Service Learning Spring 2006
Searchable Online Contact Information and Computer Advisement
Client: A Woman’s Place (AWP)
February 12, 2007
Ting Chou ()
Martin Sanchez ()
Rafael Granados ()
Alex Chow ()
Ashley Chiang ()
Bryan Chiem ()
Robert Rios-Rios ()
Executive Summary
UC Merced’s Engineering Service Learning – A Woman’s Place (ESL-AWP) is a educational program dedicated to helping and aiding the development of A Women’s Place (AWP) throughout the Central Valley. Our main goal this semester is to continue modifying the organization’s technological systems (i.e., computers, website, and database).
AWP helps aid battered women and their children by providing shelter and training to get them back on their feet. Additionally, the organization also serves as a hotline for all women with any questions or concerns.
With the available funds from AWP, we plan on purchasing a server that will be used to centralize and organize their information, which will allow for a more convenient access for all employees. Additionally the server will host their website and in return cut costs.
With our newly formed team, we hope to continue building the PLONE-based website for the organization and start a secure database where AWP certified employees can access their information easily. We also hope to alleviate any technical difficulties present at their headquarters here in Merced, CA. Our plan is to link all the computers together on a secure network and to get all their systems to be operational. If permissible, we may implement Linux on their personal computers as well.
With these works in progress, AWP faculty will be able to effectively communicate within their network, and easily access information from a secure database.
Table of Contents
Executive Summary...... 2
Table of Contents...... 3
Introduction...... 4
Project Descriptions...... 5
Team Organization...... 9
Project Planning – Schedule...... 9
Resources and Needs...... 10
A Women's Place of Merced County (AWP) is a non-profit organization that has been serving the County of Merced for years. The organization's mission is to eliminate sexual assault and domestic violence and to provide aid and shelter to the victims. Due to the sensitive information that AWP handles, the organization is looking for ways to maximize efficiency in electronic communication between their five facilities in Merced County. The organization's five facilities are spread out between the communities of Merced and Los Banos. Additionally, there is a warehouse located in Atwater to store clothing and other necessary supplies. The current standard form of communication with each of the five facilities is via cellular phone. Using the Plone site for communicating and recording the interactions between the offices and the shelters would be much simpler. This Engineering Service Learning team will focus on helping optimize communication between the different offices and staff members. The first portion is to purchase a server where AWP can store their client information and archives. The second portion is to continue implementing the prototype database where the AWP personnel and clients can look up information, such as contacts, more efficiently and in an easier interface. The third portion is to revise AWP current website so it is up to date.
Description of Project Tasks
Last fall the UC Merced Service Learning Team assessed the current computer network set up of A Woman’s Place's main office in Merced. In addition developing a directory prototype, the team was able to set up ten working computers that were donated to the A Woman’s Place. Over all ESL-AWP had the task of doing everything necessary to make each computer work efficiently and be useful for AWP’s personnel. Additionally the team has tried using a content management system, known as Plone, to develop a more efficient and accessible website.
ESL-AWP presented what the teams have done over the last few semesters to A Woman’s Place’s Board of Directors to request for funds to purchase a computer. The Board of Directors then approved the team’s request and managed to allocate 600 dollars. The team quickly researched into what would be the best buy for the money. Since they were planning setting up a server, the team found it beneficial to purchase a monitor and operating system. When the server is purchased, we will be able to use the Zope server application which is the cross platform allowing the team to use Linux. The team recommended to buy XSERIES 306M SS server which was about $668 before tax.
This semester, ESL-AWP will continue to assist primarily in aiding A Woman’s Place to install and implement technological applications for their organizational and safety purposes. We will also be aiming to successfully create a computerized network within their organization that will satisfy their technological objectives. Some of our project’s tasks that will help achieve our goals will be repairing some of their old computers, make sure their computer infrastructure is functioning smoothly, and training them to use Linux as an operating system for their computers or server if necessary. We will also aim to purchase a server by the end of this semester.
There were ten computers donated to A Woman’s Place last semester. Most of them have been updated; however, a few remain unfixed. Our team proposes that we finally get all computers up and running. In addition to working computers, we hope to repair any problems with printers or other computer accessories. ESL-AWP would like to help in maintaining the computer infrastructure by assisting them in technical problems on their computers and installing updated software.
If we successfully purchase a server, we propose implementing a new operating system, in hopes that it will allow for easier use. Introducing Linux to AWP is an option, if they choose to use it as an operating system. We will also plan to continue building up a computer network for them such as, construction of their website, creating a security network for their database and files, and enabling all their computers to have online accessibility. By completing all these individual tasks, we will reach our objectives that focus on establishing A Women’s Place as a technologically advanced non-profit organization.
ESL-AWP has on going tasks that will go beyond the end of this semester. In order to pass on our current progress and information we need to keep ESL-AWP’s website as up to date as possible to maintain the continuous efforts to help AWP. Hopefully by the end of this semester, our website that organizes our groups infrastructure will be completed.
1. Updating AWP Website
· Give AWP an opportunity to take advantage of the Internet.
· Make their website more useful
2. Synchronize all computers
· All computers need to be fixed and updated
· Networks and printers fixed and working properly
· Double check infrastructure
3. Purchasing a Server
· Domain name
· Finding space for their server and a main computer
4. Directory Prototype
· Give AWP more organization with their current data
5. Plone Website
· Develop the prototype (open source nothing is needed)
· Create a Custom security flow
· Find server space from
· If we use a designated computer as a server we will need an unused computer
Team Organization
Leader: Ting Chou
Communications Officer: Martin Sanchez
Recorder: Alex Chow
Information Technician: Bryan Chiem
Documentation Specialist: Ashley Chiang
Webmaster: Rafael Granados
Security: Robert Rios-Rios
All team members will contribute the team tasks.
Resources Needed
· Access to current website
· Computer lab for preliminary tests of the systems before implementing them on AWP’s computers.
· One of the newly donated computers to test install before we implement it.
· An unused computer to make a server.
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