Disposition Assessment – Doctoral Program Candidates
University of West Florida
School of Education
Disposition Assessment Procedures
Doctoral program candidate’s dispositions will be assessed at two transition points in the program – during the admission process and immediately before Preliminary Exams. Any identified concerns/weakness will be addressed in the student’s competency area document.
Dispositions to be assessed (from the Conceptual Framework)
Candidates will:
1. examine their frame of reference by analyzing educational policy and practice in everyday experiences,
2. interact effectively with learners, colleagues and the public to promote high levels of success for every individual,
3. demonstrate a commitment to the profession, to continuous learning and to self-improvement,
4. recognize human diversity and intentionally make individuals feel valued for their potential,
5. use self-reflection and data analysis in order to learn from experiences and make changes.
6. develop alternative solutions to educational problems while believing that all individuals learn
Procedures for Disposition Assessment
1. Transition Point Assessment: Doctoral program candidates will be introduced to the six dispositions and provided instruction about how those dispositions will be assessed during the personal interview with the coordinator of the School of Education’s doctoral program. Each program applicant must complete the Professional Education Applicant Self-Rating Scale – See attached Form A - during the admission process and submit the rating to the School of Education coordinator. The applicant must also have an outside rater (it may be one of the people completing a letter of recommendation) complete a similar form - Professional Education Applicant Disposition Rating Scale – See attached Form B.
2. Disposition serve as one of the programs competencies. As a result, students are expected to illustrate how any identified competency concerns identified during the admission process (Point 1 above). Candidates will use the competency area format illustrated in the School of Education program guide to address these concerns/weaknesses.
3. Transition Point Assessment: Doctoral Program Candidates will also be assessed at time of the Preliminary Examination upon completion of all coursework. The student will complete the Doctoral Program Candidate Disposition Self Rating Scale – Form A – and the Chair and members of the student’s doctoral committee will complete the Doctoral Program Candidate Disposition Rating Scale – See attached Form B - and the student will complete the Professional Education Applicant Self-Rating Scale – See attached form A - no more than two weeks prior to the Preliminary Exams. These ratings, along with the completed competency area form (from point 2 above) should be submitted to the Chair of the student’s doctoral committee. The chair of the student’s doctoral committee will compile the information and address any concerns identified on these rating scales during the oral portion of the Preliminary Exams.
4. Doctoral program candidates will be provided with results from all completed disposition forms. Anytime concerns or exemplary actions related to disposition assessment occur, the concern or exemplary action will be documented in the Doctoral program candidate’s file maintained in the School of Education office. Professional Education candidates will be informed of the notation.
5. If satisfactory progress toward meeting the dispositions outcomes is not demonstrated, a doctoral program candidate many not be allowed to register for additional courses until the identified issues are resolved.
Doctoral Program Candidate Notification Policy
University of West Florida
School of Education
1. The doctoral program candidate will be given a copy of the policy Department program guidelines that details the program dispositions at the time of admission into the program. Doctoral program candidates must sign this statement as evidence that they understand the policy as written.
a. Copies of the guidelines will be available in the School of Education office and from the coordinator of the School of Education’s doctoral program for all incoming and transfer students intending to pursue educational degrees at UWF.
b. Doctoral program candidates will be informed that they must meet all criteria listed on the “Professional Education Assessment of Dispositions” form.
2. Signed statements will be kept on file in the candidate’s permanent departmental file.
Appeals Process
The Doctoral program candidates may appeal ratings at any of the transition steps to the Chair of the School of Education. Appeals follow the School of Education Academic Appeal Process.
