RK.LA - LANGUAGE ARTS RK.LA.RR - Reading Readiness
Nov Mar June
1 - Identifies upper case letters (of 26)2 - Identifies lower case letters (of 26)
3 - Gives sound for letter symbol (of 15)
4 - Blends sounds into words
5 - Hears and produces rhyming words
6 - Looks at books for enjoyment
7 - Demonstrates proper book handling
8 - Tracks words left to right
9 - Identifies high-frequency words (of 25)
10 - Reads high-frequency words in books
11 - Uses pictures to make predictions about story content
12 - Participates in book sharing with peers
13 - Shows understanding of story through discussion/retelling
14 - Reads books with repetitive phrases
15 - Reads emergent Kindergarten books
RK.LA.WR - Writing Readiness
Nov Mar June
1 - Prints full name in proper form2 - Forms alphabet letters correctly
3 - Writes left to right
4 - Uses words from the Word Wall
5 - Spells high frequency words correctly
6 - Uses spaces between words
7 - Uses capitals appropriately
8 - Uses punctuation at the end of a sentence
9 - Plans own sentences
10 - Writes own sentences using invented spelling
11 - Reads back own sentences
RK.LA.FM - Fine Motor
Nov Mar June
1 - Draws and colors pictures with detail2 - Uses correct pencil grip
3 - Size of letters or numbers is controlled
4 - Holds and uses scissors properly
5 - Cuts with accuracy
RK.LS.KA - Life Skills and Guidelines that Support Learning
Nov Mar June
1 - Caring: feels and shows concern for others2 - Common Sense: uses good judgment
3 - Cooperation: works together towards a common goal
4 - Courage: does the right thing
5 - Curiosity: Investigates and seeks understanding of one's world
6 - Effort: demonstrates personal best
7 - Flexibility: alters plans when necessary
8 - Friendship: treats people right
9 - Initiative: chooses to do what needs to be done
10 - Integrity: acts according to what's right and wrong
11 - Organization: keeps things orderly and ready to use
12 - Patience: waits calmly for someone or something
13 - Perseverance: to keep at it
14 - Pride: satisfaction from doing one's personal best
15 - Problem Solving: creates solutions to everyday problems
16 - Resourcefulness: responds to challenges in creative ways
17 - Responsibility: is accountable for one's actions
18 – Sense of Humor: to laugh and be playful without hurting others
19 - Trustworthiness: does the right thing when no one is watching
20 - Truthfulness: is honest about things and feelings
21 - Active Listening: listens with attention
22 - No Put-Downs: does not use words or actions to hurt others
23 - Personal Best: does one's best consistently
RK.MA - Mathematics
Nov Mar June
Number Sense1 - Recognizes numerals 0-10
2 - Recognizes numerals 11-20
3 - Correctly forms numbers
4 - Demonstrates one-to-one correspondence
5 - Reads any number from 0-100
6 - Writes any number from 0-100
1 - Counts to 100
2 - Counts backwards from 20
3 - Performs interrupted verbal counting to 50
1 - Identifies basic shapes
2 - Recognizes symmetry
4 - Recognizes basic colors
5 - Sorts objects by color, shape, size or kind
6 - Recognizes patterns
7 - Forms and repeats patterns
1 - Identifies the penny, nickel, dime and quarter
2 - Tells time on an analog clock to the hour
1 - Interprets a picture graph
2 - Counts tally marks
1 - Explains an addition story
2 - Explains a subtraction story
4 - Makes reasonable estimate of objects