Tuesday 26th September 2017
AttendanceBill Nicholls
Sarah Brown
Allan Miller
Kath Davies
Laura Alexander
Lynn Caldwell
Francis Principe-Gillespie
Heather Wilkins
Rachel Kuijpers / Catriona McLean
Richard Pinn
Elyse Kirkham
Deirdre Hutson
Kathy Campbell / Apologies
Kay Mitchell
Michelle Telfer
Anne McKay
Kim Stokes
Dawn Smith
Morag Shea
Julie Muncey
Head teachers report / SQA results- The comparison on Insight has now taken place comparing the school’s results to those in similar Scottish schools. Meetings will be held in October with each faculty following the October break to develop action plans on the back of these comparisons.
The following national measures were noted
-increased level of attainment in literacy and numeracy over the last 3 years (84% to 92% at level 4 and 65% to 70 % at level 5)
-increase in positive destinations over the last 3 years (92%- 97%)
-attainment of the middle 60% and highest 20% higher than the comparator school
-attainment of lower attainers relative to higher attainers better than the national picture in 5 out of 7 cohorts.
Confucius classroom- Bingrui Zhang has joined the High School as a volunteer teacher in the Confucius classroom. Assemblies due to take place to inform pupils of future opportunities. Mr Becher is the school lead on this.
World Challenge- Next expedition planned for 2019 to Kruger, Mozambique and Swaziland.
School Improvement Plan-Standards and Quality report should now have appeared on the school website. As part of the school’s self evaluation processes a thematic HOTI has been planned. The local authority conducts a similar process across all schools and this is known as an ELAV (Extended Learning and Teaching visit). This will take place on 3rd Oct and will be blended with the HOTI. Parent focus group is 6-7pm on 3rd October.
New staff- Susanne Quinn- Perm PT Guidance, Stacey McNabb- Temporary PT Guidance, Fiona McPherson- Temporary PT Guidance.
Recruiting in Maths, History and Guidance
It was noted that one of the parents that she would like to have an understanding around how the school recognises able pupils within the classroom.
Finance update / In the General Account the balance is £1392.30 and the Blazer account is at £12061.80. This should allow us around £2k to put towards school initiatives or things the school might need.
Please let it be noted that the signatories on the PC bank accounts are Allan Miller as current Treasurer, Catriona McLean as new Treasurer, Bill Nicholls as Chair and Dawn Smith as additional signatory.
Website discussion / Minuted by Laura Alexander and submitted to the school. Output distributed separately.
Decisions Taken
No / What / Who / By When
1 / Check that dates for PC are up to date on Parents page. / KC / asap
2 / Ensure that we have the Parent Questionnaire on the agenda for November’s meeting. To include review of questions, approach and comms / KC / Nov
3 / Ensure that the Standards and Quality report is available on the website / SB / asap
4 / Summary document of when parents evenings and trips etc has not been updated on website from last year / SB / asap
5 / The last 2 weeks bulletins have not yet appeared on website- please check / SB / asap
6 / Complete signatory paperwork at the next meeting / DS / Nov
7 / Put ELAV visit on FB page to get parents along to the focus group- COMPLETE / KC / asap