Candidate’s Signature Date
Advisor’s Signature Date
Doctoral program Applicant Self Rating Scale
(Draft form – items would appear randomly throughout instrument without headings. Factor analysis could produce composite score for each disposition)
Applicant ______Date ______
Please rate yourself on each of the following items:
1. I have selected appropriate materials and strategies to complete 0 1 2
academic projects and assignments
2. I challenge and support others to do their best 0 1 2
3. I have developed short and long-term personal and professional 0 1 2
goals for myself
0 = Below Expectation / 1 = Meets Expectations / 2 =Exceeds Expectations4. I recognize my own personal strengths and weaknesses. 0 1 2
5. I try to listen to and respect differing perspectives, ideas, and 0 1 2
6. I have successfully used problem-solving skills in my 0 1 2
personal life
7. I can stimulate individuals’ interests and curiosity for learning. 0 1 2
8. I see value and potential in all individuals 0 1 2
9. I strive to increase my knowledge in areas of politics, 0 1 2
culture, religion, or other areas of interest to me
10. I seek suggestions and constructive criticism from others 0 1 2
I trust
11. I am able to work with others from differing backgrounds, cultures 0 1 2
and religious beliefs
12. I am sensitive to students’ needs and differences 0 1 2
13. I engage in discussions about new ideas in my profession 0 1 2
14. I push myself and others to do our best work 0 1 2
15. I take part in self-improvement courses or programs when I 0 1 2
have time
16. I have learned from past experiences which helps me to 0 1 2
make better decisions in the future
17. I understand that all persons need to be treated as individuals 0 1 2
in the learning process
18. I am open to making adjustments to meet individual needs 0 1 2
19. I uphold the laws and ethical codes governing my field 0 1 2
20. I treat everyone fairly 0 1 2
21. I actively seek out professional growth opportunities. 0 1 2
22. When I make a mistake, I usually try to reflect back on what 0 1 2
went wrong so I can do better in the future
23. I believe it is important to learn about others, their cultures, 0 1 2
and their communities
24. I use information and cues from a number of different sources 0 1 2
to identify and solve problems
25. I value both long and short term planning 0 1 2
26. I can interact with individuals on various developmental levels 0 1 2
and communicate with them effectively
27. I plan to stay current with the evolving nature of my 0 1 2
28. I am committed to critical reflection for my professional growth 0 1 2
29. I can adapt my plans to take advantage of unexpected 0 1 2
opportunities and address unexpected problems
30. I take the initiative to promote ethical and responsible 0 1 2
professional practice
31. I recognize that individuals have different learning styles and 0 1 2
abilities but that all can learn
32. I am willing to receive constructive feedback and assessment 0 1 2
on my work
33. I can work collaboratively with others to solve problems 0 1 2
34. I believe that individuals of differing levels of academic skills can 0 1 2
be taught in the same environment
35. I can create activities that will address the needs of a diverse 0 1 2
Doctoral Program Candidate Disposition Assessment Form
University of West Florida
School of Education
(To be completed by person completing a professional reference at the time of admission and the student’s doctoral committee members prior to Preliminary Exams)
Name of Rater & Title______
0 = Below Expectation / 1 = Meets Expectations / 2 =Exceeds ExpectationsThe doctoral program candidate must meet or exceed disposition expectations on all items prior to graduation. Please circle one number for each disposition using the descriptors listed below the disposition as the basis for your rating, and make comments in the blank space under the disposition. A rating of Exceeds Expectations would require that all indicators can be answered with “yes”. A rating of Meets Expectations would be assigned if 2/3rds of the indicators are answered “yes”.
Please rate the above candidate on each of these items.
The candidate…
1. Selects appropriate materials and strategies to complete academic projects and assignments 0 1 2
2. Challenges and supports others to do their best 0 1 2
3. Develops short and long-term personal and professional 0 1 2 goals for himself or herself
4. Recognizes his or her own personal strengths and weaknesses 0 1 2
5. Tries to listen to and respect differing perspectives, ideas, and opinions 0 1 2
6. Successfully uses problem-solving skills in his or her personal life 0 1 2
7. Stimulates individuals’ interests and curiosity for learning. 0 1 2
8. Sees value and potential in all individuals 0 1 2
9. Strives to increase his or her knowledge in areas of politics, culture, religion,
or other areas of interest 0 1 2
10. Seeks suggestions and constructive criticism from others 0 1 2
11. Is able to work with others from differing backgrounds, cultures 0 1 2
and religious beliefs
12. Is sensitive to individuals’ needs and differences 0 1 2
13. Engages in discussions about new ideas in his/her 0 1 2
14. Pushes self and others to do their best work 0 1 2
15. Takes part in self-improvement courses or programs when 0 1 2
16. Learns from past experiences which helps him/her to 0 1 2
make better decisions in the future
17. Understands that all persons need to be treated as individuals 0 1 2
in the learning process
18. Is open to making adjustments to meet individual needs 0 1 2
19. Upholds the laws and ethical codes governing his/her field 0 1 2
20. Treats everyone equally 0 1 2
21. Actively seeks out professional growth opportunities. 0 1 2
22. When making a mistake, will usually reflect back on what 0 1 2
went wrong so that he/she can do better in the future
23. Believes it is important to learn about others, their cultures, 0 1 2
and their communities
24. Uses information and cues from a number of different sources 0 1 2
to identify and solve problems
25. Values both long and short term planning 0 1 2
26. Can interact with individuals on various developmental levels 0 1 2
and communicate with them effectively
27. Plans to stay current with the evolving nature of the profession 0 1 2
28. Is committed to critical reflection for professional growth 0 1 2
29. Can adapt plans to take advantage of unexpected opportunities and address unexpected problems 0 1 2
30. Takes the initiative to promote ethical and responsible 0 1 2
professional practice
31. Recognizes that individuals have different learning styles and 0 1 2
abilities but that all can learn
32. Is willing to receive constructive feedback and assessment 0 1 2
on work
33. Can work collaboratively with others to solve problems 0 1 2
34. Believes that individuals of differing levels of academic skills can 0 1 2
be taught in the same environment
35. Can create activities that will address the needs of a diverse group 0 1 2