Steck Elementary CSC Meeting

Meeting Minutes

Jonathan Feniak, Chair

Date & Time: / October 16, 2012 @ 3:15
Location: / Steck Elementary School
Present: / Jonatan Feniak, James Ecklund, Kim Durand, Diane Van Horn, Beverly Herbert, Pamela Kirk, Debbie Heinz, Mariah Elliott, Colin Wheeler, Dan Kocher and Randy Burgess
  1. Meeting called to order by Jonathan Feniak

  1. Minutes reviewed and approved.

  1. New Member introductions and welcome: Dan Kocher, Randy Burgess for Steve Grauberger and Dan Kocher.
  1. New Teacher Rep: Mariah Elliott, 2nd grade Math.

  1. Mike Johnson of Kutak Rock LLP -
Member of the Citizens Planning and Advisory committee that developed the DPS bond and mill levy election questions that will appear on the ballot on November 6 and 3A and 3B campaign volunteer to present.
Tabled until after Principal Update.
Presentation Bullets:
3A for classroom improvement, 2B for capital improvement. Cost to taxpayers $5 per $100,000 of home value annually.
4.68 Mills - as assessed home values rise so does mill.
Polling positive, opposition for charter school funding.
Information on DPSK12 website.
6. Principal Update - Pamela Kirk
  1. UIP process as a building focus for next year. UIP contains a Target sheet including baseline data and Steck’s three year student achievement goals, last year performance and if goals are met.
Principals and teachers met to look at trends in writing and growth scores. A school leadership team of staff members has been tasked to dig deeper into data. They found concerns with writing scores and writing conventions across the building. Core stat - standards with language piece of writing as focus. More meetings with vertical staff teams to look at root cause.
TCAP. 2014 testing called PARC will be internet/technology based.
Randy asked about what technology they will support. We don’t know yet.
Jonathan mentioned and discussion continued re: preparation for the new technology.
Pamela - Last years focus on gaps in hispanic kids, now may be a need to focus on our GT students which comprise 1/4 of school.
Debbie Heinz has seen improvement no large gender significance
Dan - Bottom line improvement based on fixing core problem not metrics. Cross content/cross vertical assistance for kids.
Pamela Discussed “Who We are” demographics at Steck, how we are changing. Building past capacity.
  1. Negotiating Para Support.
Para support - using negotiated money from district based on teacher contract. 4th Grade - 28 student class receives para support. Lower grades vary. DPS said that since we have paras, they pulled back our district paid for hours from 14 to 7. We will revisit numbers in January and look at class size.
C. Steck Assemblies and Calendar Guidelines posted guidelines as a way “to provide balance and equity as well as decrease interruptions to the educational program.”
  1. PTSA Update
Upcoming Haunting at Steck. New Auction chair in place. Dollar-a-Day fundraising. / Sign up to help with Haunting
  1. Discuss CSC Focus for this year.
UIP / CSC asked to send thoughts and ideas to Jonathan for next meeting.
Minutes recorded by Diane Van Horn Please contact her at for amendments or additions to these minutes. / Next Meeting Tues, November 13th, 2012