Syracuse Camera Club Minutes


October 4, 2006

The meeting was opened by President, Ron Olcott @ 7:30 p.m.

Newcomers and Visitors:

Marie Ryan introduced our visitors:

Welcome to:

Bob Jones-who has advised that he will be becoming a member at the next meeting

Christine Kramer

Steve Viau –who is a new member

Airport Exhibit

Dr. Daniel Harris led a discussion on the possible update of the photography exhibit at the Hancock International Airport. A suggestion was made by Dr. Harris that perhaps our competition topic of Syracuse could be changed to Central New York so that this competition could generate more photos for possible entry in the airport exhibit.

At the previous meeting there was a motion to please have anyone who has suggestions regarding the Syracuse topic (there is a question as to exactly what the criteria should be for the Syracuse topic) please contact Marie Ryan () and/or Annette Riposo ()of the Image Committee.

Information Sheet/Directory Reminder

Please be reminded that Bob Gates has handed out a form to help him to gather information regarding the Syracuse Camera Club Member’s Directory. Please make sure that your information is updated and the form is turned into Bob along with your membership dues.

November Workshop

Bob Gates will be conducing the November workshop-Techniques in Photoshop.

He has asked that we each forward a couple of digital image files to him at . Please forward images that you are having problems with or do not know quite what to do with. He will be using some of these images as examples in the workshop.

Good Thoughts for Recovery

Bea Magner is currently convalescing from a broken hip and arm at Mennorah Rehab –at the Oaks on Genesee Street. I am sure that we all join in our wishes to Bea for a speedy recovery.

Presentation Workshop

Thank you to Tim Etter for conducting this month’s informative workshop on Criteria for Exhibiting/Supplies and an actual demonstration on framing.

Syracuse Camera Club Community Notes:

Ronald Olcott and Mary Gridley will be exhibiting at May Memorial Church for the month of October

There will be a Syracuse Camera Club Exhibit at Baltimore Woods, Subject Nature. The show will be on from October 2nd to the 31st.

Please see Tim Etter of the Outreach Committee for details on the Camera Club exhibit for the month of November at the Liverpool Library and for the month of January at the Central Library and a possible future show at the Everson.

Ron Olcott will conduct a workshop on Nature Photography on Saturday, October 14th from 10:30 to 12:30 at Baltimore Woods

Tim Etter is now showing his work at the Renaissance Gallery in Rochester.

Tim Etter and Dan Ruscitto will hold a workshop/seminar on the History of Photography in March 2007.

Maria Aridgides will be holding a workshop on Blending in Photoshop in February 2007.

The Art Guild Show-at Radisson October 14th and 15th

The meeting ended at approximately 10 p.m.

Kate Zacharewski

Syracuse Camera Club Secretary