The school is part of the City Community Learning Trust. Successful candidates will be employed by the school and not Sheffield City Council. All employment and pension rights remain the same.
IntakePrimary School is situated approximately three miles from Sheffield City Centre and serves a traditional city area.
Three hundred and 389 children currently attend the school andthere are 14 classes.Seventeen percent of pupils receive free school meals.
The wonderful Victorian building has undergone significant improvement over the last four years and is situated on a large site that has many advantages and great potential. In addition ICT provision has been significantly upgraded.
The support of parents is significant, over forty percent of pupils come from out of the catchment area and demand for places in the school is high.
The school has a dedicated and hardworking staff along with enthusiastic pupils who are a pleasure to work with.
The School Vision
To have a happy school where everyone feels secure and can confidently reach their academic, physical and personal potential. To develop physical and intellectual creativity so that everyone can become successful life-long learners.
The School Aims
Leadership and Management
- To provide clear leadership and effective management that enables the school to continuously improve.
- To make the best use of resources to maximise learning.
- To ensure good quality accommodation that pupils are proud of and wish to enhance.
Ethos and Learning Environment
- To develop the confidence, aspirations and self-esteem of the whole school community.
- To promote tolerance, understanding and respect for all people.
- To place the school at the centre of the community. Work closely with parents and local groups to encourage respect and care of the school environment and the local community.
- To promote high standards of behaviour and attitude to work throughout the school.
- To provide a caring, safe and enjoyable environment for everyone in the school community.
Standards and Achievement
- To enable all pupils to attain the highest possible standards and achieve the best possible progress in all areas of the curriculum with a particular focus on the core areas of English, mathematics and science.
- To offer rich and stimulating curricular and extra-curricular experiences that engage children and develop a love of learning that enables them to become successful life-long learners.
Quality of Education
- To provide high quality teaching that has clear aims and objectives, that uses appropriate methods and resources that are matched to the differing needs of pupils.
- To enable pupils to take increasing responsibility for their own learning, applying and developing their knowledge, skills and understanding independently.
- To challenge pupils to set themselves high standards, take pride in their work and strive towards excellence.
- To provide a rich and exciting curriculum that emphasises literacy, numeracy and ICT whilst stimulating interest in a wide range of cultural, aesthetic, physical and environmental issues.
City Community Learning Trust
(The CitySchool, Intake Primary, Stradbroke Primary, Woodhouse West Primary, Woodthorpe Community Primary)
Key aims for our trust are to:
• Ensure consistently high expectations across all of our schools among
pupils, parents, carers and staff.
• Enable all pupils to access high quality teaching and learning experiences
by sharing ‘best practice’, resources and staff within the partnership, and
developing creative and transformational approaches to help us to raise
standards more consistently across our schools.
• Work more effectively with parents, carers and the wider community to
promote health and well-being, develop a more aspirational culture, and
develop a more integrated approach with other partners working with
children and communities, such as health, social care, sport and leisure.
• Work with external partners to help us be even more imaginative and
creative in providing opportunities for family and community learning and
wider cultural experiences.
• Build on the Business and Enterprise specialism at City to strengthen our
commitment to a global perspective based on principles of co-operative
values, respect, social justice, fair trade and democracy.