Saturday 7th April 2018
Dean Close School, Hatherley Road, Cheltenham GL51 6EP
1 / Senior Boys / Under 25 / 10m, turning targets – 1 hand / 4 mins / 3000m
2 / Senior Girls / Under 25 / 10m, turning targets – 1 hand / 3 mins / 1500m
3 / Junior Boys / 14 years and under / 7m, turning targets – 1 hand / 3 mins / 1500m
4 / Junior Girls / 14 years and under / 7m, turning targets – 1 hand / 3 mins / 1500m
5 / Mini Boys / 11 years and under / 7m, turning targets 2 hands / 2 mins / 1000m
6 / Mini Girls / 11 years and under / 7m, turning targets – 2 hands / 2 mins / 1000m
7 / Tadpoles Boys & Girls / 8 and 9 years (minimum 8 yrs on day) / 7m, static targets – 2 hands / 2 mins / 1000m
8 / Beanies Triathlon
Boys & Girls / Under 8 years / Beanbag Throwing / 2 mins / 500m
9 / Beanies
Biathlon / Under 8 years / Beanbag Throwing / 500m
Teams of 3 or 4, the best 3 scores to count
(The organiser will create teams, including mixed gender, where appropriate.)
All competitors must be members of a Pony Club
Entry Fee:£16.00 per competitor. Class 8 £12.00 Class 9 £10.00
£30.00 for 2 in same family, £40.00 for 3 in same family, £52.00 for 4 in same family
Closing date for Entries: Thursday 29th March 2018
Cheques payable to: COTSWOLD HUNT PONY CLUB (CHPC)
Entries to:Mrs Katie May, Brooklands, Greenhouse Lane, Painswick, Glos, GL6 6SE
Tel: 07802787671 Email:
Prizes: Rosettes:1st – 6th individual in each class
1st- 6th teams in Classes 1 – 9
Medal to winner of each phase
Rosettes to all competitors in Class 7 & 8
The competition will be run in accordance with the Pony Club Rules for Tetrathlon 2018
And objections to be made by team manager only and will be entertained for a maximum of half an hour after the scores are put up on the board to cut down on waiting time before prize giving.
Shooting:CHPC will adhere to all rules so please ensure your competitors are familiar with them.
No person under 18yrs may be responsible for, or carry a gun. Guns must be stored in their boxes and locked in a secure place. They should be brought to the shooting tables in their boxes and only unboxed at the start of the detail. Substantial shoes that do not reach the ankle bone, but which cover the whole foot e.g. trainers must be worn.
Protective or prescription glasses are recommended at all levels and are mandatory for shooting at 7 metres. Any type of sound producing, or communication system is prohibited. Sound reducing devices (ear defenders or ear plugs), visors, caps, eye patches, corrective lenses or filters may be worn.
Any breach of safety rules will result in disqualification.
Swimming: Swimming aids will be allowed for Class 8 only. One coach/parent only at the end of the pool. Attention is drawn to the ASA advice contained in the Tetrathlon rule book. All footwear to be removed on entering the poolside area. Competitors and team managers can sit pool side but only on one side of the pool. Seating will therefore be limited. We kindly ask that parents use the viewing gallery and not take up seats for use of the competitors.
Running:A Competitor may be given instructions, encouragement or information whilst running but it is forbidden for anyone to run with or near him or act as a pacemaker. A penalty of 30 seconds will be incurred for each breach of this rule. Rule 31b pg36 PC Tet rule book 2018
The organisers of this event have taken reasonable precaution to ensure the health and safety of everyone present. For these measures to be effective everyone must take all reasonable steps to avoid and prevent accidents occurring. Instructions of the organisers, officials and stewards are to be obeyed.
Neither the organisers nor any person acting on their behalf accept any liability for any loss, damage, accident, injury or illness to competitors, spectators or any other person or property whatsoever.
Application for entry to the competition constitutes acceptance of these conditions.
Refreshments by CJG Catering will be available
Entries close Thursday 29th March 2018