Court 29
Routines and Procedures
- Homework will be assigned Monday through Thursday, approximately 1 ½ hours per evening.
- Long term projects will be assigned throughout the year. The students will be instructed on how to organize and budget their time for these projects. These projects are often in addition to the normal homework load.
- Students are responsible for all assignments. Late assignments will not receive full credit.
- Forgotten homework = missing assignment – Please don’t bring forgotten homework to school for your child, as it is his/her responsibility.
- Each student has received an agenda book and is responsible for writing all homework assignments in this book everyday. Each day, homework assignments are posted, and the students are given time to record their assignments.
Missing Assignments:
In the event an assignmentis not turned in on time it will be given a grade of ZERO. Incomplete assignments will be given no more than half credit. Regardless of how late the work is, all assignments must be turned in. It is important that we not reinforce irresponsible behavior by allowing them to get out of the assignments. Responsibility is one of our major goals this year. Missing assignments will be identified on the Check Register Statement sent home each week. Please go over this each week with your child.
- Effort Grade: Throughout the year, we will be keeping records of your child’s behavior to help us grade. Completion of assignments, attitude, and cooperation will contribute to this grade.
- Work Grade:
Standards Based Report Card: Students are graded according to mastery of the California State Content Standards. The numbers below do not correlate with a letter grade.
Five (5): Advanced
Four (4): Proficient
Three (3): Approaching Proficiency
Two (2): Below Grade Level
One (1): Far below grade level
Homework: Some assignments will receive a grade based on the mastery of skills, whereas others will receive a check, check plus, or check minus, indicating the quality of work turned in.
Information via Edlio:
- Please check the Edlio calendar regularly for long term assignments, test dates, study guides, and special events. You can also find many links and resources on Edlio.
Test Folders:
- I will send home a test folder each week. This folder will contain any tests or quizzes taken the previous week for you to view. Students will log the tests on the form inside the folder and ask you to sign next to each test listed. Tests are to be returned in the folder. I will store all tests in a student file in the classroom. If you have questions or comments about any test in the folder, please use the comment sheet inside the test folder to communicate these. Please feel free to email or call me as well.
- In the event that your child will be absent from school, please call the absence hotline at (310) 541-3706 x250. Leave your child’s name, reason for absence, court number, and date of absence.
- Please send a note with your child upon returning to school after an absence.
- Students are responsible for making up any missing assignments after an absence. They will be given one week’s time to make up the work.
Independent Study:
- If your child will be missing five or more days of school, please see Mrs. Kolb in the office to obtain the proper paperwork. This program may be used for illness or vacation.
Parent Conferences:
- Parent Conferences will be held once in the fall and once in the spring. The fall conferences are scheduled for December 2-4. Conferences are an important part of your child's education and I hope to meet with all parents during the first conference period. Spring conferences are planned for March 12th and will be scheduled as needed.
- Should the need for you to meet with me before or after conference time arise, please feel free to call or email me in order to schedule an appointment. I will contact you to arrange a date and time that will work for the both of us.
- Fourth and fifth grade are important years. Students begin to take more responsibility for their learning and study habits. This is a big transition for the fourth graders. It is the last year in Elementary School for the fifth graders, and we must prepare them for Jr. High School.
- Please encourage your child to become more responsible for their work in class, at home, long-term assignments, and their behavior.
- The weekly report and test folder will keep you informed as a parent, but the ultimate responsibility will be that of your child. Together we can emphasize what your child can do and encourage their educational efforts.
Class Management
- Money is part of my management system in the classroom. Students will be paid $30 weekly and will have opportunities to earn bonus dollars throughout the week by demonstrating responsible behavior and good character in the classroom. This includes getting all work completed on time each week. Students can also lose money for disruptive behavior, not following directions and/or lack of responsibility. Students keep track of their money in a check register. I keep track of their money, and the reasons for which they earned or lost it, in my computer. Each week I will send home a “Check Register Statement” so that you can see when and how your child earned or lost money during the previous week. It also provides their “account balance” at the top under points. A grade is listed next to that number. Please ignore the grade as it has no meaning. Please sign and return this statement each week.
- If a student goes into debt, he or she will be required to help out around the school during recess and/or lunch to earn extra money. Money can be used to purchase items during our 3 classroom auctions held at the end of each trimester. During the first 2 auctions, each student may bring in one item to put up for bid. The money earned from that item will be credited to his/her account. Students must have a designated balance to attend any Friday Fun Days, participate in trimester auctions, and join the other 4th and 5th graders in privileged events such as the end of the year field day, read in, and Catalina trip (5th grade).
- Please see the Check Register Guidelines for further details.
- It is fine to send treats to celebrate your child's birthday as long as they are healthy. No sweets, chips, etc. Some ideas for treats are pencils, erasers, fruit, or a book for the class. These treats should be easy to distribute and may be passed out during recess, lunch, or after school. For students who have summer birthdays, we will celebrate their half birthday at school.