Steck Elementary CSC Meeting
Meeting Minutes
Jonathan Feniak, Chair
Date & Time: / October 16, 2012 @ 3:15Location: / Steck Elementary School
Present: / Jonatan Feniak, James Ecklund, Kim Durand, Diane Van Horn, Beverly Herbert, Pamela Kirk, Debbie Heinz, Mariah Elliott, Colin Wheeler, Dan Kocher and Randy Burgess
- Meeting called to order by Jonathan Feniak
- Minutes reviewed and approved.
- New Member introductions and welcome: Dan Kocher, Randy Burgess for Steve Grauberger and Dan Kocher.
- New Teacher Rep: Mariah Elliott, 2nd grade Math.
- Mike Johnson of Kutak Rock LLP -
Tabled until after Principal Update.
Presentation Bullets:
3A for classroom improvement, 2B for capital improvement. Cost to taxpayers $5 per $100,000 of home value annually.
4.68 Mills - as assessed home values rise so does mill.
Polling positive, opposition for charter school funding.
Information on DPSK12 website.
6. Principal Update - Pamela Kirk
- UIP process as a building focus for next year. UIP contains a Target sheet including baseline data and Steck’s three year student achievement goals, last year performance and if goals are met.
TCAP. 2014 testing called PARC will be internet/technology based.
Randy asked about what technology they will support. We don’t know yet.
Jonathan mentioned and discussion continued re: preparation for the new technology.
Pamela - Last years focus on gaps in hispanic kids, now may be a need to focus on our GT students which comprise 1/4 of school.
Debbie Heinz has seen improvement no large gender significance
Dan - Bottom line improvement based on fixing core problem not metrics. Cross content/cross vertical assistance for kids.
Pamela Discussed “Who We are” demographics at Steck, how we are changing. Building past capacity.
- Negotiating Para Support.
C. Steck Assemblies and Calendar Guidelines posted guidelines as a way “to provide balance and equity as well as decrease interruptions to the educational program.”
- PTSA Update
- Discuss CSC Focus for this year.
Minutes recorded by Diane Van Horn Please contact her at for amendments or additions to these minutes. / Next Meeting Tues, November 13th, 2012