11th Grade English/ The Joy Luck Club Project
Date:October 25th 2007
Test Reference: The Joy Luck Club
Objective: Students will know how to access Webquest and be able to complete a group project concerning the novel The Joy Luck Club.
Activity / Description of Activities and Setting / Materials and Supplies / Time1. Focus and Review
-Draw the student’s attention by reviewing the recent lessons and tying them into the current lesson. / We have already read the Joy Luck Club and before we have a test on the book you are going to complete three projects that will be presented to the class.
This will help all of the students to fully understand the context of the novel and to review for the test at the end of the week / none / 1min
2. Statement of Objectives
- Statement of the goals that the students will be completing.
~ Give a reason of why it this lesson is important. / You will know how to access Webquest, create a literary Analysis on PowerPoint. Create a brochure on Microsoft word, and have a full understanding of the novel. / none / NA
3. Teacher Input
~ The actual “teaching” part of the plan
~ Make sure the students are at full comprehension/ask questions to make sure they comprehend
~Give ample amounts of information without overload.
~Develop Vocabulary / All students will access Webquest in the groups assigned
I will observe the students and will be available for any questions / 30 min / webquest
4. Guided Practice
~ Students are given a chance to practice what they have learning during the teacher input
~ The activity should be a fair measure of their comprehension of the lesson and their ability to apply it. / Students will use the class time given to complete the PowerPoint and the rehearsal of the skit.
Students will be graded by participation which will be observed by me during this time.
Students will also be graded by the creativity and effort put into the PowerPoint and Skit
Students will also be graded on the accuracy of the research presented in the presentations, which is a fair assessment of their knowledge and comprehension of the text.
Students will also be graded on their performance/enthusiasm when presenting their presentation to the class. / 20 min / Webquest and PowerPoint
5. Independent Practice
~ Students are given an assignment that they may complete on their own time/mostly including homework. / On their own time students are to create a plane ticket using Microsoft word, and bring it in on the day of presentations.
As a class we will be traveling to America and the students must have their plane ticket to board.
The presentations will be the on flight movies
Students will be evaluated by their effort, creativity, and accuracy, and neatness
Students should display basic skills of technology / na / na
6. Closure
~ An overview of the next class’s lesson and how it will tie in with the lesson just disused. / Next class we will continue to work on these projects
Make sure that you and your group are in agreement, about time management, and information. / na / 1min