Blue Badge Check List



The purpose of the blue badge checklist is to enable you to become familiar with the Rotary Club of Reno, Central, other members of the club, and other Rotary Clubs in the Reno-Sparks area. We have discovered that people are more active in the club if they make an effort to learn about our club and other clubs in the area. If you work on completing all of the tasks/events listed in the checklist as soon as possible, you will soon feel you are a part of the club.

Once you have completed the checklist, your temporary red badge will be replaced with a permanent blue badge.


Your sponsor should help you with any questions you have. Your sponsor is not required to complete the checklist events with you (for example, your sponsor is not required to attend a board meeting with you), but your sponsor should be willing to do so if you request his or her assistance. As you complete each item on the checklist, simply mark the date on which it was completed.

You should complete the checklist no later than four months after your induction into the club. Once you have completed all tasks, advise your sponsor and club president and arrangements will be made to obtain your blue badge.


Perfect attendance for The task is perfect attendance for 3 mos.

3 mos You do not have to have perfect attendance

at our club. If you attend a meeting at any

other Rotary club, that will qualify you for

perfect attendance. If you have any questions

about which makeups will qualify you for

perfect attendance, simply ask your sponsor

or the club president.


Attend a meeting at The other clubs in the Reno-Sparks area meet Date of 1st

two other Reno-Sparks as follows: visit:

clubs (makeup meetings) Club Day Location

Reno Monday @ noon Harrahs

Sparks Wednesday @noon John Ascuaga’s

Nugget (noon) Date of 2nd


South Thursday @ noon Atlantis

Reno Friday @ 7AM Airport Plaza Hotel


New Mon @ 6PM The Grill @

Generations The Eldorado

Reno Tuesday @ 6PM Tamarack

Centennial Junction


Sparks Thusday @ 7AM Resort

Centennial @ Redhawk


Give a vocational talk A vocational talk is a short speech

to the club (no more than 3 minutes) to the club

members given at one of the club meetings.

The talk should focus on your occupation.

While the club members will want to know

more about you and your family, the purpose

for the vocational talk is to learn more

about your profession.

To schedule your vocational talk, simply

arrange it with the club president.

Serve as a greeter As a greeter, you merely greet all club 1st date as a

for two meetings members and guests at the sign in table. greeter:

This will give you an opportunity to personally

meet all members of the club and many 2nd date as a

regular visitors from local clubs greeter:


Attend a Board of The club has a Board of Directors which

Directors meeting generally determine what the club will be doing

each year. Oftentimes, you will learn more about

the club and about Rotary by attending a board


The Board meets once a month. The day of the

month and the location of the meeting is determined

by the president. If your sponsor doesn’t know when the

Board meets, ask the president.

Assist in planning The club frequently has social and community

or organizing at least functions which are intended to encourage club

one special function camaraderie and, at times, benefit the community.

The events may include a picnic, a blood drive,

a fundraiser, a club dinner, special community

events around the holidays, etc. Ask your sponsor

or the club president which events are going to be

held in the near future and get involved.

Name Date

Obtain 10 signatures 1.

from club 2.

members other 3.

than your 4.

sponsor 5.




