Port Cove Condo Association Board Meeting Minutes
Location: 300 Bowl, Waterford Michigan 48328
February 9, 2018
Call to Order: The meeting was convened at 6:30 p.m.
Establish Quorum: Quorum met with 5 attending Board members.
Attending: Samantha Thwaites, Howard Silverman and Gene Kroll,
(By phone in) Nick Pranis, Ron Fenton and Land Arc Property Management representatives; Sasha Clark. Absent: Teresa Qurioz
Co-owner Concerns:
Gerald Ivey (#2). Gerald Ivey inquired why the legal fees went up substantially from the year before and asked if we were in litigation. He was informed that we were being sued. He was informed by Sasha that the documents are available as a matter of public record. He further inquired as to whether he would be able to see the information going back and forth between the attorneys and Sasha noted that she would get that information for him.
Daniel Schwarz (#4). Danny Schwarz acknowledged that he was the one that had brought a lawsuit. He did not describe the suit other than to say that he felt it was extortion that he was not able to view documents that any co-owner should have been able to view. He noted that because it was in litigation which required all of us to pay an attorney for information that he had every right to see.
Daniel Schwarz (#4). Daniel Schwarz inquired as to why the maintenance fees head increased. Sam responded to let him know that the fees went up for a couple reasons; one dealing with a 35 year old community that things are starting to go wrong. Second, we added an on-site maintenance person who is an independent contractor so we're not paying outrageous fees and third that we had approximately $1 million coming up in the next 10 years for improvements that we're going to happen that we needed and we do not have the reserve so the extra money also is going in to build up the reserves.
Gerald Ivey (#2). Gerald Ivey asked about the $30,000 a line item listed under workman's comp in the original budget. It was explained to him that it was a typo and that another budget went out with the letter and he and others responded by saying that they hadn't received it.
Gerald Ivey (#2). Gerald Ivey asked why the financials were different in December and wanted to know if the
$12,000 that came from the reserves was an addition to the $40,000 for the beach project. He was informed that was actor the last payment of the $40,000.
Brian Masserman (#16). Brian noted that he would have liked to see a lot more transparency especially when it came to the raising of the association fees. He felt it should have been something that was brought to the Co- owner's prior to raising them. He brought the point that he thought the association fees being raised affect the property values. He also noted that he would like to see some resort-style amenities such as hot tub. He noted that he would not mind paying assessments and thought that assessments would be better to be paid then raising the dues.
Brian Masserman (#16). Brian along with Gerald Ivey felt that but they wanted to see a more detailed spreadsheet and ledger regarding all of the different categories. In addition Brian asked if he would have to get
association approval to put his water softener in. He was informed he would need to submit the modification since it runs through the common elements and that the board would approve it.
Brian Masserman (#16). Brian inquired about the snow service. He was informed that the snow service was on the agenda for the evening and that the reason that we had made the changes of yet was the difficulty in finding a company that would actually pick up the snow service for the rest of the year. He was informed that we were reviewing 5 proposals and hoped to choose a new company that evening.
Daniel Schwarz (#4). Danny noted that he thought that the motion should be made by the board to make the general ledger easily accessible. Rather than the procedure that person had to go through to get to see it at Landark.
Daniel Schwarz (#4). Danny voiced his concern for the water that dripping down from the over the doors of the ranches. He was especially concerned with his neighbor who is elderly that if she walked out and slipped could really hurt her. He was asked if there were work orders put in and he noted multiple work orders but nothing's been than done. Gerald Ivey agreed. They both felt that there should be a heat tape put above the doors.
Michael Banarman (#45). Michael Bannerman reported that he's had a work order in since he since December noting that there's water coming in to his unit that destroyed the drywall. He noted that Landarc was familiar with it and brought in dryers and removed the drywall off and noted that the rest of it was up to him. The problem is at the source of the leak is still not been resolved. There was a question regarding heat tape but Nick noted that he cost for the heat tape is about $70,000 for the high-rises but then the real feet real cost comes into actually running electric to it and heating it.
Michelle Banarman (#45). Michelle reported that she was told that we had a relatively high delinquency rate something to the tune of 15%. We explained to her that there were three that were on the books at one time that were all resolved. One was a mistake by the title company. A second was somebody that had passed away that we could not collect on and the third one was a repair that the insurance company has since paid. She was assured that our delinquency ratio was actually quite low.
