Princeton Municipal light department
p o box 247
168 worcester rd
princeton ma 01541
TeL: 978-464-2815
FAX: 978-464-5377
MARCH 9, 2016
The meeting was called to order at 5:06 PM.
Present were: Commissioner/Chairman, Jim Whitman, Commissioner Tim Cochrell, and PMLD General Manager, Brian Allen. Commissioner Chris Conway was absent.
The Board voted unanimously in favor (2-0) to accept the March 9, 2016agenda as presented.
Meeting Minutes:
- The Board voted unanimously in favor (2-0) to approve the February 17, 2016regularmeeting minutes as presented.
PMLD Financials:
- Bank Balances - The Board reviewed the bank balances as of March 9, 2016. The Citizen’s Bank Operating account has a balance of $168K, the Depreciation account has a balance of $413K, the MMDT Savings account has a balance of $804K, the Unibank Operating account has a balance of $29K and the Meter Deposit account has a balance of $30K. All bills are being paid in a timely manner.
- 2016 Year-to-Date Working Budget – The Board reviewed the 2016working budget analysis spreadsheet dated 03/09/2016 (a copyis placed on file). The target measure for revenue and expenses through February is 16.68%. Total revenue is on target and expenses are slightly under budget at this time. PMLD is still waiting on some February invoices. Building & Office Maintenance expense is currently over target due to the reorganization of the stock room, however no other building projects are planned and the costs incurred are still within budget. Outside Vendors expense is over target at this time too because of annual payments due for NEPPA dues, insurance premiums, and lineman school/training classes; however the costs were anticipated and still within budget.
Unfinished Business:
- North Turbine Status Update–Mr. Allen explained that RM Wilson is still waiting on parts which they hope to have this month. The repair work will be scheduled once RM Wilson has all the parts.
- Termination of Membership in the MMLDWECC –Mr. Allen shared that the MMLDWECC Board of Directors will hold its final meeting on Thursday, March 10, 2016 with Attorney Scobbo to go through the necessary legal paperwork and voting requirements to terminate PMLD’s membership in the Cooperative.
New Business:
- Contingency Plan to provide Princeton with an Alternative Electric Distribution Feed from National Grid–Chairman Whitman and Mr. Allen discussed alternative feeds from National Grid to Princeton from access points on Gates Rd/Hubbardston Rd, Sterling Rd and Worcester Rd. They acknowledged that National Grid’s substation that currently serves Princeton is in National Grid territory in Westminster and fed up Mountain Rd to Princeton. Mr. Allen explained Princeton’scurrent infrastructure and how it could be tied into another feed from National Grid. Everyone acknowledged that PMLD would incur costs to upgrade #2 copper lines, equipment, and hardware if an alternative feed was established. Chairman Whitman asked Mr. Allen to contact National Grid, discuss the idea of a contingency plan for Princeton, find out the reliability of the current substation and pull together cost estimates and scope of work for the Board.
At 5:21 PM the Board voted unanimously in favor (2-0) to adjourn.
Respectfully Submitted,
Christine Trudeau
Recording Secretary
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