Mon 17th Easter Monday
We give thanks for the Resurrection
Tue 18th Easter Tuesday
We pray for Justin, our Archbishop
19.00Bell ringing practise
Wed 19th Easter Wednesday
We pray for Pope Francis I
Thur 20th Easter Thursday
We pray for Bartholomew, Ecumenical Patriarch
08.30Morning Prayer
10.00Coffee Morning
12.15 Mass
19.00Royal British Legion Supper &
Presentation Evening
(at the Crouch Yacht Club)
Fri 21st Easter Friday
We pray for Christian Unity
07.30Morning Prayer
09.00Collective Worship(St Mary’s School)
12.00CCT Management Group Meeting
(at the Royal Burnham Yacht Club)
17.30Wedding Rehearsal
Sat 22nd Easter Saturday
We pray for Gracie Turner & Chris Brown
09.00Morning Prayer
14.00Wedding Chris Brown & Grace Turner
Sun 23rd Second Sunday of Easter
We pray for our Parish
09.00Morning Prayer
10.00Sung Mass
14.00Parade Service forSt George’s Day
Readings for Sunday 23rdApril:
First Reading: Acts 2:14a. 22-32
Psalm: Psalm 16
Second Reading: 1 Peter 1:3-9
Gospel: John 20:19-31
Details for the next week’s pew sheet to be sent to FatherMark by Wednesday
Please join us for coffee and refreshments after the Service.
Music at the Sung Mass As per Booklet
Vespers and Benediction
Takes place at 5pm this evening, a quiet and reflective service after the excitement of Holy Week and Easter! During this service, there will be a time of silent prayer before the Blessed Sacrament.
Thank You
Fr Mark and the Churchwardens would like to express their thanks to everybody who worked so hard to make Holy Week and our celebration of Easter so successful. So many people volunteered their time and talents toclean and make things ready, and as they played important parts in our various liturgies. Itisimpossible to single out any one person orgroup or to speak to everyone, soplease accept our grateful thanks for all your help andsupport.
Children Society Box Holders
Maureen Cousins asks you to bring your box to Church as soon as possible for the yearly count.
Coffee Morning
The next set of invitations needs to be distributed tothose who live in The Belvedere, Blackwater Close, Booth Place, Bouvel Drive and Brickwall Close. Pleasetake the appropriate bundle if you can help with the distribution.
Dedication of the Memorial Garden
Takes place on Sunday 30th April when we look forward to welcoming Norman, Bishop of Richborough, to our Sung Mass.
Big Burnham Book Sale
The next Book Sale will take place on BankHolidayMonday,1stMay,from 10.30am to3.30pm here at St Mary’s Church. If you have any books, please bring them to Church on the afternoon of Sunday 30th April. Once again wewill require plenty of helpersto set up onthe Sunday afternoon, and to return unsold books to storage after the sale has finished. Ifyou can help, please add your name to the list at the back of Church. We will also need cakes for the refreshments. If you can offer a cake, please put the details on the separate list.
Car Boot Sale
The next Car Boot Sale takes place on Saturday 6thMay. This is a fairly easy fundraising activity with afew helpers needed to marshal cars, take admission money and serve refreshments. If you can help, addyour name to the list at the back of Church.
Tony Jones Leaving Event
Takes place on 30th April at 6pm. To assist with catering arrangements, please put your name on the list if you would like to go. This is the last opportunity to add your name, as I need to confirm numbers!
Fr Mark North SSC 01621 782071
Beth Greaves 01621 786296
Tony Young 01621 929309
Pilgrim Course
An introduction to Christianity, we will be running this course in the Autumn. If you are interested in finding out more about the Christian faith, or would like to deepen your knowledge of Christianity, this is the course for you! Please let Fr Mark know of your interest and he will share dates and details later on in the year.
Drop in for a Coffee
Every Thursday between 10am and 12pm. Thecoffee is free and the conversation is lively! Agreat opportunity to make new friends, catch up with old ones and get yourself out of the house for a few hours! Everyone is welcome.
Messy Church
Continues to meet over the summer months. Ifyou missed the first one on Good Friday, wewill be happy to see you at the next one on 9thJune. Further details of timing and venue will be advertised through our social media feeds andwithin the “News from St Mary’s”.
Bell Ringers
The bells of St Mary’s are rung to call people to worship and to celebrate the important events in the life of the community and individuals. If you would like to help ensure these bells continue to ring out and learn how to ring, our ringers would love to welcome you. Theymeet to practice on Tuesday evenings and ring on Sunday mornings. Please contact the Tower Captain, Wendy Hooper on 01621 784166, if you are interested.
Future Events
St Mary’s has a busy programme of social and fundraising events.
The next event will be the Big Burnham Book Sale on Bank Holiday Monday, 1st May. This will be followed by the next Car Boot Sale on TheChurch Green on Saturday 6th May. Further details ofthese events will be found on our Parishwebsite with updates viaour social media feeds:
Easter Day
Sunday 16th April 2017
Welcome to St Mary’s Church as wegather to celebrate the resurrection of Our Lord Jesus Christ. For the forty days of Lent we have been preparing ourselves through fasting and works ofpenance to keep the Easter feast and then in this last week, in Holy Week, wehave shared in the great mystery of Christ’s passion through the liturgies of Maundy Thursday and Good Friday. Yesterday evening we lit the paschal candle from the new fire and placed the candle in its place of honour where itremains as a sign of the presence of the Risen Lord in our midst.
We also blessed the water in the font, asthe paschal candle was dipped into the water three times. This is a sign of Christ blessing the waters and making them ready for Baptism. During our service this morning we will all have an opportunity to renew our Baptismal promises and then be sprinkled with water from the font as a reminder of our Baptism.
The Walsingham Room has a range of toys and activities for younger people. Please feel free to use this space asyourequire during the service. Thesidespersons can direct you to the Walsingham Room and will encourage you to join us for the renewal of the Baptismal vows.
During the final hymn we shall process outside the Church for the Blessing of the Easter Garden before the children enjoy their egg hunt and the adults their filter coffee. Please do stay and join us.
Fr Mark