Brian Masserman (#16). Brian expressed his concern about the Landarc whether they were the right company for us. Brian was assured that Landarc actually is a good company but that we found that the problem was with our communication with Landarc. It was noted that the reason we put different procedures in place was to make the communication back and forth that allowed them to do their job and hopefully get everything straightened out of the complex. That was the actual reason that we put somebody on site so that we can take care of these communication problems get things done quicker.
Open Sharing Session Closed: 7:15 p.m. Co-owners were thanked for their input and invited to stay but reserve comment.
Presentations & Reports of Officers:
Secretary Report: Meeting minutes of the November 29, 2017 PCCA Board meeting were prepared by Gene Kroll and reviewed by the board. Samantha Thwaites made a motion to accept the minutes, seconded by Ron Fenton. the board approved the minutes unanimously.
Financial Report— Samantha Thwaites reported that she and Landarc had worked to correct the budget. She noted that the on-site maintenance person replaced the line item that had been described as workman’s comp. She also noted that the electrical for the ranches was corrected. Sasha noted that financially we were right on budget for last year.
- Alteration/Modification Reviews: None toreview.
- There are 5 proposals to replace Park Services. Of the 5, only Lasting Impressions is willing to take on the snow contract for the balance of this year but only if they are awarded the lawn as well. We do not have a quote for the snow removal for the balance of this year but should have it early next week. Park Services is required 15 days’ notice to break the contract. We are paid through February. We currently have 10,880 remaining for the snow contract. The proposal are asfollows:
Company / Snow / Lawn / Total
Lasting Impressions / 28,750 / 27,865 / 56,615
Franks / 24,375 / 21,135 / 45,510
Ellisons / 21,300 / 32,650 / 53,950
Brightview / 33,358 / 42,871 / 76,229
A & R / 34,800 / 33,950 / 68,750
Co-owners attendance closed:7:40 p.m. Co-owners were thanked for their patience and notified that the board would be discussing co-owners sensitive material and to have a pleasant balance of the evening.
New Business / General Discussion 7:45 PM
Executive session:
Delinquencies were discussed but since the co-owners were allowed to be late due to the increase, there were no delinquencies.
Equity Experts – Summary Status Report was presented and reviewed. Violation: None open.
Litigation Activities: 3537 Port Cove Litigation Related Activities: The Association proceeded with remedia- tion of the crawlspace as part of its overall effort to address conditions at this unit. The Association reserved the right to back charge the Co-owner(s) of 3537 Port Cove for remedial work and repairs related to their actions, inactions, omissions, neglect, lack of maintenance, etc.
Open Director Seat: At this time, there are no nominations. The board remains at 6 directors. Motions:
A motion was discussed to add 750.00 for 3 extra treatments to the existing Arboretum contract at the cost of
250.00 per treatment.
The motion passed 6-0.
A motion was discussed to remove the existing cleaning service for buildings 2, 3 & 5 and award the contract to Mrs. Eraser. The quote was for 1400.00 per month. The quote was an annual quote. Landarc was asked to issue a 3 year contract if there was a savings to the association.
The motion passed 6-0.
A motion was discussed to change the existing fire suppression system to cellular. Changing to cellular would allow us to cancel the land line. The motion was made to award the contract to Dyck. The quote was for 3500.00 for the units and installation and 45.00 per month per building to monitor.
The motion passed 6-0.
A motion was discussed to remove the existing snow and lawn service (Park Services) and replace them imme- diately with Lasting Impressions provided that Lasting Impressions takes on the snow service for the balance of this season which includes the balance of February, March and April. The fee for snow removal is not to exceed 12,000.00.
The motion passed 6-0.
Lasting Impressions responded on the 12th with a cost of 13,500.00. The board voted to accept the higher price with a vote of 5-1 on 2/12/2018.
The board discussed communications between Bob Green, Theresa and Landarc and decided to provide Bob with a tablet and a new email address specifically for Port Cove. The tablet is to cost under 200.00 and will re- main the property of Port Cove. The board agreed.
Work Order & Service Log: There was no discussion regarding open work orders. Adjourn: 8:58 p.m.
Next scheduled meeting is March 28, 2018 at 300 Bowl.