  38. Various Metal and Wood projects designed by students
  39. See Mr. Templeton
  40. Record Keeping on AET
  42. Proficiency Awards
  43. FFA Degrees
  44. FFA Scholarships
  1. Livestock Shows with AMCFFA
  2. General Information
  3. Must meet requirements and be eligible
  4. Must complete entry forms and pay dues on time
  5. May be asked to haul animals
  6. YOU need to read, before you enter, all general rules and species rules for each show you plan to attend
  7. The family is responsible for travel and hotel
  8. Keep track of your UIL days out of school and keep to a minimum
  9. BCYLS “Brazos County Show”
  11. March 22-26
  12. Entries due at validation for each animal species
  13. Must pay membership fee to BCYLA $25 family or $10 individual (2012 prices)
  14. Major Shows with AMCFFA
  15. Houston –
  16. San Antonio –
  17. State Fair of Texas (Fall) -
  18. Must attend Major Show Entry night November 11th 6pm –
  19. Parent
  20. student social security number
  21. calendar
  22. check book
  23. list of questions
  24. answers to these questions:
  25. Do you need help hauling?
  26. Do you need help clipping?
  27. Important Dates

Check website

Come to meetings and pay attention to upcoming events and dates