All of us enjoy our Club. We are welcome to use it any time. We agree to provide a quality atmosphereby following the rules out of respect for the Club's membership. All members are expected to volunteerservice to the Club.
A. General Rules:
1. The Clubhouse is for the use of SLYC members, their immediate families and guests only. When immediate family or guests use the Clubhouse, a current adult member of the Club must accompany them. The member’s Card Key is only to be used by the adult Flag or Honorary Life member to whom it was issued. Associate members may bring guests.
2. A Member in Good Standing is a Flag member who (a) has abided by the rules of the Club, (b) has timely paid their dues, and (c) has fulfilled their Club service. Each Flag Member is required to sign-up for their service when s/he pays their annual dues. Service consists of but is not limited to,serving as: a cook for a brunch, dinner or Wet Wednesday, a Bar Host for two events, a Race Committee member for two races or completing an In-Kind Service, like clubhouse and boat maintenance, water taxi captain, or other service approved by the Vice Commodore.
3. Use of the Clubhouse for any private or unscheduled activity for more than 12 people requires a reservation approved by the Board of Directors, even if there are multiple flag members present in the party. Only Members in Good Standing may apply to reserve the Club. The responsible member must be physically presentthroughout any event or activity, including setup and cleanup. Any event or activity at the Club must be approved by the Board of Directors as provided by these Rules in Section B “Procedures for applying for use of the Clubhouse" except any member may use the Club for private or unscheduled activity without Board approval so long as all of the following requirements are met:
- At no time may any particular member’s group consist of more than 12 individuals (including children, guests, members, or any other person);
- One flag member must be responsible for the activity as well as being physically present throughout the event including setup and cleanup; and,
- The responsible member must assure that the number present never exceeds the limit of 12 and may be subject to discipline for failure to do so.
4. The Clubhouse may not be reserved for more than one event at a time.
5. The SLYC approved calendar has priority over all activities.
6. Users of the Clubhouse are responsible for the facilities and contents during period of use. No smoking (including e-cigarettes) is allowed on Clubhouse premises, which includes inside the Clubhouse, the attached private deck, and the entryways from the pier and from the beach. No pets, with the exception of Assistance Dogs, are allowed on Clubhouse premises. Restitution for loss or damage will be required. All users, including users reserving the Clubhouse, agree to hold the SLYC and its Board of Directors harmless for any bodily injury or property damage that results from their use of the Clubhouse.
7. Loss of equipment due to theft or vandalism during or after the use of the Clubhouse because of failure to secure the entire building is the responsibility of the approved user.
8. Should the Clubhouse be left in disrepair or not clean at the conclusion of the reserved time, there will be a minimum charge of $150.00. Additionally, the approved user will be charged for any repairs or cleanup plus a $20/hr charge for Club member labor deemed necessary by the Board of Directors.
9. The Clubhouse may not be used for meetings in support of any particular political candidate or initiative unless the meeting is related to Club, a maritime objective or otherwise approved by the Board of Directors.
10. The maximum number of people allowed in the Clubhouse for a reserved event is 75. A reservation does not prevent other members from using the Clubhouse at the same time. Please be courteous to others using the Clubhouse.
11. The Clubhouse may not be reserved for any private or unscheduled activity after 3 PM on Fridays norafter 8 PM on Saturdays before the first Sunday in the month, any Sunday, or Holiday throughout the year. Additionally, Saturdays may not be reserved from Memorial Day Weekend through Labor Day Weekend.
12. Only SLYC alcohol from the bar may be served when the bar is officially open. This applies to Club events, as well as reserved functions. Members may bring their own alcohol at any other time and said members will be responsible for anyone consuming that alcohol.
13. Any event of 50 or more people that serves alcohol, including Club alcohol, and any event of 25 to 49 people that serves their own alcohol must have appropriate security guard(s) as determined by the Board of Directors. The SLYC will obtain the appropriate security guards and charge a fee to the reserving member at the time of reservation.
14. Consumption of alcohol by minors will result in termination of membership of those deemed responsible.
15. The SLYC strictly abides by all applicable laws, ordinances and regulations of whatever nature as they apply to the operations of the Club.
