Rotary Internationalencourages the efforts of Rotary clubs and districts to provide services, support and initiate projects in Rotary’s Six Area of Focus which is sustainable, practical and relevant to the communities. Clubs and Districts are requested to raise the level of consciousness of these critical areas of our work.

1. Peace and conflict prevention/resolution

2. Disease prevention and treatment

3. Water and sanitation

4. Maternal and child health

5. Basic education and literacy

6. Economic and community development

Preparation for and Implementing Sustainable Projects:

-Select an area and community to conduct a project

-Assess the needs of the area

-Evaluate the area of focus and project best suited for the selected community

-Find one or more Rotary Clubs, NGOs and other entities with whom to partner.

-Consider the assistance of a Rotary Volunteer (information available online) or a non Rotary group such as Engineers Without Borders.

-A substantial part of the project should include education to the community

-The project should also educate and provide for the maintenance of any equipment used in the project`.

-Contact Rotary Action Groups to get information, speakers, and partners for a project

-Evaluate whether a Rotary Community Corps (RCC) could be formed to help install and/or maintain the project and achieve maximum sustainability.

Criteria for Zone 32 Award

A club must complete one activityin each of the Six Areas Of Focusincluding the commencement of at least one project before April 15, 2013.

Rotary International 2012-2013

Zone 32 Six Areas of Focus Award

President, Rotary International

Sakuji Tanaka

Director Zone 32

Bryn Styles

Rotary Coordinator Zone 32


Assistant Rotary Coordinator Zone 32

Bob Cucinell

Suggested Activities for the Six Areas Of Focus

Zone 32 Award

1) Develop a project or partner in one or more of Rotary’s Six Areas of Focus which has commenced or received approval as a Rotary Foundation Matching Grant, Global Grant or District Grant

2) Basic Education and Literacy - The Dictionary Project,reading to elementary school students, books for libraries

3)Child and Maternal Health - help your local food or fuel bank, diaper drive, sponsor or participate in a blood drive, Gift of Life

4) Disease Prevention - speakers from local hospitals, Red Cross
5) Peace and Conflict resolution - local mentoring programs, work with schools to prevent bullying, social network bullying, twin club relationship, 4 way test speech contest

6) Economic and Community Development, job shadowing, Support or start an Interact or Rotaract Club, Support and Eagle Scout project

7)Water and Sanitation - speaker from a local water company, partner with other clubs, bio sand filter projects

8)Using Speakers as a way of raising the level of awareness of the need for work in each of the Six Areas of Focus to save and improve lives in the world

9)Inform local communities about the increasingly important need to implement better management in one or more of Rotary’s Six Areas of Focus

10)Invite your local community to see a movie or hear a presentation by a well known speaker about one or more of Rotary’s Six Areas of Focus.

11)Be a Rotary Volunteer to help on a project

12)Arrange to have a group of Rotarians visit a site in which you are assessing a future project or implementing an ongoing project

13)Conduct a seminar whereby students and members of Interact and/or Rotaract are made aware of one or more of the six areas of focus.

14)Prepare an exhibit of your club’s projects and display them at your district conference or community events where your Rotary club is allowed to maintain a table or booth.

Participate in one of these activities for each of the Six Areas of Focus including at least one project and Rotary International Zone 32 will recognize your efforts. For further information contact Assistant Rotary Coordinator, Bob Cucinell at

Six Areas of Focus Certification Form

I, , President of the

Rotary Club of , District

, Country , certify that our club has complete activities and projects in each area of Rotary’s Six Areas of Focus as listed below to qualify for a Six Areas Of Focus Zone 32 Award:

  1. ______
  1. ______
  1. ______
  1. ______
  1. ______

6. ______

President’s Signature:


E-mail: ______

Date: ______

Please send this completed form to

Zone 32 Assistant Rotary Coordinator

By 15,April 2013

Bob Cucinell