Sponsor a Student Scheme

…he who gives, with liberality; he who shows mercy, with cheerfulness...” Romans 12:8

Sangkhim Canaan School understands that education is of immeasurable value and should be made available to the greatest number of students. This is why a certain amount of financial aid is made available to assist needy families.

The “Sponsor a Student Scheme” provides an opportunity for you to support needy deserving children.When yousponsor a student's education, you invest in the future. Your donation helps to cover part or a combination of the following areas: (a) School Fees (b) Uniforms (c) Books and Stationeries (d) Snacks and (e) Enrichment programs.

How is Sangkhim Canaan School in Cambodia funded?

At the moment we have 155 students. Each student pays an average of US$15 per month. Some of the students are given waiver or subsidies because of financial needs. Students are provided with free work sheets, stationeries and snacks.

The total fees collected per year covers 55 percent of the annual operational cost. The deficit are funded by donations from Christians and sponsors.

Operational Expenditures (2013) /
Publicity / $ 384.00
Refreshment / $ 840.00
School Events / $ 3,344.00
Transports (Van) / $ 4,680.00
Operations & Maintenance / $ 7,056.00
Materials & Supplies / $ 7,320.00
Staff / $ 37,152.00
Total / $ 60,776.00
Income (2013)
School Fees / $ 27,750.00
Van Collection / $ 3,620.00
Uniform sales / $ 1,800.00
Total / $ 33,170.00
Deficit / $ 27,606.00

What is the average cost per student?

If we can attract more students, the cost per student will be lower. If we have full capacity, the average cost per student is around US$300.00 per year.

How can I sponsor a student?

You can help to sponsor a student for 12 months with US$300 or less than US$1 a day. (i.e. Singapore $380.00)

We will introduce the sponsor to the sponsored student. You will receive basic information such as name, birthday and family background. The school will also send you a progress report of the student’s academic work. You will be able to write to your sponsored student and pray for him/her. We can arrange for you to meet them if you are in Kampong Chhnang, Cambodia. The sponsorship is for the duration of 12 months.

Please complete the Student Sponsorship Form with a cheque (Singapore$380.00) in favour of “LIM MEE FOONG” (Treasurer of Sangkhim Canaan School)and send to the following address:

Sangkhim Canaan School (c/o Lim Mee Foong)
Sangkhim Canaan School
Kampong Chhnang, Kingdom of Cambodia
Sponsor a Student Scheme (8-06)
Sponsor’s Particulars
Name: / Family Name
Address: / Postal Code:
Date of Birth: / Nationality: / Occupation: / Church:
Telephone: / Fax: / Email:
Please tick the appropriate boxes and fill in the information:
I wish to sponsor student (s) for year (s).
I will givethetotal gifts (Singapore $) for the sponsor-a-student for the first year.
I am enclosing the total amount (Singapore $) Cheque No:for the above items
Signature: / Date:
The “Sponsor a Student Scheme” provides an opportunity for donors to support needy deserving children, by making donations to help cover part or all the cost of education.
Donors may opt to give a donation without requesting to know the beneficiary student. If the donor opts to be introduced to the sponsored student, the school will link them up. This will be for the period of sponsorship.
Under the “Sponsor a Student Scheme” the donor shall be committed to support the student for at least 12 months even though it is preferable to maintain a longer-term relationship for at least 3 years.
You can help to sponsor a child for 12 months with US$300 per year or just $1 a day. This is equivalent to Singapore $380.00. The annual support is based on the actual cost to educate the student.
Send the completed application form with cheque payable to “LIM MEE FOONG” and post to:
Sangkhim Canaan School (c/o Lim Mee Foong)
Beneficiary Student’s Particulars (to be completed by Sangkhim Canaan School)
Name of Sponsored Student (underline family name) / Name in Khmer:
Date of birth: / Place of birth: / Class Level: / Sex:

Reference:Form 8-06 - Sponsor a Student

Sangkhim Canaan School

PO Box 0422, Kampong Chhnang Kingdom of Cambodia

Tel: (026) 744-065 Fax: (023) 362-318
