Room Parent Procedures: Bell’s Crossing Elementary
BCES PTA Website:
Thank you for volunteering to serve as a Room Parent in your child’s classroom this year. I hope the following information will benefit you as you serve. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to ask. (All of this information is also available on the PTA website under the Parent Info then Room Parents links:
Basic Responsibilities:
- Assist the teacher in coordinating class volunteers/parties/special events.
- Per teacher request/needs, organize a monthly volunteer calendar. This may include:
- Lunch Relief
- SEEDS (K5-3rd)
- Accelerated Reader (AR) – especially in the younger grades, volunteers may be needed to read w/ the students or help them take quizzes on the computer.
- Computer Lab (turn on the computers or assist children w/ questions)
- Miscellaneous Items (Copying, Laminating, Cutting, Pulling Worksheets, Bulletin Boards, etc.)
Note: Many teachers have parents sign up for volunteer opportunities at Meet-the-Teacher and will pass this on to you. You may have to send out a separate email outlining these opportunities and have parents respond with their volunteer interests.
- Assist teacher in planning class parties/special events:
- Classroom parties are scheduled twice a year: usually the day before winter break and the last full day of school before summer break – always confirm party dates/times with your teacher.
- Always coordinate party details with the teacher first! This year Bell’s Crossing will once again follow the Healthy Nutrition Program. As a part of this program, teachers have been asked to plan “balanced classroom parties” – a healthy balance of food, drink, and activities. Therefore, most parties will include:
- Balanced snacks/drinks: for example, if a sugary snack is provided, balance it w/ a healthy option as well (fruit, pretzels, etc) or provide low-sugar drinks.
- Physical activities/games: provided is a condensed list of class party games/activities. More activities and sample balanced party ideas can be found at the Bell’s Crossing PTA website,
- Some teachers may also want to include a craft or treat bag (again opt for healthier treats/goodies whenever possible).
- Per teacher request, coordinate special events/celebrations (e.g. class meeting quarterly AR goal).
- Please do not try to “do” class parties/special events all by yourself! Ask the other parents in the class to send in items and/or attend the party to help with the activities. (Many room parents are now using SignUpGenius to have parents sign up for needed items/snacks, but email works just as well.)
- Establish parent communication via emails, hard copies, or phone calls.
(Most communication will be via email; however, if there is a family in your class who does not have email, or has chosen not to share their email address with you, please communicate important information to them via hard copies sent home w/ the student or phone calls).
- Relay classroom information to other classroom parents (volunteer schedule; teacher requests/needs; party info; etc.).
- Relay PTA information to other classroom parents. (When the PTA needs to communicate information to parents, we will send you an email first and ask you to forward it on to the parents in your class.)
- Important Communication Reminders:
- Teachers must receive permission from other parents before they can pass on their contact information to you. Teachers were asked to display a Room Parent Email List Opt-out form at Meet-the-Teacher, to include this option as part of their student information form, or to send an email asking for this info. If you have not already received an approved parent email list from your teacher, please ask your teacher to send out an email to the class parents to verify whose/what (email and/or phone) contact information you may have. Only after you have permission, may you start contacting your class parents.
- When you send out mass emails to the class, parents’ email addresses must be hidden from others’ view;therefore, list all email addresses as a blind carbon copy (BCC).
- When composing emails, please be sure to be courteous, polite, factual, and upbeat. Always thank parents for volunteering and/or sending in requested items.
- Please make sure that you welcome new students and their parents. Make an effort to get contact information for this family so you can include them in class activities!
- Compile a Class Directory.
- There will not be a school wide directory this year. Instead, each room parent is being asked to create a class directory:
- Formulate an email or hard copy questionnaire asking parents if they would like their information to be included in the classroom directory. Have them provide what information can be included (email, phone, and/or address).
- Ensure parents this info will only be shared with other classroom parents (for example, as a reference for birthday invitations).
- After all information is received, create a table/spreadsheet with the permitted participants/contact information. Send out a copy to parents via email and/or hard copy.
- Promote/assist with Staff Appreciation Luncheons & Staff Appreciation Week (SAW).
- Staff Appreciation Week: 2/23-2/27/15
- We recognize the hard work of our teachers and staff with small gifts and other activities during this special week.
- Staff Appreciation Luncheons:
- Fall: 11/7/14 -tailgate food items & dessert
- Spring: 4/24/15 - salads & dessert
- You will receive an email prior to each of these events outlining any volunteer requests and the schedule of events. Simply forward this information to your other classroom parents.
- You may also be asked to coordinate lunch coverage for your teacher on these days.
School Rules:
- Respect all school rules. Refer to the guidelines found in the school handbook.
- Remember the teacher is the head of the classroom at all times! All disciplinary issues should be directed to the teacher.
- The teacher must approve everything coordinated by the room parent. (It is a good idea to copy the teacher on any emails you send to the class parents.)
- Please remember that all information regarding students, staff, families, or other volunteers should remain confidential.
- If possible, please do not bring younger siblings when volunteering in the classroom.
- Always signin at the front office! Please sign in under the correct activity…we track volunteer hours to turn in to the school district.
Money Notes:
- Per district policy, there is a $25 limit on individual teacher gifts.
- When collecting money for parties, teacher gifts, etc., please have parents directly give or mail money to you rather than sending it through children.
What to do now?
- Schedule a meeting with your teacher as soon as possible to discuss her volunteer needs and what responsibilities she would like to give you as a room parent.
- Ask her to complete the attached Teacher Questionnaire and share this info with the other class parents. (These are especially beneficial for teacher gifts and SAW.) Note: This form is also available at the PTA website, . It may be easier to have your teacher complete an electronic version and then forward it on to the other parents.
- Discuss Open House with your teacher ASAP! Open House is Monday, September 8, 6:30-8:00pm. Your teacher may like you to address the other parents at Open House. Things to discuss:
- Introduce yourself and give a brief description of your role as a room parent (e.g. assist the teacher in coordinating class volunteers/special events and communicating important info from the PTA).
- If you do not have a class email list by Open House, ask parents to provide you with their email address and/or phone number before they leave so you can communicate with them throughout the year.* Remember: This info must remain confidential, unless given permission otherwise from that parent, so you will need to write this info down so that others cannot see it. Use the form provided if desired.
- Ask parents to provide you with their email address, phone number, and/or street address if they wish to participate in the class directory.*
* See Sample Forms
Thanks again for all you will do at Bell’s Crossing this year! Please feel free to contact me at any time with questions, comments, or concerns!
Teacher Questionnaire
Please fill out this questionnaire and return it to your room parent so that your parents can learn a little more about you!
Name ______
Phone ______Email ______
Birthday ______Monogram ______
Foods ______Sweets ______
Candy ______Drinks ______
Flower ______Color ______
Restaurants ______Stores ______
Hobbies and Interests
Gift Certificates I Would Like
- ______
- ______
- ______
I wish I had more ______and ______for my classroom.
I do not need any more ______.
If I could be pampered for an entire day, I would most like ______.
Thanks for taking the time to help us get to know you better!
Room Parent Contact Form
By signing this form, I give the teacher permission to pass my contact information on to the room parent for relaying class/teacher/school/PTA information.
Please only check if the teacher can give your email and/or phone # to the room parent. Do not write these on this form if you do not want others to see your information.
Parent(s) NameStudent NameEmailPhone #
Class Directory Information
If you would like to participate in the class directory, please provide what information you want included in the directory below. Note: This information will only be shared with other families in our class. There is no school wide directory this year.
Student Name Parent(s) NameAddressPhone #Email Address