Mission Statement: / Protect and enhance beef producers’ freedom to operate in coordination with the Long Range Plan.
Members (25): / Kent Pruismann, Steve Hanson, Aja Basilio, Josh White, Patricia Bikowsky, William Blackmon, Donna Jo Curtis, Davis Denman, Brad Etheridge, Danny Hermann, Scott Jones, Chuck Kiker, Coleman Locke, Terry Meikle, Paul Moss, Darwin Nissley, Tamara Ogilvie, Glenn Payne, Lucy Rechel, Larry Runyan, Lavinia Sartwelle, Wallace Schulthess, Mike Smith, Douglas Temme, Thomas Wright
Staff (3): / NCBA—Nikki Richardson, Daren Williams, John Patterson
Guests (3): / Katy Lippolis (BQA; Colorado), Tom Audorn (Louisiana); Leslee Lohrenz (USDA/NASS; Colorado)
Call to Order
Chairman Pruismann called the meeting to order at 9:15 a.m.
Review AR Tactics
Discussion around North American Meat Association (NAMA) Veal Quality Assurance, Tactic 2A:
Chuck Kiker moved to assign a score of 4 to NAMA Veal Quality Assurance, Tactic 2A.
Tamara Ogilvie seconded the motion.
The motion carried.
Howard Hardecke moved to recommend NAMA Veal Quality Assurance, Tactic 2A, to Operating Committee, with comments aligned to by the FTO Committee.
James Schmidt seconded the motion.
The motion carried.
Discussion around National Cattlemen’s Beef Association (NCBA) Education Programs (BQA), Tactic 3A:
Doug Temme moved to assign a score of 5 (amended from 4.6) to NCBA Education Programs (BQA), Tactic 3A.
Janna Stubbs seconded the motion.
The motion carried.
Doug Temme moved to recommend NCBA Education Programs (BQA), Tactic 3A, to Operating Committee.
Luch Rechel seconded the motion.
The motion carried.
Wrap Up and Next Steps
(Lucy Rechel) Discussion around whether it is appropriate for Committee to recommend to Operating Committee that Sustainability Research extension request be approved.
Lucy Rechel made a motion for the Freedom to Operate committee to recommend that the Operating Committee approve extension of the Sustainability Research tactic.
Lavinia Sartwelle seconded the motion.
The motion carried.
There was a motion to adjourn the meeting by Tamara Ogilvie.
Chuck Kiker seconded the motion.
The motion carried.
The committee adjourned at 10:27 a.m.
CC: Camille Reents by September 30, 2014
FTO Committee, S2014, Page 1 of 2