rustomjee cambridge international school, india
Written by
Reshma & Payal
Created as part of the School Enterprise Challenge Awards Programme – Bronze Level
Section A: Our Business DetailsBusiness Name / Market day
Business Activity / Canteen day for Students
No. of students involved in business idea activities (including writing this Business Idea) / Boys- 67 / Girls- 73 / Total- 140
Section B: Our School
- To help you understand our school business better, we will briefly describe our school (e.g. age of the students; location; environment).
- We are located around the residential proximity and our school is one of the well known institution in the vicinity.
- The environment in the school is very encouraging for the students to participate actively and provide them hands on experience to learning. Our students and parents are always enthusiastic to provide us the required co-operation and look forward for more self-learning activities.
Section C: Our Resources
- Here is a description of the resources available at our school that we could use to start a business, including how we can use the school location as a business opportunity and how we could use our skills for our school business.
- Infrastructure provided by school- Tables, chairs, space to fix banners, electricity, oven, grinder, etc.. Our talented student under the guidance of skilled teachers together achieve their targets of business.
Section D: Generating Business Ideas
- a) When putting our heads together these are the five business ideas we thought of:
2) Monthly Magazine
3) Origami
4) DIY (Handicrafts)
5) Drink Dudes( Juices)
6) Event management.
b) The business we would like to set up is: Market day.
And these are 3 reasons why we chose this idea:
- Profitable business.
- Students will enjoy the products sold on market day.
- Easily availability of resources to set up business.
- Our final Business Idea will be sustainable and have a positive impact on the environment and our community because:
It is ecofriendly and even kids of smaller age can perform much well and give their best.
This greater business will help them to boost their confidence level and upgrade them , they can also work much better and will definitely try to avoid all the errors and losses they face on the market day.
Section E: Start-Up Capital
5. If our business needs start-up capital, we are planning to raise it by:
Parents contribution.
own piggy bank is the easiest way to financeSelling Personal Assets (watch, shoes, etc on olx)
banners from different people/ shop owners.
Additional Comments: Its was an amazing and enjoyable experience.
CONGRATULATIONS on coming up with a Business Idea! Submit NOW!
Remember to submit your completed business idea to the School Enterprise Challenge Awards Programme by logging in to your account at:
BRONZE Business Idea Template 2017. ©Teach A Man To Fish