16. An amendment to the Rules Governing the Use of the San Luis Yacht Club must be carried by a majority vote of the Board of Directors (proxies not permitted) present at a regularly scheduled Board Meeting and the amendment must be stated in the notice of the meeting.
B. Procedures for Applying for Use of the Clubhouse:
1. Applications for use of the Club shall be submitted to the Rear Commodore, at least two weeks prior to the next scheduled Board Meeting. The application shall be presented by the Rear Commodore or his/her designee for Board action; member need not be present.
2. All prospective users must complete and sign an application form. This application form includes an agreement to care for and accept liability for the use of the Clubhouse.
3. The cleaning deposit, use fees, and security fees, if applicable, must accompany the application form.
4. If the application for use of the Clubhouse is for a memorial service for the member or a close family member, and the member is a “Member in Good Standing,” the Club will waive the normal use rental fee. The Rear Commodore will poll the Board members and give them 24 hours for replies and comments. If a majority is in favor, the Rear Commodore will place the event on the calendar. The Board will then act on a formal vote at the next meeting.
C. Rules of Conduct:
1. All SLYC members and their guests shall observe common courtesy and generally accepted standards of social and moral behavior.
2. In accordance with Federal and State laws, SLYC will enforce a "Zero Tolerance Policy" on illegal drug use.
3. All SLYC members and their guests shall observe generally accepted standards of social and moral behavior. The San Luis Yacht Club has the responsibility to provide a healthy environment to all members whereby communications and interactions are marked by dignity and respect. Members and guest should refrain from making comments or engage in behavior that can be deemed disrespectful towards other members regarding race, religion, sexual orientation, age, disability, political beliefs, ethnicity and other forms of discriminatory behavior. Members and guests should not make comments or physical advances of a sexual nature towards each other that are unwanted, hurtful, and distasteful. Public displays of anger, profanity, intoxication, obnoxiousness, threats or demands that are out of line with common courtesy are not acceptable. Intimidation, bullying or disturbing behavior has no placein our club. Situations of this nature, or other similar behaviors not necessarily stated above, will be reviewed by the Board of Directors and can be subject to disciplinary action, if warranted.
4. Alcohol is allowed in moderation and where permitted by law. Any on-duty SLYC bartender has the discretion and authority to stop serving alcohol to anyone whom the bartender believes to be intoxicated and/or alcohol-impaired. The SLYC Officer of the Day has the discretion and authority to request the vehicle keys and/or call a cab for anyone the Officer believes is driving-impaired (cab fare will be billed to impaired person).
5. The SLYC Board of Directors and their designated agents reserve the right to ask members and their guests to refrain from the offending behavior as stated above. Violations of this policy may result in sanctions including removal from the sponsored activity, exclusion from future activities, and may be considered "conduct injurious to the Club" for purposes of suspension or expulsion from the Club as allowed under Chapter III. Discipline, of the SLYC By-Laws.
D. Reserved Function Fees:
Events of / 13-24 people / 25-49 people / 50—75 peopleMember Family Use Fee (Tier I) / $75 / $150 / $200
Member Non-Family Use Fee (Tier II) / $150 / $275 / $375
Security Fee if Alcohol is Served
($120 Minimum) / none / $30/hr * / $30/hr
Deposit / $150 / $150 / $150
*No Security fee will be charged for 25-49 people who use the Club’s bar, but an SLYC Board member must be present.
Note: The Board of Directors reserves the right to increase, reduce, or waive fees for special circumstances (i.e., non-profit entities engaged primarily in the promotion of marine education, safety, and recreation consistent with the Club's Constitutional objectives and paragraphs 5. A. B. & C. of the Club's Lease.)
Revised: September 7, 2017
Traditional dates to remember
Subject to change
Check club calendar for specifics
Every Friday of the monthSocial Hour
Third Friday* of the monthDinner (*3rd Saturday instead during May – September
Last Friday of the MonthPotluck Dinner
First Sunday of the MonthBrunch
Lake RacesFeb, March, & April (see NOR on club website for Race Schedule)
Ocean RacesSee NOR on club website for Race Schedule
Wet WednesdaysSecond Wednesday of the Month